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Leu Numismatik AG
Auction 5
27 Oct 2019
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Browsing category Byzantine
Lot 576
10 000 CHF
Alexander, 912-913. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.23 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. +IҺS XRS RЄX RЄςҺAҺTIЧm Christ,...
Price realized:
12 000 CHF
Lot 575
5000 CHF
Michael III "the Drunkard", with Theodora, 842-867. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.46 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 843-856....
Price realized:
8000 CHF
Lot 568
2500 CHF
Justinian II, first reign, 685-695. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.42 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 692-695. IҺS CRISTOS RЄX...
Price realized:
4400 CHF
Lot 585
2500 CHF
Konstantinos Angelos Doukas, before 1193. Seal (Lead, 45 mm, 39.43 g, 12 h). X/A/I/PЄ - KAI/XA/PI/T/ω/MЄ/NH - O / KC...
Price realized:
2600 CHF
Lot 569
2000 CHF
Justinian II, first reign, 685-695. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.43 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis, 692-695. IҺS CRISTOS RЄX...
Price realized:
3400 CHF
Lot 572
1500 CHF
Justinian II, second reign, 705-711. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.47 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. δ N IҺS CҺ[S RЄX]...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 578
1000 CHF
Theodora, 1055-1056. Histamenon (Gold, 25 mm, 4.44 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. +IhS XIS RЄX RЄGNANTIhm Christ,...
Price realized:
1200 CHF
Lot 582
1000 CHF
Katakalon Kekaumenos, Duke of Antioch, 1056. Seal (Lead, 34 mm, 27.50 g, 12 h). M/I-X/A Facing bust of St. Michael,...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 566
750 CHF
Constans II, 641-668. Hexagram (Silver, 23 mm, 4.40 g, 7 h), 'ceremonial coinage', Constantinopolis. δ N...
Price realized:
1900 CHF
Lot 567
750 CHF
Constantine IV Pogonatus, with Heraclius and Tiberius, 668-685. Solidus (Gold, 18 mm, 3.69 g, 7 h), Syracuse, 674. δ N...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 570
750 CHF
Leontius, 695-698. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.47 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. D LЄON PЄ AV Bearded bust of Leontius...
Price realized:
1500 CHF
Lot 579
750 CHF
Isaac I Comnenus, 1057-1059. Histamenon (Gold, 26 mm, 4.38 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. +IhI XIS RЄX RIςNANTҺIm...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 583
750 CHF
Aposachles (Abu Sahl) Senacherim, proedros, 2nd third of the 11th century. Seal (Lead, 34 mm, 27.40 g, 12 h). Θ /...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 555
500 CHF
Anastasius I, 491-518. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.41 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, circa 507-518. D N ANASTASIVS P P AVG...
Price realized:
700 CHF
Lot 556
500 CHF
Anastasius I, 491-518. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.49 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis, circa 507-518. D N ANASTASIVS P P AVG...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 557
500 CHF
Anastasius I, 491-518. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.49 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, circa 507-518. D N ANASTASIVS P P AVG...
Price realized:
700 CHF
Lot 558
500 CHF
Justin I, 518-527. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.48 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 518-519. D N IVSTINVS P P AVG Pearl-diademed,...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 559
500 CHF
Justin I, 518-527. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.50 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 519-527. D N IVSTINVS P P AVG Pearl-diademed,...
Price realized:
900 CHF
Lot 571
500 CHF
Tiberius III (Apsimar), 698-705. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.41 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. D tIbЄRIЧS PЄ AV Draped and...
Price realized:
1300 CHF
Lot 574
500 CHF
Nicephorus I, with Stauracius, 802-811. Solidus (Gold, 18 mm, 4.40 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 803-811. ҺICIFOROS...
Price realized:
950 CHF
Lot 577
500 CHF
Constantine VIII, 1025-1028. Histamenon (Gold, 25 mm, 4.43 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. +IҺS XIS RЄX RЄGNANTIҺm Bust...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 584
500 CHF
Konstantinos, protonobellisimos, late 11th-early 12th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 13.50 g, 12 h). Θ /...
Price realized:
400 CHF
Lot 560
350 CHF
Justinian I, 527-565. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.46 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 545-565. D N IVSTINIANVS P P AVI Helmeted...
Price realized:
500 CHF
Lot 561
350 CHF
Justin II, 565-578. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.41 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 566/7-578. D N IVSTINVS P P AVI Helmeted and...
Price realized:
500 CHF
Lot 562
350 CHF
Maurice Tiberius, 582-602. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.51 g, 7 h), Theoupolis (Antiochia). D N mAVRC TIb P P AVI Draped and...
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 564
350 CHF
Constans II, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.40 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 651-654. δ N CONSTANTINЧS P P AV Crowned...
Price realized:
440 CHF
Lot 565
350 CHF
Constans II, 641-668. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.45 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 651-654. δ N CONSTANTINЧS P P AVI Crowned...
Price realized:
460 CHF
Lot 573
350 CHF
Leo III the "Isaurian", 717-741. Tremissis (Gold, 14 mm, 1.39 g, 6 h), Rome, RY 4 = 720/1. [N]OLE [...] P A M[ЧL] (or...
Price realized:
2000 CHF
Lot 581
350 CHF
Stephanos, patrikios, and genikos kommerkiarios of the Apotheke of the first and second Cappadocia, under Constans II,...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 563
250 CHF
Heraclius, 610-641. Dekanummium (Bronze, 16 mm, 3.92 g, 5 h), Carthage. D N ЄRACLIO P P AVS Helmeted, draped and...
Price realized:
650 CHF
Lot 580
250 CHF
Theodore I Comnenus-Lascaris, emperor of Nicaea, 1208-1222. Trachy (Silver, 35 mm, 4.31 g, 6 h), Nicaea. IC - XC...
Price realized:
850 CHF
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