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Classical Numismatic Group, LLC
Triton XXIII
14-15 Jan 2020
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Browsing category Early Medieval
Lot 990
750 USD
VANDALS. Hilderic. 523-530. AR AR 500 Nummi – 50 Denarii (13mm, 1.17 g, 3h). Carthage mint. D N HILDI RIX REX,...
Price realized:
650 USD
Lot 991
500 USD
VANDALS. Municipal coinage of Carthage. Circa 480-533. Æ 42 Nummi (26mm, 11.25 g, 2h). Class 1. Struck circa 480-523....
Price realized:
475 USD
Lot 992
750 USD
OSTROGOTHS. Theoderic. As king of the Goths, 474/5-493, or ruler of Italy, 493-526. AV Tremissis (14mm, 1.48 g, 6h). In...
Price realized:
900 USD
Lot 993
500 USD
OSTROGOTHS. Theoderic. 493-526. AR Quarter Siliqua (11mm, 0.55 g, 6h). In the name of the Byzantine emperor Anastasius...
Price realized:
425 USD
Lot 994
1000 USD
OSTROGOTHS. Theodahad. 534-536. Æ 40 Nummi – Follis (26mm, 9.50 g, 6h). Rome mint, 3rd officina. D N THEOD ΛHΛTVS...
Price realized:
1200 USD
Lot 995
1000 USD
OSTROGOTHS. Municipal coinage of Rome. Circa 527-530. Æ 40 Nummi – Follis (27mm, 16.41 g, 12h). Rome mint, 3rd...
Price realized:
2000 USD
Lot 996
500 USD
OSTROGOTHS. Municipal coinage of Ravenna. Circa 530-539. Æ Decanummium (17.5mm, 2.92 g, 6h). FELIX R AVENNA, mantled...
Price realized:
800 USD
Lot 997
1500 USD
VISIGOTHS, Gaul. Pseudo-Imperial coinage. 417-507. AV Solidus (21mm, 4.35 g, 5h). Imitating a Ravenna mint issue of the...
Price realized:
3750 USD
Lot 998
10 000 USD
VISIGOTHS, Spain. Leovigild. 568-586. AV Tremissis (17mm, 1.28 g, 6h). Class 2. Elvora mint in Portugal. Struck circa...
Price realized:
8000 USD
Lot 999
750 USD
VISIGOTHS, Spain. Reccared I. 586-601. AV Tremissis (19mm, 1.45 g, 6h). Ispali (Seville) mint. + RECCΛREDVS RE •,...
Price realized:
1200 USD
Lot 1000
1000 USD
VISIGOTHS, Spain. Swinthila. 621-631. AV Tremissis (21mm, 1.34 g, 6h). Cordoba mint. (star) SVINTHIL · RE+, facing...
Price realized:
1600 USD
Lot 1001
3000 USD
VISIGOTHS, Spain. Wamba. 672-680. AV Tremissis (20.5mm, 1.44 g, 6h). Toleto (Toledo) mint. + I • D • N • M • N...
Price realized:
2250 USD
Lot 1002
2000 USD
VISIGOTHS, Spain. Wamba. 672-680. AV Tremissis (20.5mm, 1.47 g, 6h). Toleto (Toledo) mint. + I • D • N • M • N...
Price realized:
2500 USD
Lot 1003
2500 USD
VISIGOTHS, Spain. Erwig. 680-687. AV Tremissis (20mm, 1.46 g, 6h). Emerita (Mérida) mint. + I D • I N • M • N...
Price realized:
3250 USD
Lot 1004
3000 USD
VISIGOTHS, Spain. Egica, with Wittiza. 687-702. AV Tremissis (22mm, 1.31 g, 7h). Ispali (Seville) mint. + I • D • I...
Price realized:
4250 USD
Lot 1005
1500 USD
LOMBARDS, Pseudo-Imperial coinage. Circa 620-700. AV Tremissis (17mm, 1.44 g, 6h). Imitating a Ravenna mint issue of...
Price realized:
1300 USD
Lot 1006
1500 USD
LOMBARDS, Pseudo-Imperial coinage. Circa 620-700. AV Tremissis (11mm, 1.49 g, 5h). Uncertain mint in Pavia (Ticinum...
