MILITARY MEDALS. Campaign Singles. CRIMEA MEDAL, 1854-1856, 4 clasps, Alma, Balaclava, Inkermann, Sebastopol (John Fleming Hms 11th Hussars); erased & renamed in a contemporary engraved style. Medal generally reconstituted, possibly from a previous mount, well polished with contact marks and a few edge bruises, a bold fine – and in all likelihood the medal worn by a confirmed Light Brigade charger, wounded in action.
As outlined in Roy Dutton's 'Forgotten Heroes: The Charge of the Light Brigade' - Private John Fleming is noted by all four major recognised sources as being a confirmed charger, having also been wounded in the thigh during the famous charge (despite his name not being included on the list of casualties in the London Gazette). He had been promoted to Corporal 27 November 1854, but later placed in confinement 22-25 April 1855. He was then reverted to Private 26 April 1855.
Considering the dates of his confinement, John Fleming may not have been issued a medal as a direct result of the timing of his court martial and subsequent confinement. As such, it is plausible to say that he may have bought this medal, erased the previous naming and had his own name put on in a contemporary engraved stylefeeling himself entitled to wear one – having ridden in the charge and also been wounded.His discharge papers note that he was born in late 1820, near Bishop Hill, York, and that he attested for service with the 11th Hussars at Sheffield 16 May 1843, at the age of 22 years and six months, and that he was discharged at Canterbury 26 August 1867. He is noted as having died in 1890 at Aldershot, at the age of 70.
Sold with copy mention in 'Forgotten Heroes: The Charge of the Light Brigade', copy original nominal roll mention, and copy original discharge papers.
Estimate: £400-600