Bulk Lot of Books on Medals
Various. BOOKS ON MEDALS. A large group of around fifty publications. Includes: Jean Babelon's 1927 La médaille et les médailleurs, 1946 Portraits en médaille and 1959 Great Coins and Medals; Francesco Arduini's 1970 Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta e il suo tempo; J.N. Van Wessem's 1988 Nederlandse penningkunst; Cyril Humphris's Pisanello to Soldani: Commemorative Medallions 1446–1710; Cornelius Von Fabriczy's Medaillen der italienischen Renaissance and 1904 Italian Medals; Paul Grotemeyer's 1971 Franz Andreas Schega 1711–1787; Daniel M. Friedenberg's 1987 Medieval Jewish Seals from Europe; C.A. Ossbahr's 1927 Mynt och medaljer slagna för främmande makter i anledning av krig mot Sverige; the National Gallery of Art's 1987 Italian Medals and 1989 Italian Plaquettes; Eduard Holzmair's 1937 Katalog der Sammlung Dr. Josef Brettauer: Medicina in Nummis; Ulrich Middeldorf's 1983 Renaissance Medals and Plaquettes; Marjorie Trusted's 1990 German Renaissance Medals: A Catalogue of the Collection in the Victoria and Albert Museum; Pier Giorgia Pasini's 1983 I Malatesti e l'arte; Monnaie de Paris's 1982 Le medaillier français; Franco Panvini Rosati's 1968 Medaglie e placchette italiane dal Rinascimento al XVIII secolo; the University of Michigan Museum of Art's 1983 Papal Medals from the Age of the Baroque; D. Schwarz's 1955 Schweizerische Medaillenkunst; Sismondo & Malatesta's 1985 Le signorie dei Malatesti; Norris & Weber's 1976 Medals and Plaquettes from the Molinari Collection at Bowdoin College; Daniel M. Friedenberg's 1970 Jewish Medals; The Jewish Museum's 1963 Great Jewish Portraits in Metal; Richard Gaettens's 1951 Der Konterfetter Hans Schwarz auf dem Reichstag zu Worms 1521 and 1955 Zum Werke des Conrat Meit von Worms: Medaillen und Medaillons; The Art Center in Hargate's 1987 Medals to Masters: Drawings and Medals, the Italian Renaissance to Modern America; Fédération Internationale de la Médaille's 1979 Médailles; J. Graham Pollard's 1985 Medaglie italiane del Rinascimento / Italian Renaissance Medals in the Museo Nazionale del Bargello, I: 1400–1530; The Fricke Collection's 1997 The Proud Republic: Dutch Medals of the Golden Age; Karl Roll's Die Schaumünzen auf die salzburger Emigration; Daniel M. Friedenberg's 1976 Jewish Minters & Medalists; Gisela Förschner's Kleinkunst in Silber: Schraubtaler und Schraub-Medaillen eine Ausstellung des Münzkabinetts; The National Portrait Gallery's 1969 Augustus Saint-Gaudens: The Portrait Reliefs; Mark Jones's 1979 The Art of the Medal; The British Museum Department of Coins and Medals's 1893 A Guide to the Exhibition of Italian Medals; Jean de Foville's Pisanello et les médailleurs italiens; G.F. Hill's 1912 Portrait Medals of Italian Artists of the Renaissance and 1923 A Guide to the Exhibition of Medals of the Renaissance in the British Museum; Cessi & Fiocco's 1960 Alessandro Vittoria Medaglista (1525–1608); Jacques Schulman's 1981 Musica in Nummis: Sammlung Mr. J.A.J. Bottenheim; Paul Grotemeyer's 1957 Daich het die Geftalt, Deutsche Bildnismedaillen; the Musei Civici di Brescia's 1974 Placchette Sec. XV–XIX Catalogo a cura di Francesco Rossi; The National Gallery of Art's 1951 Renaissance Bronzes, Statuettes, Reliefs and Plaquettes, Medals and Coins from the Kress Collection; The Art Institute of Chicago's 1944 Medals and Plaquettes from the Sigmund Morgenroth Collection; Stephen K. Scher's Perspectives on the Renaissance Medal; F. Bartolotti's 1969 Una sconosciuta medaglia del Cardinal Garampi; Giovanni Gorinis 1968 Il Museo Bottacin alla mostra del centenario dell' annessione (1866–1966); the Staatliche Museen Berlin's 1963 Plaketten, Medaillen: Italien Frankreich Deutschland; The J.B. Speed Art Museum's 1969 Sculpture in Miniature: The Andrew S. Ciechanowiecki Collection of Gilt & Gold Medals and Plaquettes; Bowdoin College Museum of Art's 1965 The Salton Collection: Renaissance & Baroque Medals & Plaquettes; Richard Hoe Lawrence's 1964 The Paduans: Medals by Giovanni Cavino; the Badischen Landesmuseums Karlsruhe's 1969 Medaillen der Renaissance und des Barock; Otto Louis Schreiber's 1951 Martin Luther and the Reformation in Numismatic Art during Four and One Half Centuries; Diusburger Museumsverein's 1927 Die deutsche Medaille in ihrer Entwicklung; the Kunsthalle zu Hamburg's 1921 Medaillen der italienischen Renaissance. A large group of works on medals of varying formats. Generally very good or better with a few exceptions. A highly interesting group of publications. While none of them are particularly valuable in a monetary sense, their value as a group is considerable in terms of the information they contain.