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Nomos AG
obolos 8
2 Dec 2017
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Browsing category Numismatic Literature
Lot 404
Starting price:
40 CHF
LOT OF 9 BOOKS ON ANCIENT NUMISMATICS. 1. Ambrosoli, S. Monete Greche, Manuali Hoepli, 278-279, Milan 1899. 286 pp,...
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 405
Starting price:
25 CHF
LOT OF 4 BOOKS ON GREEK NUMISMATICS. 1. Bernhard, O., Griechische und Römische Münzbilder in ihren Beziehungen zur...
Lot unsold
Lot 406
Starting price:
10 CHF
LOT OF 2 BOOKS ON GREEK NUMISMATICS. 1. Cammann, J.B., Numismatic Mythology, New York 1936. 39 pp, hardcovers. 2....
Price realized:
20 CHF
Lot 407
Starting price:
25 CHF
LOT OF 5 BOOKS ON NUMISMATICS. 1. Egli, J. & L. Naegeli, Die im Kanton St.Gallen gefundenen Römischen Münzen,...
Price realized:
160 CHF
Lot 408
Starting price:
25 CHF
LOT OF 3 BOOKS ON COIN PORTRAITS. 1. Franke, P.R., Römische Kaiserporträts im Münzbild, Munich 1961. 55 pp, 52 pl,...
Lot unsold
Lot 409
Starting price:
25 CHF
LOT OF 4 BOOKS ON LATE ROMAN AND BYZANTINE COINS. 1. Goodacre, F.R.N.S., A Handbook of the Coinage of the Byzantine...
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 410
Starting price:
20 CHF
LOT OF 2 BOOKS ON GREEK COINS. 1. Head, B.V., A Guide to the Principal Coins of the Greeks, from circa. 700 B.C. to...
Lot unsold
Lot 411
Starting price:
25 CHF
LOT OF 3 BOOKS ON ROMAN AND GREEK COINS. . 1. Hill, G.F., Historical Roman Coins, London 1909. 191 pp, 15 pl,...
Lot unsold
Lot 412
Starting price:
25 CHF
LOT OF 2 BOOKS ON ANCIENT SICILY. 1. Hirmer, M., Die schönsten Griechenmünzen Siziliens, Leipzig 1940. 66 pp,...
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 413
Starting price:
25 CHF
LOT OF 3 BOOKS ON ANCIENT COINS. 1. Jenkins, G.K. & Küthmann H., Münzen der Griechen, Munich & Fribourg 1972. 330...
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 414
Starting price:
15 CHF
LOT OF 2 BOOKS ON GREEK COINS. 1. Kerényi, K. & Lanckopoński, L.M., Der Mythos der Hellenen, in Meisterwerken der...
Price realized:
15 CHF
Lot 415
Starting price:
30 CHF
LOT OF 6 BOOKS ON GREEK AND ROMAN COINS. 1. Mattingly, H., Roman Coins, London 1927. 300 pp, 64 pl, hardcovers; 2....
Lot unsold
Lot 416
Starting price:
25 CHF
Leo Hamburger, Frankfurt am Main. Auction 96. 25 October 1932, Antike Münzen, Griechen Römer. 43 pp, 18 pl, 1126...
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 417
Starting price:
20 CHF
Leo Hamburger, Frankfurt am Main. 29 May 1929. Sammlung eines Deutschen Industriellen. Dubletten des Berliner...
Price realized:
20 CHF
Lot 418
Starting price:
20 CHF
Adolph Hess Nachfolger, Luzern. 29 March 1933. Münzensammlung Erzherzog Sigismund von Österreich I: Italien -...
Lot unsold
Lot 419
Starting price:
25 CHF
Naville I. Monnaies Grecques Antiques, provenant de la Collection de feu le Prof. S. Pozzi. Reprint, Zürich-Amsterdam...
Price realized:
90 CHF
Lot 420
Starting price:
25 CHF
Naville V. Monnaies Grecques Antiques, provenant de Doubles du British Museum, et al. Lucerne, 18 June 1923. Nicely...
Price realized:
45 CHF
Lot 421
Starting price:
40 CHF
Ars Classica XVI. Collections de Feu René de St-Marceaux, Carr, Capt. E.G. Spencer Churchill, et al., Lucerne, 3 July...
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 422
Starting price:
20 CHF
LOT OF 16 OLD AUCTION CATALOGUES. Lot of 16 Old Auction Catalogues from the 1920 through the 1930s: including Ars...
Price realized:
35 CHF
Lot 423
Starting price:
30 CHF
LOT OF 12 OLD AUCTION CATALOGS. Lot of 12 Old Auction Catalogs from the 1920s through the 1930s. Most damaged (12). ...
Price realized:
30 CHF
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