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Leu Numismatik AG
Auction 5
27 Oct 2019
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Browsing category Roman Provincial
Lot 251
500 CHF
THRACE. Bizya. Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar, 139-161. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 26 mm, 9.29 g, 7 h), circa 147-161. Μ...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 252
250 CHF
THRACE. Hadrianopolis. Septimius Severus, 193-211. Hemiassarion (Bronze, 18 mm, 3.17 g, 1 h). AY K•Λ•CЄΠ...
Price realized:
320 CHF
Lot 253
15 000 CHF
ARCADIA. Mantinea. Antinoüs, died 130. Medallion (Bronze, 39 mm, 40.82 g, 1 h), Veturios, late 131 or early 132....
Price realized:
14 000 CHF
Lot 254
500 CHF
PONTUS. Amasia. Hadrian, 117-138. Assarion (Orichalcum, 22 mm, 5.43 g, 6 h), CY 138 = 135/6. AYT KAIC TPAI AΔPIANOC...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 255
250 CHF
PAPHLAGONIA. Germanicopolis. Caracalla, 198-217. Assarion (Orichalcum, 20 mm, 3.88 g, 7 h), CY 214 = 208/9. AY KAI M A...
Price realized:
400 CHF
Lot 256
750 CHF
BITHYNIA. Prusias ad Hypium. Macrinus, 217-218. Hexassarion (Orichalcum, 34 mm, 21.46 g, 7 h). AY•T•K M OΠЄΛ...
Price realized:
2600 CHF
Lot 257
500 CHF
MYSIA. Cyzicus. Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Hexassarion (Orichalcum, 34 mm, 25.61 g, 7 h), Philographes, archiereus, circa...
Price realized:
800 CHF
Lot 258
350 CHF
MYSIA. Cyzicus. Pseudo-autonomous issue. AE (Orichalcum, 17 mm, 2.78 g, 6 h), time of Commodus, circa 180-186. KYZIKOC...
Price realized:
1400 CHF
Lot 259
250 CHF
MYSIA. Cyzicus. Valerian I, 253-260. Tetrassarion (?) (Bronze, 25 mm, 8.07 g, 6 h). AY K ΛIKI OYAΛЄPIANOC Laureate,...
Price realized:
380 CHF
Lot 260
750 CHF
MYSIA. Germe. Elagabalus, 218-222. Medallion (Orichalcum, 43 mm, 40.93 g, 7 h), T. Ioulios Fontinios Alexandros,...
Price realized:
3600 CHF
Lot 261
350 CHF
MYSIA. Parium. Macrinus, 217-218. 'Sestertius' (Orichalcum, 31 mm, 16.70 g, 7 h). IMP C M OPELIOS SEVER MACRINVS A...
Price realized:
460 CHF
Lot 262
1000 CHF
MYSIA. Pergamum. Gaius Caesar, 20 BC-AD 4. Hemiassarion (Bronze, 18 mm, 3.14 g, 12 h), A. Fourios, gymnasiarch, 2-3 AD....
Price realized:
3600 CHF
Lot 263
200 CHF
TROAS. Alexandria Troas. Pseudo-autonomous issue. 'As' (Bronze, 23 mm, 5.84 g, 4 h), time of Trebonianus Gallus to...
Price realized:
200 CHF
Lot 264
350 CHF
IONIA. Smyrna. Tranquillina, Augusta, 241-244. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 32 mm, 15.38 g, 11 h), Kl. Roufinos, strategos and...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 265
250 CHF
LYDIA. Sala. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Assarion (Orichalcum, 19 mm, 4.89 g, 2 h), time of Trajan, 98-117. Bust of Athena...
Price realized:
220 CHF
Lot 266
350 CHF
CARIA. Aphrodisias. Tranquillina, Augusta, 241-244. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 30 mm, 15.85 g, 6 h). ΦPOY CAB...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 267
500 CHF
CARIA. Trapezopolis. Commodus, as Caesar, 166-177. Tetrassarion (Bronze, 30 mm, 15.87 g, 1 h), M. Oul. Karminios...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 268
350 CHF
CARIA. Trapezopolis. Septimius Severus, 193-211. Hexassarion (Orichalcum, 35 mm, 22.58 g, 6 h), P. Ail. Apollonios,...
Price realized:
1300 CHF
Lot 269
7500 CHF
PHRYGIA. Apameia. Philip I, 244-249. Pentassarion (Orichalcum, 34 mm, 18.56 g, 7 h), Aur. Alexander, archon for the...
Price realized:
17 000 CHF
Lot 270
250 CHF
PHRYGIA. Cadi. Pseudo-autonomous issue. AE (Orichalcum, 18 mm, 4.01 g, 7 h), time of the Severans, 198-235. ΘЄIA...
Price realized:
220 CHF
Lot 271
500 CHF
PHRYGIA. Colossae. Elagabalus, 218-222. Medallion (Orichalcum, 37 mm, 24.18 g, 7 h)....
Price realized:
4400 CHF
Lot 272
350 CHF
PHRYGIA. Cotiaeum. Galba, 68-69. Assarion (Orichalcum, 20 mm, 4.16 g, 1 h), Ti. Klaudios Papylos, magistrate. ΓΑΛBAN...
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 273
350 CHF
PHRYGIA. Ococleia. Pseudo-autonomous issue. Diassarion (Orichalcum, 24 mm, 6.39 g, 6 h), Kl. Kalobrotos, asiarch, time...
Price realized:
750 CHF
Lot 274
250 CHF
PHRYGIA. Synnada. Gallienus, 253-268. AE (Orichalcum, 33 mm, 14.73 g, 7 h), Kelsos, archon. ΑYΤ ΚΑΙ Π ΛΙΚ...
