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Leu Numismatik AG
Auction 3
27 Oct 2018
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Browsing category Roman Provincial
Lot 145
250 CHF
SCYTHIA. Tyra. Caracalla, 198-217. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 23 mm, 8.38 g, 12 h). AYT M AYP ANTωNЄINOC Laureate, draped...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 146
350 CHF
THRACE. Perinthus. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Assarion (Bronze, 21 mm, 5.65 g, 7 h), time of Severus Alexander, 222-235....
Price realized:
900 CHF
Lot 147
500 CHF
PONTUS. Neocaesarea. Septimius Severus, 193-211. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 28 mm, 19.01 g, 1 h), CY 141 = 204/5. AY K Λ...
Price realized:
1500 CHF
Lot 148
250 CHF
PAPHLAGONIA. Sinope. Titus, as Caesar, 69-79. Diassarion (Bronze, 26 mm, 11.57 g, 6 h), CY 118 = 72/3....
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 149
200 CHF
TROAS. Alexandria Troas. Pseudo-autonomous issue. 'As' (Bronze, 21 mm, 5.47 g, 6 h), early to mid 3rd century. COL TROA...
Price realized:
220 CHF
Lot 150
350 CHF
TROAS. Alexandria Troas. Commodus, 177-192. 'As' (Bronze, 23 mm, 7.02 g, 1 h). COMMODVS ANTONINVS A Laureate, draped...
Price realized:
1550 CHF
Lot 151
250 CHF
TROAS. Alexandria Troas. Commodus, 177-192. 'As' (Bronze, 26 mm, 9.24 g, 7 h). IMP CAI (sic!) M AVR COMMOD AVG Laureate...
Price realized:
750 CHF
Lot 152
350 CHF
TROAS. Alexandria Troas. Maximus, Caesar, 235/6-238. 'As' (Bronze, 24 mm, 7.45 g, 12 h). IVL MAXIMVS CAE Bare-headed,...
Price realized:
700 CHF
Lot 153
250 CHF
TROAS. Ilium. Faustina Junior, Augusta, 147-175. Assarion (Bronze, 21 mm, 6.21 g, 7 h). ΦAYCTEIN CEBAC Draped bust of...
Price realized:
320 CHF
Lot 154
500 CHF
TROAS. Ilium. Crispina. Diassarion (Bronze, 27 mm, 9.69 g, 7 h). KPICΠЄINA CЄBACTH Draped bust of Crispina to right....
Price realized:
1700 CHF
Lot 155
350 CHF
TROAS. Ilium. Crispina, Augusta, 178-182. Diassarion (Bronze, 27 mm, 7.51 g, 7 h). KPICΠЄINA CЄBACTH Draped bust of...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 156
250 CHF
TROAS. Ilium. Crispina, Augusta, 178-182. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 26 mm, 10.71 g, 7 h). KPICΠINA CЄBACTH Draped bust...
Price realized:
1400 CHF
Lot 157
200 CHF
TROAS. Ilium. Geta, as Caesar, 198-209. Assarion (Bronze, 22 mm, 7.44 g, 7 h). Π CЄΠTI ΓЄTAC KAI Bare-headed,...
Price realized:
170 CHF
Lot 158
250 CHF
AEOLIS. Cyme. Valerian I, 253-260. Tetrassarion (?) (Orichalcum, 29 mm, 9.96 g, 6 h), Elpidephoros, strategos....
Price realized:
800 CHF
Lot 159
750 CHF
IONIA. Ephesus. Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Hexassarion (Bronze, 36 mm, 28.99 g, 7 h). AY K T AI AΔPIA ANTΩNЄINOC...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 160
500 CHF
IONIA. Priene. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Hemiassarion (Bronze, 17 mm, 4.35 g, 8 h), time of Titus and Domitian, 79-96,...
Price realized:
400 CHF
Lot 161
200 CHF
LYDIA. Blaundus. Sabina, Augusta, 128-136/7. Hemiassarion (Orichalcum, 18 mm, 4.24 g, 6 h). CABЄINA CЄBACTH Draped...
