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Stanley Gibbons Baldwin's
Auction 101
28 September 2016
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Browsing category British Coins
Lot 3001
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Early Anglo-Saxon, Primary Phase, c.680-710, Sceattas (3), series BX, diademed bust right, rev bird over...
Price realized:
280 GBP
Lot 3002
120 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Early Anglo-Saxon, Continental issues, Sceattas (2), "Porcupine" type, degenerate head, revs VICO and...
Price realized:
180 GBP
Lot 3003
80 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Early Anglo-Saxon, Continental issues, Sceatta, plumed bird, rev standard with pellet in annulet and...
Price realized:
150 GBP
Lot 3004
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Early Anglo-Saxon, Continental issues, Sceatta (2), series D, type 2c, bust right, rev pellets in angles...
Price realized:
300 GBP
Lot 3005
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Early Anglo-Saxon, Secondary Phase, c.710-760, Sceatta, series J, busts vis-à-vis, rev four birds...
Price realized:
340 GBP
Lot 3006
120 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Eadberht (737-758), Northumbria, Sceatta, name around cross, rev stylised stag (S 847); Copper-bronze...
Price realized:
130 GBP
Lot 3007
3500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cuthred, King of Kent (798-807), Silver Portrait Penny, Canterbury, moneyer Sigeberht, diademed bust...
Price realized:
3200 GBP
Lot 3008
2500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Anglo-Saxon Middle Period (780-973), Archbishops of Canterbury, Aethelheard (792-805), with Kings of...
Lot unsold
Lot 3009
2000 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Offa, King of Mercia (757-796), Silver Penny, light coinage (780-792), Canterbury, moneyer Tirwald,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3010
5000 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Offa, King of Mercia, Silver Portrait Penny, light coinage (780-792), Canterbury, moneyer Ealred, curled...
Price realized:
4800 GBP
Lot 3011
3500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Offa, King of Mercia, Silver Portrait Penny, light coinage (780-792), Canterbury, moneyer Ealmund,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3012
2000 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Offa, King of Mercia, Silver Portrait Penny, light coinage (780-92), London, moneyer Eadhun, bust with...
Lot unsold
Lot 3013
1500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Offa, King of Mercia, Silver Portrait Penny, light coinage (780-792), London, moneyer Ealmund, diademed...
Price realized:
1300 GBP
Lot 3014
800 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Coenwulf, King of Mercia (796-821), Silver Penny, large portrait phase 810-822/23, Canterbury, moneyer...
Price realized:
820 GBP
Lot 3015
1200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Coenwulf, King of Mercia, Silver Portrait Penny, type of East Anglia, moneyer Wodel, diademed bust right...
Price realized:
1100 GBP
Lot 3016
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Anglo-Saxon, Archbishops of Canterbury, Ceolnoth (833-870), Silver Portrait Penny, group II, Canterbury...
Price realized:
500 GBP
Lot 3017
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Burgred, King of Mercia (852-874), Silver Portrait Penny, Lunette type, moneyer Osmund, bust facing...
Price realized:
260 GBP
Lot 3018
120 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Viking Coinages, Danish East Anglia, St Edmund, Silver Penny, small flan, blundered legends, + SCEID...
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 3019
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Viking Coinages, York, Cnut, Silver Penny, patriarchal cross, rev small cross and two pellets, +CVN :...
Price realized:
340 GBP
Lot 3020
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Elder, King of Wessex (899-924), Silver Penny, Two-line type, moneyer Bonus, small cross,...
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 3021
1200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Alfred the Great (871-899), Silver Portrait Halfpenny, diademed bust right (not visible), +ÆLFRE D RE,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3022
2500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelstan (924-939), King of all England, Silver Penny, building type with mintname, York, moneyer...
Price realized:
2000 GBP
Lot 3023
800 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Eadwig (955-959), Silver Non-portrait Penny, York mint group, moneyer Heriger, small cross pattée...
