Leu Numismatik AG
Web Auction 26  8-13 Jul 2023
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Lot 8

Starting price: 250 CHF
Price realized: 2400 CHF
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Julius Caesar, 49-44 BC. Denarius (Silver, 20 mm, 3.85 g, 12 h), military mint moving with Caesar in Gallia Narbonensis or Hispania Citerior, 49-48. CAESAR Elephant walking right, trampling on horned serpent. Rev. Priestly implements: simpulum, aspergillum, securis with wolf's head at the top, and apex. Babelon (Julia) 9. Crawford 443/1. CRI 9. Sydenham 1006. Beautifully toned. Struck slightly off center, otherwise, good very fine.

From the Agricola Collection, ex Peus 419, 27 April 2017, 414.
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