SICILY. Syracuse. Deinomenid Tyranny, 485-466 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24 mm, 16.90 g, 7 h). Charioteer driving a quadriga walking to right; above Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣVRΑ-ΚΟΣΙΟ-Ν Head of Arethusa to right, wearing necklace and pearl diadem, and with her hair tied in a krobylos; around, four dolphins swimming clockwise to right. Boehringer 166.10 (V73/R115, this coin). Well centred and toned example. Stuck from a worn obverse die. About very fine.
From the collection of W.F. Stoecklin, Amriswil, Switzerland, acquired from Egger in Vienna, 1929 and ex Naville 10, 15 June 1925, 265.