Price realized:
840 GBP
Lot 3024
350 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Eadgar (959-975), Silver Non-portrait Penny, North Western style, moneyer Eoroth, small cross pattée,...
Price realized:
300 GBP
Lot 3025
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II (978-1016), Silver Penny, First Hand type (c.979-985), Lewes mint, moneyer Leofstan, bust...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 3026
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, CRVX type (991-997), Exeter mint, moneyer Edric, draped bust left with...
Lot unsold
Lot 3027
120 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Æthelred II, Silver Penny, CRVX type (991-997), Exeter mint, moneyer Goda, bust left, rev GODA M-O...
Price realized:
150 GBP
Lot 3028
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Æthelred II, Silver Penny (2), CRVX type, Lydford mint, moneyer Goda, bust left, rev GODA M-O LYDA,...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 3029
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Æthelred II, Silver Penny, Long Cross type, Canterbury mint, moneyer Godwine, bust left, rev GODPINE...
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 3030
400 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Helmet type (979-985), Lincoln mint, moneyer Osferth, armoured bust left to...
Lot unsold
Lot 3031
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Æthelred II, Silver Penny, Helmet type, London mint, moneyer Eadmund, helmeted bust left, rev +EADMVND...
Price realized:
220 GBP
Lot 3032
250 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, CRVX type (c.991-997), Southwark mint, moneyer Aelfric, draped bust left...
Lot unsold
Lot 3033
500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, CRVX type (991-997), Wareham mint, moneyer Alfgar, draped bust left with...
Price realized:
480 GBP
Lot 3034
450 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Long Cross type (997-1003), Lydford mint, moneyer Goda, draped bust left,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3035
450 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Long Cross type (997-1003), BMC type IVa, Northampton mint, moneyer...
Lot unsold
Lot 3036
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Long Cross type (c.997-1003), York mint, moneyer Leofstan, draped bust left,...
Price realized:
300 GBP
Lot 3037
350 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Last Small Cross type (1009-1017), BMC type I, Dover mint, moneyer Cinsige,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3038
350 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Last Small Cross type (1009-1017), Lincoln mint, moneyer Wulfgrim, diademed...
Lot unsold
Lot 3039
350 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Last Small Cross type (1009-1017), BMC type I, London mint, moneyer...
Lot unsold
Lot 3040
400 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Last Small Cross type (1009-1017), London mint, moneyer Eadwold, diademed...
Lot unsold
Lot 3041
250 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Last Small Cross type (c.1009-1017), Lydford mint, moneyer Godric, diademed...
Lot unsold
Lot 3042
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Last Small Cross type (1009-1017), Hildesige of Bath mint, diademed bust...
Price realized:
240 GBP
Lot 3043
350 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Last Small Cross type (1009-1017), BMC type I, Norwich mint, moneyer...
Lot unsold
Lot 3044
400 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Aethelred II, Silver Penny, Last Small Cross type (1009-1017), BMC type I, Norwich mint, moneyer...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 3045
250 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut (1016-1035), Silver Penny (2), Quatrefoil type, Thetford mint, moneyer Tidred, crowned bust left,...
Price realized:
400 GBP
Lot 3046
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Helmet type (1042-1030), London mint, moneyer Godwine, bust left with pointed...
Price realized:
120 GBP
Lot 3047
250 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Helmet type, London mint, moneyer Eadwine, helmeted bust left, without sceptre,...
Price realized:
440 GBP
Lot 3048
120 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Helmet type, Stamford mint, moneyer Leofwine, helmeted bust left, pellet headed...
Price realized:
100 GBP
Lot 3049
180 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Helmet type, Thetford mint, moneyer Eadwine, helmeted bust left, pellet headed...
Price realized:
165 GBP
Lot 3050
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Helmet type, Thetford mint, moneyer Edwine, helmeted bust left, pellet headed...
