Stanley Gibbons Baldwin's
Auction 96  24 September 2015
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Lot 3199

Estimate: 150 GBP
Price realized: 420 GBP
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ANCIENT COINS, PARTHIAN COINS, Orodes II (c.57-38 BC), Silver Diobol, minted at Ecbatana, short bearded bust left, wart on brow, palm branch in front, wearing single banded diadem, spiral torque, dotted border, rev archer enthroned right, monogram below bow, four line blundered inscription (S 48.14), Silver Obols (2), similar obverse, rev archer enthroned right, letter Π below bow, four line(?) unintelligible inscription, minted at Margiane(?) (S 45.17 var), and rev naked male standing left, club over shoulder(?), letter A to left, fragmentary and unintelligible inscription, minted at Areia(?). Generally good fine to very fine, rare to extremely rare. (3)
from The David Sellwood Collection of Parthian Coins

Estimate: £150-200
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