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Day 1
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Day 2
Medals from the Renaissance to Napoleon III important selection (35)
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M.T. collection, Naples from the Angevins to Francis II of Bourbon coins and medals (453)
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Nomisma Aste srl
Auction 8
16-17 Nov 2024
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closes in
33 days 8 hr 47 min
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Lot 1
Starting price:
7000 EUR
§ MACEDONIA Acanthus Tetradramma (prima del 480 a.C.) AG (g 16,87) RRR S. Cop. n. 2 SPL D/ Leone salito in groppa ad...
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Lot 2
Starting price:
3000 EUR
§ MACEDONIA Filippo II (366-359 a.C.) Statere AU (g 8,54) S. Cop. n. 530. D/ Testa laureata di Apollo a dx. R/ Biga...
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Lot 3
Starting price:
600 EUR
§ MACEDONIA Alessandro III (336-323 a.C.) Tetradramma di Anphipolis AG (g 17,12) Manca in S. Cop.; Price n. 70. D/...
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Lot 4
Starting price:
500 EUR
§ MACEDONIA (dominazione romana - 158-150 a.C.) Tetradramma AG (g 16,50) S. Cop. n. 1314. D/ Busto di Artemide a dx su...
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Lot 5
Starting price:
3000 EUR
§ ISOLE DELLA CARIA Rodi (304-189 a.C.) Tetradramma AG (g 13,28) S. Cop. n. 736 RR D/ Testa del sole quasi di fronte....
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Lot 6
Starting price:
2500 EUR
§ CARIA Satrapi Pixodaros (340-334 a.C.) Didramma AG (g 7,10) S. Cop. n. 596. Minimo colpetto al ciglio del R/ ma...
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Lot 7
Starting price:
1000 EUR
§ AEOLIDE Cyme (II-I sec. a.C.) Tetradramma AG (g 16,61) S. Cop. n. 104. D/ Testa di Apollo a dx. R/ Cavallo andante a...
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Lot 8
Starting price:
1000 EUR
§ AEOLIDE Mirina (II-I sec. a.C.) Tetradramma AG (g 16,85) S. Cop. n. 221; vol. BMC, 19 vaz. D/ Testa laureata di...
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Lot 9
Starting price:
250 EUR
§ IMPERO PERSIANO Phraates III (70-57 a.C) Dracma AG (g 4,00) Sear n. 7402; Bmc. XI,3. D/ Busto del re con tiara a...
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Lot 10
Starting price:
1600 EUR
§ TRACIA Koson (I sec. a.C.) Statere aureo - Sear 1733 AU (g 8,43) SPL-FDC
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Lot 11
Starting price:
1500 EUR
§ LUCANIA Thurium (IV sec. a.C.) Distatere AG (g 15,44) qSPL. S. Cop. n. 1428. Bella patina. D/ Testa elmata di Atena...
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Lot 12
Starting price:
800 EUR
§ Sulpicia (103-102 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 3,78) Conservazione eccezionale. D/ Teste dei penati a sx. R/ Cinghiale tra due...
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Lot 13
Starting price:
300 EUR
§ Thoria L. Thorius Balbus (100-95 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 3,87) D/ Testa di Giunone Lanuvina dx. R/ Toro a dx. B. 1; Syd....
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Lot 14
Starting price:
300 EUR
§ Antonia Q. Antonius Balbo (81 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 3,87) D/ Testa di Giove. R/ La Vittoria in quadriga a dx. B. 1;...
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Lot 15
Starting price:
400 EUR
§ Rutilia L. Rutilius Flaccus (75 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 4,23) D/ Testa elmata di Roma a dx. R/ La Vittoria in biga. B. 1;...
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Lot 16
Starting price:
700 EUR
§ Cornelia Faustus Cornelia Sulla (63-62 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 4,19) D/ Testa laureata di Venus a dx. R/ Tre trofei...
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Lot 17
Starting price:
250 EUR
§ Marcia Marcius Philippus (56 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 4,00) D/ Testa di Anco Marzio a dx. R/ Statua equestre. B. 28; Syd....
