Kings of Thrace. Lysimachos, 305-281 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 30 mm, 17.23 g, 1 h), Lampsakos, 297/6-282/1. Diademed head of Alexander the Great to right with horn of Ammon over his ear. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena seated to left on throne, leaning her left elbow on her shield and holding Nike, crowning the king's name, in her right; behind, transverse spear; to inner left, monogram of ΔΞ; below throne, crescent with points to left. Thompson 49. Attractive, with a fine portrait in high relief. Extremely fine.
From a Swiss collection, acquired from the Monetarium of SKA on 13 August 1986.