London – Newgate Street. Daniel Eaton (republican publisher, acquitted of sedition) Halfpenny 1795, Bust left of Eaton, rev. a cock crowing over swine, edge diagonally milled, 29mm/9.39gm. (DH 301). Good Extremely Fine, full blazing munt lustre, superb.
Daniel Eaton was tried on three of occasions for publishing seditious material - particularly for referring to George III as 'a tyrannical Gamecock' ! He was eventually found guilty of libel but managed to slip away to America where he stayed for three years and on his return to Britain served fifteen months in prison, and the destruction of his stock by fire. In 1812 he was sentenced to a further eighteen months in Newgate Prison. Before starting his sentence, he had to serve an hour in the pillory, but rather than being pelted with rotten fruit, he was cheered and showered with flowers by the crowd. At the time of issuing this token he occupied a shop at "The Cock and Swine" near St. Paul's and this is of course the emblem which is featured on this token and also could be seen as a sentiment of a republican cock crowing over royalist hogswash !