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Lot 18
Starting price:
1500 EUR
§ Pompeo Magno (106-48 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 3,80) D/ Testa di Minerva a dx. R/ Pompeo viene ricevuto dalla Spagna che...
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Lot 19
Starting price:
2500 EUR
§ Pompeo Magno (106-48 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 3,76) D/ Busto elmato di Roma a dx. R/ Gneo Pompeo a sx su prora di nave...
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Lot 20
Starting price:
1000 EUR
§ Giulio Cesare (100-44 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 3,76) D/ Testa di Venus a dx. R/ Enea con il padre Anchise sulle spalle a...
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Lot 21
Starting price:
1000 EUR
§ Giulio Cesare (100-44 a.C.) Denaro AG (g 3,93) Bellissima patina. D/ Testa di Venus a dx. R/ Trofeo con armi...
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Lot 22
Starting price:
3000 EUR
§ Marco Antonio e Ottaviano (34 a.C) Denaro AG (g 3,24) D/ Testa di Marcantonio a dx. R/ Testa di Ottaviano a dx. Ex...
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Lot 23
Starting price:
900 EUR
§ Augusto (27 a.C.-14 d.C.) Turpiliano (18 d. C.) Denaro AG (g 3,76) D/ Testa a dx. R/ "SIGNIS RECEPTIS" le insegne...
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Lot 24
Starting price:
400 EUR
§ Tiberio (14-37) Denaro AG (g 3,62) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ La Pax seduta a dx con un ramo di ulivo. C. 16. Ex...
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Lot 25
Starting price:
400 EUR
§ Claudio (41-54) Asse AE (g 12,45) Bella patina. D/ Testa a sx. R/ La Libertas a dx con pileus. C. 47. Ex asta...
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Lot 26
Starting price:
6000 EUR
§ Nerone (54-68) Sesterzio AE (g 27,67) Esemplare con ritratto eccezionale e patina verde, modesti ritocchi al R/. D/...
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Lot 27
Starting price:
300 EUR
§ Nerone (54-68) Asse AE (g 12,21) Piccole corrosioni. D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ Tempio di Giano. C. 171. Ex asta...
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Lot 28
Starting price:
150 EUR
§ Nerone (54-68) Semisse CU (g 2,84) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ Tavolo con sopra una corona. C. 63. Ex asta...
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Lot 29
Starting price:
12 000 EUR
§ Vespasiano (69-79) Aureo AU (g 7,40) D/ Testa laureata a sx. R/ COS VII, toro stante a dx. C. 116; RIC 97. Ex asta...
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Lot 30
Starting price:
7000 EUR
§ Domiziano (81-96) Aureo AU (g 7,50) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ COS V. La lupa allatta i gemelli. Esergo: una barca....
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Lot 31
Starting price:
300 EUR
§ Domiziano (81-96) Denaro AG (g 3,70) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ Pallas a sx con fulmine e asta. C. 287. Ex asta...
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Lot 32
Starting price:
400 EUR
§ Domiziano (81-96) Asse AE (g 13,92) D/ Busto laureato a dx. R/ Domiziano stante a sx in atto di libare; a dx un'ara...
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Lot 33
Starting price:
250 EUR
§ Traiano (98-117) Denaro AG (g 3,50) D/ Busto laureato a dx. R/ La Aequitas con bilancia e cornucopia. C. 467. Ex...
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Lot 34
Starting price:
250 EUR
§ Traiano (98-117) Denaro AG (g 3,00) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ L'Abundantia a sx con spighe e cornucopia. C. 467. Ex...
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Lot 35
Starting price:
800 EUR
§ Traiano (98-117) Dupondio AE (g 12,65) Bellissimo esemplare con patina verde. D/ Busto radiato a dx. R/ La Ceres con...
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Lot 36
Starting price:
400 EUR
§ Adriano (117-138) Denaro AG (g 3,46) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ La Libertas a sx con pileus e pertica. C. 374. Ex...
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Lot 37
Starting price:
1200 EUR
§ Adriano (117-138) Sesterzio AE (g 25,63) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ Adriano fronteggia l'Africa con proboscide di...
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Lot 38
Starting price:
2000 EUR
§ Adriano (117-138) Sesterzio AE (g 27,25) Bellissima patina verde. D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ Nettuno seminudo con...