Price realized:
320 CHF
Lot 162
750 CHF
LYDIA. Daldis. Gordian III, 238-244. Medallion (Orichalcum, 40 mm, 35.21 g, 7 h), L. Aur. Hephaistion, first archon for...
Price realized:
1600 CHF
Lot 163
350 CHF
LYDIA. Maeonia. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 24 mm, 7.56 g, 6 h), Queintos II, first archon, circa...
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 164
500 CHF
LYDIA. Nysa. Gallienus, 253-268. Hexassarion (?) (Bronze, 31 mm, 10.40 g, 7 h), Kol. Pollionos, grammateus, 253-260....
Price realized:
2000 CHF
Lot 165
500 CHF
LYDIA. Philadelphia. Caracalla, 198-217. Medallion (Bronze, 41 mm, 35.39 g, 6 h), Klaudios Kapitonos, archon for the...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 166
350 CHF
LYDIA. Philadelphia. Philip I, 244-249. Hexassarion (Orichalcum, 36 mm, 16.67 g, 6 h), Aurelios Maximos Ioulianos,...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 167
250 CHF
CARIA. Attuda. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Assarion (Orichalcum, 21 mm, 6.61 g, 12 h), time of Trajan (?), 98-117. ΔHMOC...
Price realized:
380 CHF
Lot 168
200 CHF
CARIA. Cidramus. Nero, as Caesar, 50-54. Hemiassarion (Orichalcum, 17 mm, 5.27 g, 5 h), Polemon, son of Seleukos,...
Price realized:
440 CHF
Lot 169
250 CHF
CARIA. Trapezopolis. Sabina, Augusta, 128-136/7. Hemiassarion (Orichalcum, 19 mm, 4.66 g, 6 h), Ti. Fla. Max. Lysias,...
Price realized:
360 CHF
Lot 170
250 CHF
PHRYGIA. Cibyra. Pseudo-autonomous issue. 1/3 Assarion (Orichalcum, 15 mm, 2.49 g, 12 h), time of the Antonines,...
Price realized:
340 CHF
Lot 171
200 CHF
PHRYGIA. Cibyra. Macrinus, 217-218. Hemiassarion (Bronze, 19 mm, 3.32 g, 6 h). AY•K•M•O•CЄB• MAKPЄINOC•...
Price realized:
190 CHF
Lot 172
500 CHF
PHRYGIA. Eumeneia. Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Triassarion (Orichalcum, 24 mm, 9.81 g, 12 h). AYTO KAIC ANTΩNЄINOC...
Price realized:
3200 CHF
Lot 173
750 CHF
PHRYGIA. Laodicea ad Lycum. Hadrian, 117-138. Medallion (Orichalcum, 38 mm, 36.37 g, 1 h), June 129 (?). AY KAI TPA...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 174
750 CHF
PHRYGIA. Prymnessus. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Assarion (Orichalcum, 22 mm, 5.61 g, 7 h), time of Gallienus, 253-268....
Price realized:
900 CHF
Lot 175
500 CHF
LYCIA. Cyane. Gordian III, 238-244. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 31 mm, 13.93 g, 11 h). AYT KAI M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC CЄB...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 176
750 CHF
LYCIA. Olympus. Gordian III, 238-244. Hexassarion (?) (Orichalcum, 37 mm, 25.51 g, 12 h)....
Price realized:
2000 CHF
Lot 177
500 CHF
PAMPHYLIA. Perge. Maximinus I, 235-238. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 25 mm, 11.49 g, 1 h)....
Price realized:
2500 CHF
Lot 178
250 CHF
PISIDIA. Antiochia. Philip I, 244-249. 'Dupondius' (Orichalcum, 24 mm, 6.66 g, 1 h), circa 244-245. IMP C M IVL...
Price realized:
1700 CHF
Lot 179
250 CHF
PISIDIA. Palaeopolis. Julia Mamaea, Augusta, 222-235. Assarion (Bronze, 19 mm, 4.25 g, 6 h). IOYΛIAN MAMAЄAN Diademed...
