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Classical Numismatic Group, LLC
Triton XXIII
14-15 Jan 2020
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Browsing category Byzantine
Lot 910
500 USD
Anastasius I. 491-518. Æ Follis (32mm, 18.30 g, 6h). Constantinople mint; 5th officina. Struck 498-518. D N ANASTA...
Price realized:
4500 USD
Lot 911
500 USD
Justinian I. 527-565. Æ Follis (38mm, 23.55 g, 7h). Constantinople mint, 4th officina. Dated RY 16 (542/3). D N...
Price realized:
650 USD
Lot 912
750 USD
Justinian I. 527-565. Æ Follis (37mm, 23.34 g, 7h). Carthage mint, 6th officina. Dated RY 13 (539/40). D N IVSTINI...
Price realized:
1100 USD
Lot 913
500 USD
Justin II, with Sophia. 565-578. Æ Follis (29mm, 16.14 g, 7h). Constantinople mint, 1st officina. Dated RY 2 (AD...
Price realized:
600 USD
Lot 914
500 USD
Justin II. 565-578. AV Solidus (19mm, 4.39 g, 6h). Thessalonica mint. Struck circa 570. D N I VSTI NVS P P AVI,...
Price realized:
425 USD
Lot 915
1500 USD
Tiberius II Constantine. 578-582. AV Solidus (20.5mm, 4.31 g, 6h). Constantinople mint. Struck 579. CONSTANT A ЧC...
Price realized:
1300 USD
Lot 916
3000 USD
Tiberius II Constantine. 578-582. AV Solidus (20mm, 4.45 g, 6h). Constantinople mint, 10th officina. Struck 579....
Price realized:
11 000 USD
Lot 917
2000 USD
Maurice Tiberius. 582-602. AV Solidus (21mm, 4.41 g, 6h). Carthage mint. Dated IY 1 (582/3). D N TIЬЄR MAV RIC PP AV...
Price realized:
3000 USD
Lot 918
1000 USD
Maurice Tiberius, with Constantina and Theodosius. 582-602. Æ 8 Pentanummia – Follis (30mm, 13.09 g, 7h). Cherson...
Price realized:
800 USD
Lot 919
1000 USD
Heraclius. 610-641. AR Miliaresion (22mm, 4.39 g, 7h). Constantinople mint. Struck circa 610-613. ∂ N hЄRACL I PЄRP...
Price realized:
3000 USD
Lot 920
1000 USD
Heraclius. 610-641. AV Semissis (13mm, 2.14 g, 6h). Carthage mint. Dated IY 7 (633/4). D N ЄRCΛO (sic) P P ΛV (Z...
Price realized:
4250 USD
Lot 921
500 USD
Constans II, with Constantine IV, Heraclius, and Tiberius. 641-668. AV Solidus (19mm, 4.39 g, 7h). Constantinople mint,...
Price realized:
1400 USD
Lot 922
2000 USD
Constantine IV Pogonatus, with Heraclius and Tiberius. 668-685. AV Solidus (19.5mm, 4.02 g, 7h). Light weight isue of...
Price realized:
1500 USD
Lot 923
3000 USD
Justinian II. First reign, 685-695. AV Solidus (19mm, 4.38 g, 7h). Constantinople mint, 9th officina. Struck 692-695....
Price realized:
4500 USD
Lot 924
4000 USD
Justinian II. First reign, 685-695. AV Solidus (20mm, 4.45 g, 7h). Constantinople mint, 9th officina. Struck 692-695....
Price realized:
4250 USD
Lot 925
10 000 USD
Justinian II. First reign, 685-695. AR Hexagram (20mm, 6.55 g, 7h). Constantinople mint. Struck 692-695. IҺS C[RISτDS...
Price realized:
22 500 USD
Lot 926
1000 USD
Leontius. 695-698. AV Solidus (19mm, 4.43 g, 6h). Constantinople mint, 7th officina. D LЄO N PЄ AV, crowned bust...
Price realized:
2000 USD
Lot 927
1000 USD
Tiberius III (Apsimar). 698-705. AV Solidus (20mm, 4.48 g, 6h). Constantinople mint, 5th officina. D τIbЄRI ЧS PЄ...