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Lot 39
Starting price:
500 EUR
§ Adriano (117-138) Dupondio AE (g 10,53) Bella patina verde. D/ Busto radiato a dx. R/ La Salus a sx con patera e...
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Lot 40
Starting price:
3800 EUR
§ Faustina I Madre (141) Aureo "PIETAS AVG" - RIC. 394a; Calicó 1799 AU (g 6,80) Perizia fotografica di Numismatica...
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Lot 41
Starting price:
4000 EUR
§ Antonino Pio (138-161) Aureo emissione del 154-155 d.C. della zecca di Roma - Calicó 1531a; RIC. 241 AU (g 6,92) R...
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Lot 42
Starting price:
700 EUR
§ Antonino Pio (138-161) Asse AE (g 10,00) Moneta di notevole qualità. D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ Elefante a dx. C....
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Lot 43
Starting price:
500 EUR
§ Marco Aurelio (161-180) Sesterzio AE (g 21,47) Bella patina verde. D/ Testa a dx. R/ Consecratio e aquila su globo a...
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Lot 44
Starting price:
200 EUR
§ Commodo (177-192) Denaro AG (g 2,90) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ La Libertà alza lo scettro. C. 542. Ex asta...
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Lot 45
Starting price:
350 EUR
§ Settimio Severo (193-211) Denaro AG (g 4,16) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ L'Annona a sx con spighe e cornucopia. C....
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Lot 46
Starting price:
3000 EUR
§ Settimio Severo (193-211) Sesterzio AE (g 27,39) D/ Testa laureata a dx. R/ Settimio Severo e Caracalla in abito...
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Lot 47
Starting price:
8000 EUR
§ Giulia Domna (198-217) Aureo AU (g 7,30) D/ Busto a dx. R/ Venere seduta a sx con mela e scettro; ai suoi piedi...
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Lot 48
Starting price:
10 000 EUR
§ Alessandro Severo (222-235) Aureo AU (g 6,50) D/ Busto laureato e drappeggiato a dx. R/ PM TR P COS PP, l'imperatore...
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Lot 49
Starting price:
500 EUR
§ Alessandro Severo (222-235) Sesterzio AE (g 21,56) Patina verde. D/ Busto a dx. R/ La Giustizia a sx con patera e...
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Lot 50
Starting price:
150 EUR
§ Gordiano III (238-244) Denaro AG (g 3,09) D/ Busto laureato a dx. R/ La Securitas seduta a sx con scettro. C. 338....
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Lot 51
Starting price:
300 EUR
§ Gordiano III (238-244) Sesterzio AE (g 14,59) Patina verde oliva. D/ Busto laureato a dx. R/ Apollo seduto a sx con...
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Lot 52
Starting price:
200 EUR
§ Filippo I (244-249) Sesterzio AE (g 20,01) Bella patina. D/ Busto laureato a dx. R/ L'Abbondanza a sx con cornucopia...
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Lot 53
Starting price:
500 EUR
§ Onorio (395-423) Solido zecca: Ravenna - RIC 1287 AU (g 4,31) Graffi. SPL
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Lot 54
Starting price:
500 EUR
§ Onorio (395-423) Tremisse zecca: Roma - RIC 1259 AU (g 1,43) BB
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Lot 55
Starting price:
700 EUR
§ Costanzo II (337-361) Solido zecca: Antiochia - RIC 83 AU (g 4,19) Graffietti. BB
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Lot 56
Starting price:
500 EUR
§ Teodosio II (408-450) Solido zecca: Costantinopoli - RIC X 292 AU (g 4,36) SPL
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Lot 57
Starting price:
500 EUR
§ Teodosio II (408-450) Solido zecca: Costantinopoli - RIC 257 AU (g 4,43) SPL
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Lot 58
Starting price:
600 EUR
§ Marciano (450-457) Solido zecca: Costantinopoli - RIC 510 AU (g 3,77) R Graffietto nel campo. SPL
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Lot 59
Starting price:
500 EUR
Costante II (641-668) Solido zecca: Costantinopoli - SEAR 956 AU (g 4,33) Graffietto e colpetto nel campo. qSPL
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Lot 60
Starting price:
450 EUR
Michele VII (1071-1078) Histamenon - SEAR 1868 AU (g 4,41) qSPL
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Lot 61
Starting price:
400 EUR
IMPERO DI NICEA Giovanni III (1222-1254) Hyperpyron modulo rettangolare (Magnesia) Cristo benedicente seduto in trono...