Price realized:
190 GBP
Lot 3051
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Helmet type, Thetford mint, moneyer Wineman, helmeted bust left, pellet headed...
Price realized:
190 GBP
Lot 3052
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Helmet type, York mint, moneyer Hildulf, helmeted bust left, pellet headed sceptre...
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 3053
180 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Short Cross type, Lincoln mint, moneyer Oslac, diademed bust left with lis and...
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 3054
180 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Short Cross type, Lincoln mint, moneyer Swartinc, diademed bust left with lis and...
Price realized:
240 GBP
Lot 3055
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Short Cross type, London mint, moneyer Aelfwig, diademed bust left with lis and...
Price realized:
190 GBP
Lot 3056
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Short Cross type, London mint, moneyer Godere, diademed bust left with lis and...
Price realized:
170 GBP
Lot 3057
180 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Short Cross type, London mint, moneyer Godman, diademed bust left with lis and...
Price realized:
240 GBP
Lot 3058
140 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Short Cross type, London mint, moneyer Godinc, bust left with sceptre, rev GODINC ON...
Price realized:
190 GBP
Lot 3059
180 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Short Cross type, Thetford mint, moneyer Aelfwine, diademed bust left with lis and...
Price realized:
170 GBP
Lot 3060
180 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Short Cross type, Thetford mint, moneyer Aelfwine, diademed bust left with lis and...
Price realized:
240 GBP
Lot 3061
120 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Cnut, Silver Penny, Short Cross type, Stamford mint, moneyer Leofwine, diademed bust left with lis and...
Price realized:
120 GBP
Lot 3062
250 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Harold II (1035-1040), Silver Penny, Fleur-de-Lis type, Winchester mint, moneyer Ælfwine, bust left,...
Price realized:
540 GBP
Lot 3063
600 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor (1042-1066), Silver Penny, PACX type (1042-1044), Bedford mint, moneyer Swota,...
Price realized:
620 GBP
Lot 3064
350 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Radiate / Small Cross type (1044-1046), York mint, moneyer...
Lot unsold
Lot 3065
400 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Small Flan type (1048-1050), BMC type IVa, London mint, moneyer...
Lot unsold
Lot 3066
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny (2), Small Flan type (1048-1050), moneyer Iolana(?), bust left, rev...
Price realized:
480 GBP
Lot 3067
400 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Expanding Cross type (1050-1053), light issue, BMC type Va, York...
Price realized:
440 GBP
Lot 3068
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Helmet type (1053-1056), Steyning mint, moneyer Wulfric, bust right,...
Price realized:
520 GBP
Lot 3069
500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Helmet type (1053-1056), York mint, moneyer Winterfugel, bust right...
Price realized:
680 GBP
Lot 3070
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Sovereign / Eagles type (1056-1059), Exeter mint, moneyer Lifinc,...
Price realized:
420 GBP
Lot 3071
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Hammer type (1059-1062), London mint, moneyer Eadwine, crowned bust...
Price realized:
240 GBP
Lot 3072
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Hammer Cross type (1059-1062), Norwich mint, moneyer Wulfsige,...
Price realized:
280 GBP
Lot 3073
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Hammer Cross type (1059-1062), BMC type XIa, York mint, moneyer...
Lot unsold
Lot 3074
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny (2), Hammer Cross type (1059-1062), Lincoln mint, moneyer Ulf,...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 3075
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Facing Bust / Small Cross type (1062-1065), BMC type XIII, Hastings...
Lot unsold
Lot 3076
200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Facing Bust / Small Cross type (1062-1065), London mint, moneyer...
Price realized:
340 GBP
Lot 3077
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Facing Bust / Small Cross type (1062-1065), BMC type XIII, Thetford...
Lot unsold
Lot 3078
500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Facing Bust / Small Cross type (1062-1065), BMC type XIIIa, York...
Lot unsold
Lot 3079
500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Edward the Confessor, Silver Penny, Pyramids type (1065-1066), Chester mint, moneyer Bruninc, crowned...
