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Roma Numismatics Ltd
E-Sale 54
28 Feb 2019
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Browsing category Roman Provincial
Lot 347
500 GBP
C. Fabius M. f. AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Apamea, Phrygia. Attalos, son of Bianoros, magistrate. Circa 57-56 BC....
Price realized:
550 GBP
Lot 348
750 GBP
P. Cornelius P. f. Lentulus Spinther AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Apamea, Phrygia. Myiskos, magistrate. Circa 56-54...
Price realized:
800 GBP
Lot 349
750 GBP
Marc Antony and Octavia AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus, Ionia. 39 BC....
Price realized:
600 GBP
Lot 350
750 GBP
Marc Antony and Octavia AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus, Ionia. Struck circa 39 BC....
Lot unsold
Lot 351
500 GBP
Marc Antony and Octavia AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus, Ionia. Struck circa 39 BC....
Price realized:
440 GBP
Lot 352
500 GBP
Marc Antony and Octavia AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus, Ionia. Struck circa 39 BC....
Lot unsold
Lot 353
400 GBP
Marc Antony and Octavia AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus, Ionia. 39 BC....
Price realized:
420 GBP
Lot 354
400 GBP
Marc Antony and Octavia AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus, Ionia. 39 BC....
Price realized:
600 GBP
Lot 355
100 GBP
Augustus Æ As of Caesaraugusta, Spain. Circa 2 BC. AVGVSTVS [DIVI] F, laureate head right, lituus before, simpulum...
Price realized:
140 GBP
Lot 356
150 GBP
Augustus Ӕ Dupondius of Colonia Patricia, Spain. 27 BC - AD 14. PERMISSV CAESARIS AVGVSTI, bare head left / COLONI[A...
Price realized:
220 GBP
Lot 357
150 GBP
Augustus Ӕ As of Colonia Patricia, Spain. 27 BC - AD 14. PERM CAES AVG, bare head left / COLONIA PATRICIA within oak...
Price realized:
170 GBP
Lot 358
50 GBP
Augustus Æ Semis of Colonia Patricia (Corduba), Spain. 27 BC-AD 14. PERM CAES AVG, bare head left / COLONIA PATRICIA,...
Lot unsold
Lot 359
50 GBP
Augustus Æ Quadrans of Colonia Patricia (Corduba), Spain. 27 BC-AD 14. PER CAE AVG, bare head left / COLO PATR,...
Lot unsold
Lot 360
100 GBP
Augustus Æ As of Ebora, Spain. 12 BC-AD 14. PERM CAES AVG P M, bare head left / LIBERALITATIS IVLIAE EBOR in four...
Lot unsold
Lot 361
150 GBP
Augustus Æ As of Emerita, Spain. P. Carisius, legatus pro praetore. Circa 25-23 BC. CAESA[R•AVG TRIBVN]IC•POTEST,...
Price realized:
190 GBP
Lot 362
50 GBP
Augustus Æ As of Turiaso, Spain. 2 BC - 14 AD. IMP• AVGVSTVS• P• P•, laureate head right / TVRIASO•, female...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 363
600 GBP
Augustus AR Cistophoric Tetradrachm of Ephesus, Ionia. Circa 25 BC. IMP CAESAR, bare head right / AVGVSTVS, capricorn...
Price realized:
800 GBP
Lot 364
100 GBP
Augustus, with Gaius as Caesar, Ӕ16 of Antioch ad Maeandrum, Caria. 27 BC - AD 14. [ΣEBATOΣ ANTIO]XEΩN, laureate...
Price realized:
220 GBP
Lot 365
50 GBP
Augustus Ӕ15 of Antioch ad Maeandrum, Caria. 27 BC - AD 14. [ANTIOXEΩN], laureate head right / Winged caduceus within...
Lot unsold
Lot 366
50 GBP
Augustus Æ20 of the Koinon of Cyprus. Paphos(?), circa 26 BC. IMP CAESAR DIVI F A[VGVSTVS], bare head right / [COS]...
Lot unsold
Lot 367
100 GBP
Augustus Æ17 of the Koinon of Cyprus. Paphos(?), circa 21 BC. A. Plautius, Proconsul. IMP CAE[SAR] DIVI F, bare head...
