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The Vineyard Collection Part II, Spain to Sicily (125)
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Nomos AG
obolos 13
2 Jul 2019
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Browsing category Big Lots
Lot 799
Starting price:
500 CHF
GREEK & ROMAN. Circa 5th BC- 4th Century AD. (Silver, 500.00 g). Lot of fifty-four (54) Greek, Roman and Roman...
Price realized:
2800 CHF
Lot 816
Starting price:
500 CHF
BYZANTINE. Early Byzantine period, Circa 5th-6th century. (Gold). Lot of twenty-three (23) Early Byzantine gold coins,...
Price realized:
4600 CHF
Lot 786
Starting price:
350 CHF
KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander the Great, 336-323 BC and later. (Silver, 44.78 g). A lot of thirteen (13) Drachms, from...
Price realized:
406 CHF
Lot 795
Starting price:
300 CHF
GREEK. Circa 5th -1st century BC. (Silver, 66.00 g). Lot of twenty-three Greek silver coins. Including some interesting...
Price realized:
480 CHF
Lot 822
Starting price:
300 CHF
BYZANTINE. Circa 10th- 13th Century AD. (Lead, 347.00 g). An interesting lot of thirty (30) Byzantine lead seals. A...
Price realized:
460 CHF
Lot 797
Starting price:
200 CHF
KINGS OF CAPPADOCIA. Circa 120 - 42 BC. (Silver, 148.75 g). Lot of fourty (40) Drachms of the Kings of Cappadocia from...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 798
Starting price:
200 CHF
ARMENIA. Circa 3rd-1st century BC. (Bronze, 450.00 g). Lot of ninety-five (95) Armenian bronzes, some quite rare. A...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 800
Starting price:
200 CHF
GREEK. Circa 4th - 1st century BC. (750.00 g). Lot of One Hundred and fourty-nine (149) Silver and Bronze coins from...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 805
Starting price:
200 CHF
GREEK, ROMAN IMPERIAL AND PROVINCIAL. Circa 3rd century BC - 3rd century AD. (900.00 g). A collection of 115 Silver,...
Price realized:
1200 CHF
Lot 807
Starting price:
200 CHF
ROMAN. Circa 1st Century BC-3rd Century AD. (Silver, 229.00 g). Lot of seventy-eight (78) Silver Denarii from the...
Price realized:
1700 CHF
Lot 812
Starting price:
200 CHF
ROMAN IMPERIAL. Circa 2nd to 3rd Century AD. (159.00 g). Lot of twenty (20) mostly silver Roman coins. An interesting...
Price realized:
360 CHF
Lot 821
Starting price:
200 CHF
BYZANTINE. Circa 9th-12th Century AD. (Lead, 481.00 g). Lot of thirty-nine Byzantine lead seals of various sizes and...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 823
Starting price:
200 CHF
BYZANTINE. Circa 10th- 13th Century. (190.00 g). Lot of thirteen (13) very interesting Byzantine lead seals, many of...
Price realized:
800 CHF
Lot 829
Starting price:
200 CHF
ARMENIA, Cilician Armenia. Royal. Levon I, 1198-1219. (Silver, 58.00 g). A lot of twenty (20) Silver Trams, all well...
Price realized:
950 CHF
Lot 830
Starting price:
200 CHF
WORLD. Venice and Ottoman. (13.00 g). A small lot of four (4) Gold and Silver coins, containing three Venetian coins (2...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 802
Starting price:
180 CHF
ROMAN PROVINCIAL. Circa 1st-3rd Century and later. (147.00 g). Lot of twenty-three (23) silver and bronze Roman...
Price realized:
262 CHF
Lot 790
Starting price:
150 CHF
THRACE & BITHYNIA. Byzantion and Kalchedon. Circa 4th century BC. (Silver, 36.00 g). A lot of fourteen (14) silver...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 791
Starting price:
150 CHF
GREEK. Circa 5th -3rd century BC. (Silver, 44.00 g). A lot of thirteen (13) silver coins, mostly of the 4th century BC....
Price realized:
190 CHF
Lot 801
Starting price:
150 CHF
CAPPADOCIA. Caesaraea-Eusebia. 1st to 3rd Century AD. (Silver, 26.00 g). Lot of eight (8) silver coins including two...
Price realized:
330 CHF
Lot 803
Starting price:
150 CHF
GREEK, ROMAN REPUBLICAN & ROMAN IMPERIAL. Circa 4th century BC - 3rd century AD. (173.00 g). A lot of Eighteen (18)...
Price realized:
950 CHF
Lot 794
Starting price:
120 CHF
KINGS OF BITHYNIA AND OTHER REGIONS. Prusias II Cynegos, 182-149 BC. (Bronze, 64.00 g). Lot of twelve (12)...
Price realized:
153 CHF
Lot 826
Starting price:
120 CHF
SASANIAN KINGS. Circa 6th- 7th century AD. (Silver, 48.00 g). Lot of Twelve (12) Sassanian Drachms mostly of Khosroes...