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Lot 62
Starting price:
5000 EUR
ALBANIA Amet Zogu (1925-1939) 100 Franga 1927 R - Mont. 10 AU (g 32,25) R FDC
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Lot 63
Starting price:
900 EUR
ALBANIA Amet Zogu (1925-1939) 20 Franga 1927 R - Mont. 30 AU (g 6,45) R Ex asta Spink 13039 del 01/10/2013, lotto 5....
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Lot 64
Starting price:
1200 EUR
ALBANIA Amet Zogu (1925-1939) 20 Franga 1937 R 25° anniversario dell'indipendenza - Mont. 32 AU (g 6,45) R Ex asta...
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Lot 65
Starting price:
4000 EUR
ALBANIA Amet Zogu (1925-1939) 20 Franga 1938 X anniversario di regno - KM 24 AU In slab PCGS n° 41364108. MS 64 PL
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Lot 66
Starting price:
500 EUR
ALBANIA Amet Zogu (1925-1939) 10 Franga 1927 R - Mont. 38 AU R In slab NGC n° 6638759-017. Ex asta Spink 13039 del...
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Lot 67
Starting price:
1500 EUR
ALBANIA Amet Zogu (1925-1939) 5 Franga 1926 R prova "stella sotto il collo" - Mont. 40 AG (g 25,03) RRR Solo 50...
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Lot 68
Starting price:
1200 EUR
ALBANIA Amet Zogu (1925-1939) Franga 1927 R prova - Mont. 57 AG RRRR In slab NGC n° 5887104-006. Solo 50 esemplari...
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Lot 69
Starting price:
130 EUR
ALBANIA Amet Zogu (1925-1939) Franga 1937 R 25° anniversario dell'indipendenza - Mont. 64 AG R In slab NGC n°...
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Lot 70
Starting price:
1200 EUR
ALBANIA Amet Zogu (1925-1939) 2 Lek 1928 R prova Mont. 64b AG RRRR In slab NGC n° 2127290-029. Solo 50 esemplari...
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Lot 71
Starting price:
500 EUR
ARGENTINA 5 Pesos 1886 - KM 31 AU (g 8,04) Colpo al bordo. BB
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Lot 72
Starting price:
500 EUR
AUSTRALIA Vittoria (1837-1901) Sterlina 1878 S - SPINK 3855 AU (g 7,96) BB
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Lot 73
Starting price:
500 EUR
AUSTRALIA Vittoria (1837-1901) Sterlina 1899 P - SPINK 3876 AU (g 7,99) SPL
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Lot 74
Starting price:
1500 EUR
AUSTRIA Tirolo Leopoldo V d'Asburgo (1623-1632) 2 Talleri (1626) Matrimonio tra Leopoldo V e Claudia de Medici - KM 639...
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Lot 75
Starting price:
1000 EUR
AUSTRIA Carlo VI (1711-1740) Tallero 1716 Hall - KM 1570 AG In slab PCGS n° 47551761. MS 62
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Lot 76
Starting price:
1200 EUR
AUSTRIA Maria Teresa (1740-1780) Tallero 1753 - KM 1742 AG In slab NGC n° 4788224-002. AU 58
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Lot 77
Starting price:
100 EUR
AUSTRIA Maria Teresa (1740-1780) Tallero 1780 Restrike - Gig. 2 AG In slab NGC n° 66416125-015. MS 62
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Lot 78
Starting price:
100 EUR
AUSTRIA Ferdinando I (1835-1848) Token 1835 incoronazione - AG In slab NGC n° 6640083-011. AU 58
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Lot 79
Starting price:
4000 EUR
AUSTRIA Francesco Giuseppe d'Asburgo Lorena (1849-1916) 100 Corone 1908 - KM 2812 AU In slab NGC n° 5790822-004....