Price realized:
130 GBP
Lot 368
100 GBP
Tiberius Æ Dupondius of Acci, Spain. AD 14-37. [TI CAE]SAR DIVI AVG F AV[GVSTVS], laureate head left / COL IVL GEM...
Price realized:
150 GBP
Lot 369
100 GBP
Tiberius Æ As of Caesaraugusta, Spain. AD 14-37. [TI] CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / Bull standing...
Lot unsold
Lot 370
100 GBP
Tiberius Æ As of Calagurris, Spain. AD 14-37. C. Celer and C. Rectus, duoviri. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate...
Price realized:
120 GBP
Lot 371
75 GBP
Tiberius Æ As of Cascantum, Spain. AD 14-37. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head right / [M]VNICIP...
Lot unsold
Lot 372
125 GBP
Tiberius Æ As of Emerita, Spain. AD 14-37. TI CAESAR AVG PON MAX IMP, laureate head right / [AETERNI]TATI AVGVSTAE,...
Price realized:
220 GBP
Lot 373
100 GBP
Tiberius Æ Semis of Ilici, Spain. AD 14-37. TI•CAESAR•DIVI•AVG•F•AVG•PM, bare head left /...
Price realized:
95 GBP
Lot 374
50 GBP
Germanicus (brother of Claudius), with Drusus (son of Germanicus) as Caesar, Æ21 of Tabae, Caria. 15 BC - AD 19....
Price realized:
220 GBP
Lot 375
50 GBP
Nero Æ15 of Sardis, Lydia. Circa AD 60. Mindios, magistrate. NEPΩN KAICAP, laureate head right / [EΠΙ MINΔIOY...
Lot unsold
Lot 376
50 GBP
Nero Æ15 of Sardis, Lydia. Circa AD 60. Mindios, magistrate. Laureate head right; NEPΩN before, monogram of...
Price realized:
45 GBP
Lot 377
50 GBP
Nero BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 12 = AD 65/6. [N]ЄPΩ K[ΛAV] KAIΣ ΣЄB [ΓЄP], radiate head...
Price realized:
50 GBP
Lot 378
75 GBP
Nero BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 14 = AD 67/8. NЄPΩ KΛAV [KAIΣ ΣЄB ΓЄPAV], radiate bust left,...
Price realized:
80 GBP
Lot 379
60 GBP
Nero BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 14 = AD 67/8. NEPΩ KΛAV KAIΣ ΣΕB ΓΕPAV, radiate head left;...
Price realized:
75 GBP
Lot 380
150 GBP
Galba AR Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. Dated 'New Holy Year' 1 or 2 (?) = AD 68-9. ΓAΛBAC K[AICAP...
Price realized:
180 GBP
Lot 381
60 GBP
Domitian Æ20 of Side, Pamphylia. AD 81-96. ΔOMITIANOC KAICAP, laureate head right / Nike advancing left, holding...
Lot unsold
Lot 382
75 GBP
Domitia (wife of Domitian) Æ21 of Harpasa, Caria. AD 81-96. ΔOMITIA CЄBACTH, draped bust right / APΠ[AC]HN[ΩN],...
Price realized:
60 GBP
Lot 383
75 GBP
Trajan AR Tridrachm of Bostra, Arabia. AD 112-114. AYTOKP KAIC NЄP TPAIANOC CЄB ΓЄPM ΔAK, laureate bust right,...
Price realized:
110 GBP
Lot 384
100 GBP
Trajan AR Didrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 100. ΑΥΤΟΚΡ ΚΑΙС ΝΕΡ ΤΡΑΙΑΝΟС СΕΒ...
Price realized:
110 GBP
Lot 385
75 GBP
Hadrian Ӕ Dichalkon of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 10 = AD 125/6. Laureate head right / Vase; LΔ-E (date) across...
Price realized:
95 GBP
Lot 386
250 GBP
Antinous Framed Æ Octassarion of Mantinea, Arcadia. Struck AD 134. Veturius, priest of the cult of Antinous....
Price realized:
1700 GBP
Lot 387
100 GBP
Anonymous PB Tessera of Egypt. Dated RY 4 of an uncertain emperor, circa 2nd-3rd centuries AD. Draped bust of Horus...