Price realized:
400 GBP
Lot 3080
1000 GBP
BRITISH COINS, William I, the Conqueror (1066-1087), Silver Penny, Two Stars type (1074-1077), BMC type 5, Northampton...
Price realized:
1200 GBP
Lot 3081
500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, William I, the Conqueror, Silver Penny, Two Sceptres type, Norwich mint, moneyer Godwine, crowned facing...
Price realized:
600 GBP
Lot 3082
500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, William I, the Conqueror, Silver Penny, PAXS type (1083-1086), Canterbury mint, moneyer Aelfred, crowned...
Lot unsold
Lot 3083
300 GBP
BRITISH COINS, William I, the Conqueror, Silver Penny, PAXS type (1083-1086), Northampton mint, moneyer Sæwine,...
Price realized:
420 GBP
Lot 3084
600 GBP
BRITISH COINS, William I, the Conqueror, Silver Penny, PAXS type (1083-1086), BMC type 8, Salisbury mint, moneyer...
Lot unsold
Lot 3085
700 GBP
BRITISH COINS, William I, the Conqueror, Silver Penny, PAXS type (1083-1086), BMC type 8, Wallingford mint, moneyer...
Lot unsold
Lot 3086
600 GBP
BRITISH COINS, William I, the Conqueror, Silver Penny, PAXS type (1083-1086), Winchester mint, moneyer Lifinc, crowned...
Price realized:
500 GBP
Lot 3088
500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Henry I (1100-1135), Silver Penny, Facing Bust / Cross Fleury type (c.1117), London mint, moneyer...
Price realized:
440 GBP
Lot 3089
700 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Henry I, Silver Penny, Facing Bust / Cross Fleury type (c.1117), Thetford mint, moneyer Achetil, facing...
Lot unsold
Lot 3090
1200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Henry I, Silver Penny, Double Inscription type (c.1115), Thetford mint, moneyer Achetil, large profile...
Price realized:
1700 GBP
Lot 3091
1000 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Henry I, Silver Penny, Double Inscription type (c.1115), Canterbury mint, moneyer Edward, crowned bust...
Lot unsold
Lot 3092
1200 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Henry I, Silver Penny, Pellets in Quatrefoil type (c.1123), BMC type 14, Wilton mint, moneyer Ailward,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3093
100 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Henry I, Silver Penny, Quadrilateral on Cross Fleury type (c.1125-1135), Bury St Edmunds(?) mint,...
Price realized:
90 GBP
Lot 3094
250 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Henry I, Silver Penny, Quadrilateral on Cross Fleury type (c.1125-1135), BMC type 15, London mint,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3095
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Henry I, Silver Penny, Quadrilateral on Cross Fleury type (c.1125-1135), Winchester mint, moneyer...
Price realized:
130 GBP
Lot 3096
250 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Henry I, Silver Penny, Quatrefoil on Cross Fleury type (1125-c.1135), Winchester mint, moneyer Aelfric,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3097
400 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Stephen (1135-1154), Silver Penny, Watford type (1136-1145), Bury St Edmund mint, moneyer Acelin,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3098
500 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Stephen, Silver Penny, Cross Moline "Watford" type (c.1136-1145), Chester mint, moneyer Ravenspert,...
Price realized:
500 GBP
Lot 3099
400 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Stephen, Silver Penny, Cross Moline "Watford" type (c.1136-1145), Ipswich mint, moneyer Aedgar, crowned...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 3100
400 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Stephen, Silver Penny, Cross Moline "Watford" type (c.1136-1145), Lincoln mint, moneyer Reinald, crowned...
Price realized:
360 GBP
Lot 3101
150 GBP
BRITISH COINS, Stephen, Silver Penny, Cross Moline "Watford" type (c.1136-1145), London mint, moneyer Estmund, bust...
Price realized:
300 GBP
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