Price realized:
360 CHF
Lot 180
250 CHF
PISIDIA. Sagalassus. Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270. 10 Assaria (Orichalcum, 33 mm, 15.24 g, 7 h). AY K M AYP KΛAYΔION...
Price realized:
700 CHF
Lot 181
350 CHF
LYCAONIA. Iconium. 1/3 Assarion (Orichalcum, 18 mm, 4.22 g, 12 h), Marcus Annius Afrinus, legatus augusti, circa 49-54....
Price realized:
480 CHF
Lot 182
250 CHF
CILICIA. Hierapolis-Castabala. Marcus Aurelius & Lucius Verus, 161-169. Tetrassarion (Orichalcum, 30 mm, 14.51 g, 12...
Price realized:
650 CHF
Lot 183
200 CHF
GALATIA. Pessinus. Marcus Aurelius, 161-180. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 26 mm, 9.98 g, 8 h). ΑΥΤ Κ•Μ...
Price realized:
460 CHF
Lot 184
250 CHF
GALATIA. Pessinus. Lucius Verus, 161-169. Tetrassarion (Orichalcum, 32 mm, 21.27 g, 7 h). A•K Λ OY•CЄBACTOC Bare...
Price realized:
900 CHF
Lot 185
200 CHF
GALATIA. Pessinus. Lucius Verus, 161-169. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 25 mm, 8.93 g, 7 h). A•K•Λ•OY•CЄBACTOC Bare...
Price realized:
420 CHF
Lot 186
500 CHF
CAPPADOCIA. Caesaraea-Eusebia. Tiberius, with Drusus Caesar, 14-37. Drachm (Silver, 18 mm, 3.48 g, 11 h), 33/4....
Price realized:
800 CHF
Lot 187
350 CHF
CAPPADOCIA. Caesaraea-Eusebia. Pseudo-autonomous issue. 1/3 Assarion (Bronze, 16 mm, 3.52 g, 1 h), time of Trajan, RY...
Price realized:
420 CHF
Lot 188
500 CHF
CAPPADOCIA. Caesaraea-Eusebia. Tranquillina, Augusta, 241-244. Didrachm (Silver, 20 mm, 5.78 g, 12 h), RY 4 of Gordian...
Price realized:
1600 CHF
Lot 189
500 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Nero, as Caesar, 50-54. Didrachm (Silver, 19 mm, 7.22 g, 1 h). NЄPωNOC KAICAPOC...
Price realized:
1600 CHF
Lot 190
250 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Galba, 68-69. As (Bronze, 24 mm, 7.59 g, 1 h). IM•SER•SVL•GALBA •CAE...
Price realized:
360 CHF
Lot 191
350 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Otho, 69. Dupondius (Orichalcum, 28 mm, 13.98 g, 12 h). IMP M OTHO CAE AVG...
Price realized:
4200 CHF
Lot 192
500 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Gabala. Diadumenian, 218. Tetradrachm (Silver, 23 mm, 13.87 g, 11 h), May-June 218. AYT K...
Price realized:
440 CHF
Lot 193
200 CHF
EGYPT. Alexandria. Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Tetradrachm (Billon, 23 mm, 13.92 g, 12 h), RY 2 = 138/9. AYT K T AIΛ AΔP...
Price realized:
340 CHF
Lot 194
250 CHF
EGYPT. Uncertain. Gnostic Tessera (Lead, 18 mm, 3.22 g, 1 h), circa 2nd-4th century AD. IAω Abrasax facing, with the...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 195
500 CHF
SYRTICA. Sabratha. Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14. 'Dupondius' (Bronze, 31 mm, 19.36 g, 6 h). SBRT'N - MN ŞY (in Neo-Punic)...
Price realized:
3000 CHF
Lot 196
350 CHF
SYRTICA. Sabratha. Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14. 'As' (Bronze, 25 mm, 9.64 g, 8 h). SBRT'N - MN ŞY (in Neo-Punic) Head of...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 197
350 CHF
SYRTICA. Sabratha. Tiberius, 14-37. 'Dupondius' (Bronze, 28 mm, 15.71 g, 11 h). SBRT'N - HMŠ' KBR (in Neo-Punic)...
Price realized:
3400 CHF
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