Price realized:
1300 USD
Lot 928
750 USD
Anastasius II Artemius. 713-715. AV Solidus (20mm, 3.88 g, 7h). Syracuse mint. [∂ N ARTЄMI] ЧS ANAST MЧLT, crowned...
Price realized:
2250 USD
Lot 929
1000 USD
Constantine V Copronymus, with Leo IV and Leo III. 741-775. AV Solidus (20mm, 4.42 g, 6h). Constantinople mint. Struck...
Price realized:
900 USD
Lot 930
4000 USD
Constantine VI & Irene. 780-797. AV Solidus (19mm, 4.41 g, 6h). Constantinople mint. Struck 793-797. IRInH AΓOVSτI,...
Price realized:
2500 USD
Lot 931
2000 USD
Nicephorus I. 802-811. AV Solidus (19mm, 4.37 g, 6h). Constantinople mint. Struck 802-803. nICI FOROS ЬASILЄ',...
Price realized:
1500 USD
Lot 932
3000 USD
Nicephorus I, with Stauracius. 802-811. AV Solidus (20mm, 3.76 g, 10h). Uncertain Sicilian mint, probably Syracuse....
Price realized:
2750 USD
Lot 933
2000 USD
Nicephorus I, with Stauracius. 802-811. AV Solidus (19.5mm, 3.12 g, 6h). Syracuse mint. Struck circa 810-811. [ҺI...
Price realized:
1500 USD
Lot 934
2000 USD
Leo V the Armenian, with Constantine. 813-820. AV Solidus (20mm, 3.82 g, 6h). Syracuse mint. Struck circa 815-817....
Price realized:
3750 USD
Lot 935
3000 USD
Theophilus. 829-842. AV Solidus (21mm, 4.49 g, 6h). Constantinople mint. Struck 829-830. * ӨЄOFI LOS ЬASILЄ',...
Price realized:
5500 USD
Lot 936
500 USD
Basil II Bulgaroktonos, with Constantine VIII. 976-1025. AR Miliaresion (29mm, 2.95 g, 5h). Constantinople mint. Struck...
Price realized:
2250 USD
Lot 937
1500 USD
Basil II Bulgaroktonos, with Constantine VIII. 976-1025. AV Solidus (25mm, 4.42 g, 6h). Constantinople mint. Struck...
Price realized:
6000 USD
Lot 938
2000 USD
John Comnenus-Ducas. As despot of Thessalonica, 1242-1244. Æ Trachy (26mm, 2.08 g, 6h). Series I. Thessalonica mint....
Price realized:
4500 USD
Lot 939
1500 USD
Theodore II Ducas-Lascaris. Emperor of Nicaea, 1254-1258. AR Trachy (26mm, 2.68 g, 6h). Magnesia mint. The Virgin Mary...
Price realized:
5500 USD
Lot 940
2000 USD
Michael VIII Palaeologus. 1261-1282. AR Trachy (23.5mm, 2.66 g, 12h). Constantinople mint. St. Michael the Archangel...
Price realized:
1600 USD
Lot 941
1000 USD
Andronicus II Palaeologus, with Michael IX. 1282-1328. AR Basilikon (20mm, 1.52 g, 6h). Type II. Constantinople mint....
Price realized:
1600 USD
Lot 942
2000 USD
Andronicus II Palaeologus, with Andronicus III. 1282-1328. AR Basilikon (20mm, 2.10 g, 6h). Constantinople(?) mint....
Price realized:
1800 USD
Lot 943
400 USD
John V Palaeologus. 1341-1391. BI Tornese (15.5mm, 0.67 g). Politikon coinage Class XIII. Constantinople mint. Struck...
Price realized:
1000 USD
Lot 944
1000 USD
Andronicus IV Palaeologus. Usurper, 1376-1379. AR Basilikon (14mm, 0.61 g, 2h). Constantinople mint. Christ Pantokrator...
Price realized:
3250 USD
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Contact Classical Numismatic Group, LLC
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