Price realized:
750 CHF
Lot 275
350 CHF
PAMPHYLIA. Perge. Volusian, 251-253. Hexassarion (Orichalcum, 32 mm, 19.49 g, 12 h). Α Κ Γ ΟΥ ΑΦ ΓΑΛ...
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 276
350 CHF
PAMPHYLIA. Side. Philip II, 247-249. Pentassarion (Orichalcum, 34 mm, 20.00 g, 1 h). AYT...
Price realized:
700 CHF
Lot 277
500 CHF
PAMPHYLIA. Side. Salonina, Augusta, 254-268. 12 Assaria (Bronze, 31 mm, 16.67 g, 2 h). KOPNHΛIA CAΛΩNINA CЄB / IB...
Price realized:
950 CHF
Lot 278
500 CHF
PISIDIA. Antiochia. Caracalla, 198-217. 'Sestertius' (Bronze, 33 mm, 28.57 g, 6 h), 211-217. IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS...
Price realized:
900 CHF
Lot 279
350 CHF
PISIDIA. Sagalassus. Claudius II Gothicus, 268-270. 10 Assaria (Bronze, 36 mm, 21.11 g, 6 h). AY•K•M•AYP•...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 280
250 CHF
CILICIA. Aegeae. Diadumenian, as Caesar, 217-218. Tetrassarion (Orichalcum, 28 mm, 16.29 g, 1 h), CY 264 = 217/8. MA...
Price realized:
480 CHF
Lot 281
350 CHF
ASIA MINOR. Uncertain. Assarion (Bronze, 21 mm, 8.18 g, 11 h), 1st century BC. Bare head of a Roman quaestor to right....
Price realized:
380 CHF
Lot 282
500 CHF
ASIA MINOR. Uncertain. Medallion (Bronze, 68 mm, 229.21 g), Asia Minor, circa 1st-3rd centuries. Hero, with bipennis...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 283
350 CHF
SYRIA, Uncertain. 'Sistripia'. Augustus, 27 BC-AD 14. Assarion (Bronze, 20 mm, 8.19 g, 12 h). ΘEOY YIOY KAICAPOC Bare...
Price realized:
380 CHF
Lot 284
350 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Caracalla, 198-217. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28 mm, 13.24 g, 11 h), 205-207. AYT KAI...
Price realized:
420 CHF
Lot 285
250 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Caracalla, 198-217. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27 mm, 13.63 g, 12 h), 208-211....
Price realized:
360 CHF
Lot 286
350 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Macrinus, 217-218. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25 mm, 13.92 g, 11 h)....
Price realized:
320 CHF
Lot 287
200 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Gordian III, 238-244. Tetradrachm (Billon, 28 mm, 12.71 g, 6 h), 238-240. AYTOK M...
Price realized:
220 CHF
Lot 288
200 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I, 244-249. Tetradrachm (Billon, 27 mm, 12.32 g, 1 h), 244. AYTOK K M IOYΛ...
Price realized:
320 CHF
Lot 289
200 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Philip I, 244-249. Tetradrachm (Billon, 25 mm, 12.54 g, 1 h), 246. ΑYΤΟΚ Κ Μ...
Price realized:
280 CHF
Lot 290
200 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Otacilia Severa, Augusta, 244-249. Tetradrachm (Billon, 27 mm, 12.14 g, 1 h), 244....
Price realized:
200 CHF
Lot 291
250 CHF
SYRIA, Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Trajan Decius, 249-251. Tetradrachm (Billon, 26 mm, 12.09 g, 12 h), 249-250. AYT K...
Price realized:
380 CHF
Lot 292
250 CHF
PHOENICIA. Tyre. Geta, 209-211. Tetradrachm (Silver, 26 mm, 15.72 g, 1 h). AYT KAI ΓЄTAC CЄB Laureate, draped and...
Price realized:
300 CHF
Lot 293
350 CHF
PHOENICIA. Tyre. Caracalla, 198-217. Tetradrachm (Silver, 26 mm, 12.41 g, 6 h), 213-217. AYT KAI ANTWNINOC CЄ•...
Price realized:
380 CHF
Lot 294
500 CHF
JUDAEA. Legio X Fretensis. Sebaste or Aelia Capitolina, circa 81/2-132/5. AE (Bronze, 23 mm, 11.17 g). Laureate head of...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 295
1000 CHF
EGYPT. Alexandria. Commodus, 177-192. Tetradrachm (Billon, 25 mm, 12.99 g, 1 h), RY 29 = 188/9. M A KOM ANTω CЄB...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 296
1000 CHF
EGYPT. Alexandria. Julia Domna, Augusta, 193-217. Tetradrachm (Potin, 24 mm, 13.58 g, 12 h), RY 4 of Septimius Severus...
Price realized:
1800 CHF
Lot 297
1000 CHF
EGYPT. Alexandria. Gordian I, 238. Tetradrachm (Potin, 22 mm, 13.63 g, 12 h), RY 1 = March-April 238. A K M AN...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 298
1000 CHF
EGYPT. Alexandria. Gordian I, 238. Tetradrachm (Potin, 23 mm, 12.78 g, 12 h), RY 1 = March-April 238. A K M AN...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 299
1000 CHF
EGYPT. Alexandria. Gordian I, 238. Tetradrachm (Potin, 23 mm, 13.00 g, 11 h), RY 1 = March-April 238. A K M AN...
Price realized:
1300 CHF
Lot 300
750 CHF
EGYPT. Alexandria. Pupienus, 238. Tetradrachm (Potin, 23 mm, 11.00 g, 12 h), RY 1 = circa April-June 238. M K M KΛω...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
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