Bulk Lot on Modern World Numismatics
Various. BOOKS ON MODERN WORLD NUMISMATICS. A large group of works on modern world numismatics, with some U.S. content, including: John M. Kleeberg's 1992 Canada's Money and 1996 America's Large Cent; The Credit Bank's 1979 The Banknotes of Greece from 1828 until the Present Day; R.H. Burnie's 1955 Small California and Territorial Gold Coins; Forni's reprint of Proper Mailliet's 1868 Atlas des monnaies obsidionales et de nécessité (avec supplement) and Mailliet's 1870 Catalogue descriptif des monnaies obsidionales et de nécessité (with separate supplement volume); Rudolf Voglhuber's 1971 Taler und Schautaler des Erzhauses Habsburg von Erzherzog Sigismund v. Tirol 1484 bis Kaiser Franz Josef I. 1896; C. Scholten's 1953 The Coins of the Dutch Overseas Territories 1601–1948; Rodrigo Silva's 1957 Catálogo de Moedas Brasileiras de 1643 a 1957; Hans Schlumberg's 1967 Goldmünzen Europas seit 1800; J.J. North's 1960 English Hammered Coinage, Volume 2: Edward I to Charles II 1272–1662; Max Bernhart's 1923 Die Münzen und Medaillen der Stadt Kausbeuren nebst einer münzgeschichtlichen Einleitung and 1926 Die Münzen der Reichsstadt Kempten; the Svenska Numismatiska Föreningen's Numismatiska Meddelanden XXII; H. Enno van Gelder's 1955 De Nederlandse noodmunten van do tachtigharige oorlog (avec resumes en français); Peter Jaeckel's 1956 Die Münzprägungen des Hauses Habsburg 1780–1918 und der Bundesrepublik Österreich 1918–1956; the American Numismatic Society's 1958 Centennial Publication; Howard W.A. Linecar and Alex G. Stone's 1968 English Proof and Pattern Crown-Size Pieces 1658–1960; Howard W.A. Linecar's 1969 The Crown Pieces of Great Britain and the British Commonwealth of Nations 1551–1961; Gerhard Welter's 1971 and 1973 Die Münzen der Welfen seit Heinrich dem Löwen, Band II; F.W. A Schlickeysen's 1896 Erklaerung der Abkuerzungen auf Muenzen der neueren zeit des Mittelalters und des Alterthums; Victor Gadoury's 1977 Monnaies françaises 1798–1977, troisième édition; Aug. Wilh. Stiernstedt's 1872 Beskrifning ofver Svenska Kopparmynt och Polletter; Paul Jehne's 1907 Über Buchdruck-Medaillen; Philip L. Mossman's 1993 Money of the American Colonies and Confederation: A Numismatic, Economic and Historical Correlation; Cornelius Vermeule's 2007 Numismatic Art in America: Aesthetics of the United States Coinage (2nd edition); Leopoldo Lopez-Chaves's Catalogo de la Onza Española and Catalogo de las Onzas de America Independence; Elvira and Vladimir Clain-Stefanelli's The Beauty and Lore of Coins, Currency and Medals; Paul Arnold, Harald Küthmann and Dirk Steinhilber's 1974 Grosser Deutscher Münz Katalog von 1800 bis heute; Maurice M. Gould's 1960 Hawaiian Coins, Tokens and Paper Money; Norman Jacobs and Cornelius C. Vermeule's 1972 Japanese Coinage; Mark M. Salton's 1947 Dictionary of Numismatic Names; Harry Glück and C.G. Hasselblad's 1959 Artalsforteckning over Svenska Mynt med Varderingspriser; J. Eric Engstrom's 1964 Coins in Shakespeare: A Numismatic Guide; Kurt Jaeger's 1959 Die deutschen Reichsmünzen seit 1871; Robert P. Harris' 1965 A Guide Book of Modern European Coins; B.A. Seaby's Standard Catalogue of the Coins of Great Britain and Ireland, 1952 and 1956 editions; Seaby's 1949 The English Silver Coinage 1649–1949; Philip Grierson's 1966 Bibliographie numismatique; Friedrich Frhr. V. Schrötter's 1930 Wörterbuch der Münzkunde; Geoffrey M. Cope and P. Alan Rayner's 1975 The Standard Catalogue of English Milled Coinage in Silver, Copper and Bronze 1662–1972; Alexander Wenzel's 1974 Auflösungen lateinischer Legenden auf Münzen und Medaillen; Hans M.F. Schulman's 1946 Handboek van de nederlandsche Munten van 1795–1945 and 1946 Odd and Curious Money of the World: A Complete Register; Paul F. Hofer's 1937 Das Münzwesen der Schweiz seit 1850; J.G. Milne, C.H.V. Sutherland and J.D.A. Thompson's 1963 Coin Collecting; Alan M. Stahl's 2010 Money on Paper: Bank Notes and Related Graphic Arts from the Collections of Vsevolod Onyshkevych and Princeton University; Hans M.F. Schulman and H.W. Holzer's 1946 The Coin Collector's Almanac; Victor Gadoury and Frédéric Droulers's 1978 Les Monnaies royales françaises de Louis XIII à Louis XVI 1610–1792; Giacinto Cerrato's 1956 La zecca di Torino; Pedro Batalha Reis's 1963 Precário das moedas Portuguesas de 1140 a 1640; G. Werdnig's Le Osele Monete – Medaglie della Repubblica di Venezia; Wayte Raymond's 1937 The Gold Coins of North and South America and 1939 The Silver Coins of North and South America; Peter Pretsch et al.'s 2002 Vom Gulden zum Euro; H.A. Seaby's 1961 British Copper Coins and Their Values, Part I: Regal Coins; Jean-Paul Divo and Edwin Tober's 1969 Die Münzen der Schweiz; Eugène Demole and William Wavre's 1939 Histoire monétaire de Neuchâtel; R.A.G. Carson's 1962 Coins of the World and 1986 A History of the Royal Numismatic Society 1836–1986; William H. Sheldon's 1949 Early American Cents 1793–1814; L. Huszár and G. Varannai's 1977 Medicina in Nummis: Hungarian Coins and Medals Related to Medicine; Enrico Dotti and Mario Rolla's 1927 Le Monete decimali coniate in Italia; Howard R. Newcomb's 1944 United States Copper Cents 1816–1857; M.H. Bolender's 1950 The United States Early Silver Dollars from 1794 to 1803. Varying formats. Generally very good or better with a few exceptions. A large number of titles, some obscure, others essential.