Price realized:
220 CHF
Lot 788
Starting price:
100 CHF
CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN GREECE. Circa 5th-4th century BC. (Silver, 22.34 g). A lovely and clear lot of eight (8) fine...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 789
Starting price:
100 CHF
THESSALY & PELOPONNESOS. Circa 5th - 3rd centuries BC. (Silver, 36.87 g). A fine lot of fourteen (14) Silver Coins:...
Price realized:
900 CHF
Lot 792
Starting price:
100 CHF
PONTOS. Amisos, Dia and Sinope, Circa 1st century BC. (Bronze, 150.00 g). An interesting group of twenty-five (25)...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 793
Starting price:
100 CHF
ASIA MINOR. Circa 5th - 1st century BC. (55.00 g). A interesting study group of seventy-seven (77) fractional Greek...
Price realized:
900 CHF
Lot 796
Starting price:
100 CHF
GREEK AND ROMAN PROVINCIAL. Circa 2nd century BC - 3th century AD. (Bronze, 94.00 g). A fine lot of fourteen (14) Greek...
Price realized:
311 CHF
Lot 804
Starting price:
100 CHF
GREEK, ROMAN & ROMAN PROVINCIAL. Circa 3rd century BC - 3rd century AD. (350.00 g). A lot of sixty-seven (67) Silver...
Price realized:
380 CHF
Lot 806
Starting price:
100 CHF
ROMAN, Republican, Imperial & Provincial. Circa 2nd century BC - 5th century AD. (186.00 g). An interesting lot of...
Price realized:
1400 CHF
Lot 809
Starting price:
100 CHF
ROMAN IMPERIAL. Trajan to Elagabalus, 98-222. (Silver, 32.00 g). A lot of ten (10) Silver Denarii representing...
Price realized:
200 CHF
Lot 814
Starting price:
100 CHF
ROMAN IMPERIAL. Helena, Augusta, 324-328/30. (Bronze, 58.00 g). A lovely lot containing twenty (20) bronze coins of...
Price realized:
300 CHF
Lot 815
Starting price:
100 CHF
ROMAN IMPERIAL. House of Constantine and Later, 4th century. (Bronze). A lovely lot of one hundred and thirty (130!)...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 818
Starting price:
100 CHF
BYZANTINE. Early & Middle Byzantine period, circa 5th -11th Century. (Bronze, 170.00 g). A lot of fifteen large Bronze...
Price realized:
180 CHF
Lot 819
Starting price:
100 CHF
BYZANTINE. Early & Middle Byzantine period, circa 5th -12th Century. (Bronze, 300.00 g). An interesting lot of...
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 820
Starting price:
100 CHF
BYZANTINE. Middle Byzantine period, circa 7th - 11th Century. (Bronze, 150.00 g). A lot of seventeen (17) Byzantine...
Price realized:
200 CHF
Lot 827
Starting price:
100 CHF
ARMENIAN, SASSANIAN AND ISLAMIC. Circa 7th - 13th century. (200.00 g). A lot of ninety-nine (99) Early Medieval,...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 828
Starting price:
100 CHF
ARMENIA, Cilician Armenia. Royal. Levon I, 1198-1219. (Silver, 14.57 g). A lot of five Silver Trams, all well struck...
Price realized:
120 CHF
Lot 811
Starting price:
80 CHF
ROMAN IMPERIAL. Circa 1st-3rd Century AD. (157.00 g). A lot of forty-one (41) Silver and Bronze coins mainly...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 810
Starting price:
75 CHF
GREEK, ROMAN & ROMAN PROVINCIAL. Circa 3rd century BC - 3rd century AD. (Bronze, 183.00 g). A lot of twenty (20)...
Price realized:
280 CHF
Lot 813
Starting price:
75 CHF
ROMAN IMPERIAL. Constantine the Great and his Family, 4th century. (Bronze, 37.00 g). A wonderful lot of twenty-nine...
Price realized:
280 CHF
Lot 785
Starting price:
50 CHF
CELTIC. Fractions. Circa 2nd -1st century BC. (72.00 g). A lot containing sixteen (16) silver, potin and bronze coins...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 787
Starting price:
50 CHF
THESSALY. Circa 4th century BC - 3rd Century AD. (Bronze, 86.00 g). An attractive collection of sixteen (16) coins,...
Price realized:
113 CHF
Lot 808
Starting price:
50 CHF
ROMAN IMPERIAL. Circa 3rd-4th century. (97.00 g). A lot of forty (40) Silver and Bronze coins. Sold as is, no returns...
Price realized:
200 CHF
Lot 817
Starting price:
50 CHF
BYZANTINE. Early Byzantine period, circa 5th -7th Century. (Bronze, 200.00 g). A lot of eighteen large Bronze Folles...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 824
Starting price:
50 CHF
MISCELLANEOUS. Greek, Byzantine and Medieval. Circa 5th century BC - 14th century AD. (40.20 g). An assorted lot of six...
Price realized:
65 CHF
Lot 825
Starting price:
50 CHF
MISCELLANEOUS. Roman, Byzantine, Crusaders and modern. (20.34 g). A group of nine (9) coins, remainder of a European...
Price realized:
65 CHF
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