Price realized:
2000 USD
Lot 1007
4000 USD
LOMBARDS, Tuscany. Municipal coinage. Circa 700-750. Pale AV Tremissis (16mm, 1.20 g, 3 or 9h). Lucca mint. + FLAVIA...
Price realized:
2500 USD
Lot 1008
5000 USD
LOMBARDS, Tuscany. Municipal coinage. Circa 700-750. AV Tremissis (16mm, 1.36 g, 6h). Lucca mint. + FLAVIA LVCA,...
Price realized:
3000 USD
Lot 1009
3000 USD
LOMBARDS, Lombardy & Tuscany. Liutprand. 712-744. AV Tremissis (23mm, 1.27 g, 1h). Pavia mint. D N LIV PRDN (Rx),...
Price realized:
3000 USD
Lot 1010
4000 USD
LOMBARDS, Lombardy & Tuscany. Liutprand. 712-744. AV Tremissis (23mm, 1.17 g, 3h). D И LV TPRN (Rx), pearl-diademed,...
Price realized:
3750 USD
Lot 1011
5000 USD
LOMBARDS, Lombardy & Tuscany. Desiderius. 757-774. AV Tremissis (18mm, 1.07 g, 6h). Mediolanum (Milan) mint. + D N...
Price realized:
4500 USD
Lot 1012
3000 USD
LOMBARDS, Beneventum. Romoald II. 706-731. AV Solidus (19mm, 3.80 g, 6h). Type 2. D N IЧST INIAИЧS P P Є, crowned,...
Price realized:
4000 USD
Lot 1013
1000 USD
LOMBARDS, Beneventum. Grimoald III, with Charlemagne, king of the Franks. 788-806. AV Tremissis (17mm, 1.24 g, æh)....
Price realized:
1500 USD
Lot 1014
2500 USD
LOMBARDS, Beneventum. Sico. 817-832. AV Solidus (22mm, 3.68 g, 12h). SICO P – – RINCЄ(retrograde S), crowned,...
Price realized:
1800 USD
Lot 1015
500 USD
LOMBARDS, Beneventum. Adelchis. 853-878. AR Denier (18mm, 1.11 g, 6h). +ADELCHIS PRIN, temple façade / S • C • A M...
Price realized:
450 USD
Lot 1016
5000 USD
BURGUNDIANS. Gundobad. 473-516. AV Tremissis (13mm, 1.45 g, 6h). In the name of Byzantine emperor Anastasius (491-518)....
Price realized:
5000 USD
Lot 1017
3000 USD
BURGUNDIANS. Gundomar II. 524-532. AV Tremissis (14mm, 1.46 g, 6h). In the name of the Byzantine emperor Justinian I...
Price realized:
4750 USD
Lot 1018
5000 USD
MEROVINGIANS, Pseudo-Imperial coinage. temp. Clovis I-Clotaire I. 481-560. AV Tremissis (14mm, 1.47 g, 8h). Imitating...
Price realized:
4500 USD
Lot 1019
3000 USD
MEROVINGIANS, Pseudo-Imperial coinage. temp. Clovis I-Clotaire I. 481-560. AV Solidus (21mm, 4.40 g, 6h). In the name...
Price realized:
2250 USD
Lot 1020
4000 USD
MEROVINGIANS, Banassac. Circa 620-640. AV Tremissis (14mm, 1.27 g, 6h). Maximinus, moneyer. + MAXIMIN V(horizontal S)...
Price realized:
3500 USD
Lot 1021
3000 USD
MEROVINGIANS, Dorestat. Circa 585-675. AV Tremissis (14mm, 1.25 g, 3h). Type 1. Madelinus, moneyer. DORE(horizontal...
Price realized:
3750 USD
Lot 1022
15 000 USD
MEROVINGIANS, Marseille. temp. Clotaire I. Circa 600-620. AV Solidus of 21 siliquae (22mm, 3.89 g, 6h). Struck in the...
Price realized:
14 000 USD
Lot 1023
2000 USD
MEROVINGIANS, Paris. Circa 620-640. AV Tremissis (12mm, 1.27 g, 12h). Arnoaldus, moneyer. PARIS CIΛI, stylized bearded...