Lot unsold
Lot 388
50 GBP
Antoninus Pius BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 2 = AD 138/9. [ΑVΤ Κ Τ ΑΙΛ ΑΔΡ...
Price realized:
40 GBP
Lot 389
50 GBP
Antoninus Pius BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 8 = AD 144/5. ANTѠNINOC CЄB ЄVCЄB, laureate head right...
Price realized:
40 GBP
Lot 390
50 GBP
Antoninus Pius BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 11 = AD 147/8. ANTѠNINOC CЄB ЄVCЄB, laureate and...
Lot unsold
Lot 391
80 GBP
Antoninus Pius BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 21 = AD 157/8. ANTѠNINOC CЄB ЄVCЄB, laureate bust left...
Lot unsold
Lot 392
50 GBP
Marcus Aurelius Æ18 of Coela, Thrace. AD 161-180. IMP CAI MAR AV A, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right /...
Lot unsold
Lot 393
100 GBP
Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, Æ35 of Antioch ad Maeandrum, Caria. AD 147-161. [Μ ΑVΡ]ΗΛΙOС OVΗΡOС...
Price realized:
100 GBP
Lot 394
200 GBP
Faustina II (wife of Marcus Aurelius) Æ21 of Ilium, Troas. AD 147-175. ΦΑVСΤΕΙΝ СЄΒΑС, draped bust right /...
Price realized:
220 GBP
Lot 395
100 GBP
Commodus Æ28 of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia. AD 188-192. ΑΥΤ ΚΑΙ ΜΑΡ ΑΥΡΗ [ΚΟΜΟΔΟС], laureate head...
Lot unsold
Lot 396
50 GBP
Commodus Æ18 of Bargasa, Caria. AD 177-180. Λ ΑVΡΗ ΚΟΜOΔOС, laureate and cuirassed bust right, wearing...
Price realized:
55 GBP
Lot 397
75 GBP
Commodus BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 30 = AD 189/90. MAKOMANTѠCEBEVCEB, laureate head right / Eagle...
Price realized:
60 GBP
Lot 398
50 GBP
Commodus BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 31 = AD 190/1. M A KOM ANTѠ CЄB ЄV CЄB, laureate bust right...
Price realized:
50 GBP
Lot 399
50 GBP
Septimius Severus Æ17 of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. AD 193-211. AY KAI CЄ CЄYHPOC, laureate head right /...
Price realized:
600 GBP
Lot 400
75 GBP
Septimius Severus Æ35 of Antioch, Pisidia. AD 193-211. IMP CAES L SEP SEVERVS PER AVG Laureate head right / COL CAES...
Price realized:
90 GBP
Lot 401
50 GBP
Septimius Severus AR Drachm of Caesarea, Cappadocia. Dated RY 2 = AD 193/4. AV Λ CЄΠ CEOVHPOC, laureate head right /...
Price realized:
50 GBP
Lot 402
250 GBP
Septimius Severus AR Tetradrachm of Laodicea ad Mare, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 205-207. AYT•KAI CEOYHPOC C, laureate...
Price realized:
460 GBP
Lot 403
75 GBP
Julia Domna (wife of S. Severus) Æ22 of Nicopolis ad Istrum, Moesia Inferior. AD 193-217. IOVΛIA ΔOMNA CЄBA,...
Lot unsold
Lot 404
100 GBP
Caracalla PB Medallion Obverse Trial Strike of Pergamum, Mysia. AD 198-217. AVTKPA K [MAPKOC A]VP [ANTΩNЄINOC],...
Price realized:
550 GBP
Lot 405
400 GBP
Caracalla Æ Medallion of Philadelphia, Lydia. Circa AD 214-217. Klaudios Kapitonos, archon for the first time. AYT K M...
Price realized:
460 GBP
Lot 406
50 GBP
Caracalla BI Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. Dated RY 4 = AD 214/5. ΑΥΤΚ•M•A• ANTΩΝЄΙΝΟC...
Price realized:
55 GBP
Lot 407
50 GBP
Caracalla AR Tetradrachm of Laodicea ad Mare, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 215-217. AYT•K•M•A• ANTΩNЄINOC• CЄB,...