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Lot 80
Starting price:
5000 EUR
AUSTRIA Francesco Giuseppe d'Asburgo Lorena (1849-1916) 100 Corone 1913 - KM 2819 AU In slab NGC n° 5790822-003. PL 60
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Lot 81
Starting price:
300 EUR
AUSTRIA Francesco Giuseppe d'Asburgo Lorena (1849-1916) 5 Corone 1909 - KM 2814 AG In slab NGC n° 2796239-071. MS 63
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Lot 82
Starting price:
700 EUR
AUSTRIA Francesco Giuseppe d'Asburgo Lorena (1849-1916) 2 Fiorini 1888 - KM 2233 AG In slab NGC n° 6640180-010, TOP...
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Lot 83
Starting price:
300 EUR
AUSTRIA Francesco Giuseppe d'Asburgo Lorena (1848-1916) Quarto di fiorino 1860 V - Gig. 99 AG In slab NGC n°...
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Lot 84
Starting price:
1000 EUR
BELGIO Leopoldo I (1831-1865) 10 Franchi 1850 - FR.408, KM 18 AU Nell'asta Genevensis 14 del 2021, lotto 231, un...
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Lot 85
Starting price:
500 EUR
BELGIO Leopoldo II (1865-1909) 5 Franchi 1875 - KM 24 AG In slab PCGS n° 45610443. Recentemente, nell'asta Heritage...
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Lot 86
Starting price:
4500 EUR
BRASILE Joao V (1706-1750) 12.800 Reis 1730 Minas Gerais - Fr. 55 AU (g 28,43) RR Bell'esemplare. SPL+
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Lot 87
Starting price:
3000 EUR
BRASILE Giovanni principe reggente (1799-1818) 6400 Reis 1808 - KM 236 AU In slab NGC n° 2141143-007. MS 64
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Lot 88
Starting price:
300 EUR
BRASILE Pietro I (1822-1831) 960 Reis 1824 R - KM 368.1 AG (g 26,90) SPL-FDC
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Lot 89
Starting price:
1300 EUR
BULGARIA Ferdinando I (1887-1908) 5 Leva 1894 KB - KM 18 AG In slab NGC n° 2105345-019. AU 58+
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Lot 90
Starting price:
600 EUR
CAMBOGIA Repubblica Khmere Set di 4 monete da 10.000 e 5.000 Riels 1974 - AG R PROOF
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Lot 91
Starting price:
6000 EUR
CECOSLOVACCHIA 5 Ducati 1934 - KM 13 AU In slab NGC n° 5790822-005. Nell'asta Künker 371 del 2022, lotto 2198, un...
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Lot 92
Starting price:
1200 EUR
CECOSLOVACCHIA 4 Ducati 1928 Kremnitz X anniversario della repubblica - Fr. 6 AU (g 13,98) N° 98619. Segnetti al...
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Lot 93
Starting price:
1500 EUR
CECOSLOVACCHIA Ducato 1926 - KM 8 AU (g 3,49) qFDC-FDC
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Lot 94
Starting price:
150 EUR
CILE Carlo IV (1788-1808) Santiago - 4 Reales 1802 JJ - Cal. 865 AG (g 13,27) Ex asta Christie's del 15/10/1981 n. 432....
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Lot 95
Starting price:
1000 EUR
CINA Hupeh 20 Centes - Y 125.1 AG In slab NGC n° 6643532-013. MS 65
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Lot 96
Starting price:
1700 EUR
CINA Kwang Tung Dollaro - Y 203 AG (g 26,96) Colpetti al bordo. SPL
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Lot 97
Starting price:
750 EUR
CINA Kwang Tung 50 Cents - Y 202 AG In slab PCGS n° 48711063. Genuine Residue - XF Detail
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Lot 98
Starting price:
700 EUR
CINA Yun Nan 50 Cents - Y 253 AG (g 13,22) SPL+
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Lot 99
Starting price:
400 EUR
CINA Yun Nan 50 Cents - Y 253 AG (g 12,97) BB
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Lot 100
Starting price:
400 EUR
CINA Dollaro memento 1927 - Y 318a.1 AG In slab NGC n° 6631948-001. MS 64
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