Price realized:
1900 USD
Lot 1024
3000 USD
CAROLINGIANS. Pépin 'le Bref' (the Short). King of the Franks, 754/5-768. AR Denier (15mm, 0.84 g, 11h). Ande[cavis]...
Price realized:
3750 USD
Lot 1025
100 000 USD
CAROLINGIANS. Charlemagne (Charles the Great). As Charles I, King of the Franks, 768-814. AV Tremissis (18mm, 1.00 g,...
Price realized:
110 000 USD
Lot 1026
2000 USD
CAROLINGIANS. Charlemagne (Charles the Great). As Charles I, King of the Franks, 768-814. AR Denier (18mm, 1.33 g, 9h)....
Price realized:
2000 USD
Lot 1027
2000 USD
CAROLINGIANS. Charlemagne (Charles the Great). As Charles I, King of the Franks, 768-814. AR Denier (20mm, 1.75 g, 6h)....
Price realized:
3500 USD
Lot 1028
10 000 USD
CAROLINGIANS. Charlemagne (Charles the Great). As Emperor Charles I, 800-814. AR Denier (20mm, 1.54 g, 3h). Class IV....
Price realized:
30 000 USD
Lot 1029
1500 USD
CAROLINGIANS. Louis 'le Pieux' (the Pious). As Emperor Louis I, 814-840. AR Denier (18.5mm, 1.36 g, 2 or 8h). Class 1....
Price realized:
1500 USD
Lot 1030
2000 USD
CAROLINGIANS. Louis 'le Pieux' (the Pious). As Emperor Louis I, 814-840. AR Denier (20mm, 1.31 g, 6 or 12h). Class 1....
Lot unsold
Lot 1031
5000 USD
CAROLINGIANS. Louis 'le Pieux' (the Pious). As Emperor Louis I, 814-840. AV Solidus (22mm, 4.17 g, 1h). Contemporary...
Price realized:
5500 USD
Lot 1032
1500 USD
FRANCE, Early Feudal. Abbaye Saint-Ouen de Rouen. 10th century. AR Denier (22mm, 1.22 g, 9h). + ROTOM CIVITΛS, Carolus...
Price realized:
1200 USD
Lot 1033
4000 USD
CRUSADERS, Christian Arabic Dinars. Mid to late 13th century. AV Bezant – Dinar (22mm, 3.15 g, 3h). Akka (Acre) mint....
Price realized:
6000 USD
Lot 1034
3000 USD
CRUSADERS, Christian Arabic Dirhams. Mid to late 13th century. AR Dirham (23.5mm, 2.84 g, 4h). Akka (Acre) mint. Dated...
Price realized:
1800 USD
Lot 1035
2000 USD
CRUSADERS, Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus. Hugh I. 1205-1218. EL Bezant – Hyperpyron (27.5mm, 3.77 g, 6h). Type 2A....
Price realized:
1600 USD
Lot 1036
5000 USD
CRUSADERS, Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus. Henry I. 1218-1253. EL Bezant – Hyperpyron (27mm, 3.82 g, 6h). Type 3B, 2....
Price realized:
4250 USD
Lot 1037
2000 USD
CRUSADERS, Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus. Amaury, prince of Tyre. Usurper, 1306-1310. AR Gros (28mm, 4.38 g, 7h)....
Price realized:
1800 USD
Lot 1038
500 USD
CRUSADERS, Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus. Peter I. 1359-1369. AR Gros grand (26.5mm, 4.66 g, 4h). Nicosia mint. + PIЄRЄ...
Price realized:
650 USD
Lot 1039
3000 USD
CRUSADERS, Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus. James II. 1460-1473. AR Gros (25.5mm, 3.38 g, 3h). Type 6. IAC O BS DЄI G,...
Price realized:
6000 USD
Lot 1040
3000 USD
CRUSADERS, Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus. Catherine Cornaro. 1473-1489. AR Gros (25mm, 3.10 g, 8h). + KΛTRΛ VENΛETΛ...
Price realized:
2250 USD
Lot 1041
500 USD
CRUSADERS, Knights of Rhodes (Knights Hospitaller). Hélion de Villeneuve. 1319-1346. AR Gigliato (26mm, 3.88 g, 3h). +...
Price realized:
1100 USD
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