Price realized:
40 GBP
Lot 408
50 GBP
Geta Æ25 of Antioch ad Maeandrum, Caria. AD 209-211. AVT KAI ΠO CЄΠ ΓЄTA, laureate head right / ANTIOXЄΩN,...
Lot unsold
Lot 409
50 GBP
Elagabalus Æ26 of Thessalonica, Macedon. AD 218-222. AV K M AVP ANTΩNINOC, radiate and cuirassed bust right /...
Price realized:
45 GBP
Lot 410
50 GBP
Elagabalus BI Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. Dated RY 2 = AD 219. [AV]T K M A ANTѠ[ЄINOC CЄB],...
Lot unsold
Lot 411
50 GBP
Elagabalus BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 5 = AD 221/2. Α ΚΑΙϹΑΡ ΜΑ [ΑΥΡ Α]ΝΤѠΝΙΝΟС...
Lot unsold
Lot 412
50 GBP
Elagabalus AR Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 218-222. ΑYΤ Κ Μ Α ΑΝΤѠΝЄΙ[ΝΟC CΕΒ],...
Lot unsold
Lot 413
50 GBP
Severus Alexander BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 13 = AD 233/4. A KAI MAP AVP [CЄV AΛ]ЄΞANΔPOC,...
Lot unsold
Lot 414
50 GBP
Gordian III BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 5 = AD 241/2. A K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC ЄV, laureate and...
Lot unsold
Lot 415
50 GBP
Gordian III BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 5 = AD 241/2. A K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC ЄV, laureate and...
Lot unsold
Lot 416
50 GBP
Gordian III BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 6 = AD 242/3. A K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC ЄV, laureate and...
Lot unsold
Lot 417
50 GBP
Gordian III BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 6 = AD 242/3. A K M ANT ΓOPΔIANOC ЄV, laureate and...
Lot unsold
Lot 418
50 GBP
Gordian III BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated RY 6 = AD 242/3. A K M A[NT ΓO]PΔIANOC ЄV, laureate and...
Lot unsold
Lot 419
50 GBP
Philip I BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. RY 5 = AD 247-8. A K M IOV ΦIΛIΠΠOC Є[V], laureate, draped and...
Price realized:
45 GBP
Lot 420
50 GBP
Philip I BI Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 248. AΥTOK K M IOΥΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CЄB, radiate, draped...
Lot unsold
Lot 421
80 GBP
Philip II Æ8 Assaria of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 247-249. AVTOK K M IOVΛI ΦIΛIΠΠOC CЄB, laureate and...
Lot unsold
Lot 422
100 GBP
Trajan Decius AR Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 249-251. AYT K Γ ME KY ΔЄKIOC TPAIANOC CЄB,...
Lot unsold
Lot 423
75 GBP
Herennius Etruscus, as Caesar, AR Tetradrachm of Antioch, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 250-251. ΕΡΕΝΝΕ ΤΡΟΥ ΜΕ...
Price realized:
70 GBP
Lot 424
75 GBP
Trebonianus Gallus Æ30 of Antioch ad Orontem, Seleucis and Pieria. AD 251-253. Laureate, draped, cuirassed bust right...
Price realized:
60 GBP
Lot 425
50 GBP
Valerian I BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. RY 4 = AD 256-257. AK Π ΛI OVAΛЄPIANOC ЄV ЄV C, laureate and...
Lot unsold
Lot 426
50 GBP
Gallienus Æ18 of Coela, Thrace. AD 253-268. IMP GALLIHN, laureate head right / AEL MVNICIP, she-wolf standing right,...
Lot unsold
Lot 427
100 GBP
Gallienus BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated year 6 = AD 264-265. ΑΥΤ Κ Π ΛΙΚ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝΟC CΕΒ,...
Price realized:
240 GBP
Lot 428
50 GBP
Gallienus BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. Dated year 15 = AD 267-268. ΑΥΤ Κ Π ΛΙΚ ΓΑΛΛΙΗΝ[ΟC...
Price realized:
45 GBP
Lot 429
50 GBP
Salonina (wife of Gallienus) BI Tetradrachm of Alexandria, Egypt. RY = AD 258-259. KOPNHΛIA CAΛѠNЄINA CEB, draped...
Lot unsold
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