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Leu Numismatik AG
Auction 7
24-25 Oct 2020
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Browsing category Byzantine
Lot 1934
500 CHF
UNCERTAIN GERMANIC TRIBES, Pseudo-Imperial coinage. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.47 g, 7 h), uncertain mint, after 507. D N...
Price realized:
950 CHF
Lot 1935
250 CHF
Anastasius I, 491-518. Tremissis (Gold, 16 mm, 1.51 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. D N ANASTASIVS P P AVG Diademed, draped...
Price realized:
650 CHF
Lot 1936
2000 CHF
Justin I & Justinian I, 527. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.49 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 4 April-1 August 527. D N IVSTIN ЄT...
Price realized:
4600 CHF
Lot 1937
500 CHF
Justinian I, 527-565. Light weight Solidus of 22 Siliquae (Gold, 21 mm, 4.13 g, 6 h), Antiochia, 545-565. D N...
Price realized:
5500 CHF
Lot 1938
350 CHF
Tiberius II Constantine, 578-582. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.48 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis, 579-852. δ m TIb CONSTANT P P...
Price realized:
800 CHF
Lot 1939
500 CHF
Phocas, 602-610. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.53 g, 12 h), brockage mint error, Constantinopolis. δ N FOCAS PЄRP AVG...
Price realized:
3000 CHF
Lot 1940
250 CHF
Constans II, 641-668. 1/2 Siliqua (Silver, 13 mm, 0.41 g, 4 h), Carthage, 652-657. D N CO-ATIN Facing bust of Constans...
Price realized:
800 CHF
Lot 1941
750 CHF
Leontius, 695-698. Semissis (Gold, 17 mm, 2.20 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. D LЄON PЄ AV Bearded bust of Leontius...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 1942
500 CHF
Tiberius III (Apsimar), 698-705. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.44 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. D TIbЄRIЧS PЄ AV Draped and...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 1943
7500 CHF
Theodosius III of Adramytium, 715-717. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.48 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. δ NTҺЄOδOSIЧS MЧL A...
Price realized:
12 000 CHF
Lot 1944
750 CHF
Constantine V Copronymus, with Leo IV, 741-775. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.42 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, circa 751-757....
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 1945
750 CHF
Constantine V Copronymus, with Leo IV, 741-775. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 3.81 g, 6 h), Syracuse, 751-775. CONTAN ΛЄO...
Price realized:
1200 CHF
Lot 1946
500 CHF
Constantine VI & Irene, 780-797. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.47 g, 5 h), Constantinopolis, 780-790. S IRIҺI AVΓ mITRI AV...
Price realized:
1400 CHF
Lot 1947
1500 CHF
Constantine VI & Irene, 780-797. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.44 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis, 792-797. IRIҺH AΓOVSTI Facing...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 1948
500 CHF
Nicephorus I, with Stauracius, 802-811. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.45 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 803-811. ҺICIFOROS...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 1949
350 CHF
Michael II the Amorian, with Theophilus, 820-829. Solidus (Gold, 12 mm, 3.44 g, 6 h), Syracuse. MIXAHL b Facing bust of...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 1950
500 CHF
Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867-886. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.38 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis, 868-879. +IҺS...
Price realized:
2100 CHF
Lot 1951
350 CHF
Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867-886. Miliaresion (Silver, 27 mm, 3.06 g, 12 h), Constantinopolis,...
Price realized:
750 CHF
Lot 1952
250 CHF
Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867-886. Miliaresion (Silver, 25 mm, 2.88 g, 12 h), Constantinopolis....
Price realized:
380 CHF
Lot 1953
500 CHF
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, with Romanus I, 913-959. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.44 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis,...
Price realized:
1200 CHF
Lot 1954
200 CHF
John I Zimisces, 969-976. Miliaresion (Silver, 22 mm, 2.26 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. + IҺSЧS XRI-STЧS ҺICA ✷...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 1955
200 CHF
Basil II Bulgaroktonos, with Constantine VIII, 976-1025. Miliaresion (Silver, 29 mm, 2.94 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis,...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 1956
500 CHF
Romanus III Argyrus, 1028-1034. Histamenon (Gold, 24 mm, 4.43 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. +IҺS XIS RЄX RЄςNANTIҺm...
Price realized:
1300 CHF
Lot 1957
500 CHF
Romanus III Argyrus, 1028-1034. Histamenon (Gold, 24 mm, 4.44 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. +IҺS XIS RЄX RЄςNANTIҺm...
Price realized:
950 CHF
Lot 1958
500 CHF
Constantine IX Monomachus, 1042-1055. Histamenon (Gold, 30 mm, 4.44 g, 5 h), Constantinopolis. +IhS XIS RЄX...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 1959
350 CHF
Constantine IX Monomachus, 1042-1055. Histamenon (Gold, 28 mm, 4.44 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, 1042-1055. +IhS XIS RЄX...
Price realized:
1300 CHF
Lot 1960
350 CHF
Constantine IX Monomachus, 1042-1055. Tetarteron (Gold, 16 mm, 4.00 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. +IҺS XRS RЄX...
Price realized:
1500 CHF
Lot 1961
500 CHF
Constantine IX Monomachus, 1042-1055. Miliaresion (Silver, 28 mm, 2.39 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. + ΔЄCΠΟΙ - ΝΑ...
Price realized:
2000 CHF
Lot 1962
500 CHF
Constantine IX Monomachus, 1042-1055. 2/3 Miliaresion (Silver, 25 mm, 2.20 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. H RΛΑΧЄΡ -...
Price realized:
2600 CHF
Lot 1963
1500 CHF
Theodora, 1055-1056. Histamenon (Gold, 25 mm, 4.43 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. +IhS XIS RЄX RЄGNANTIҺm Christ,...
Price realized:
4600 CHF
Lot 1964
750 CHF
Isaac I Comnenus, 1057-1059. Tetarteron (Gold, 21 mm, 4.00 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. +IҺZ XIS RCX RCςNANTIҺm...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 1965
350 CHF
Constantine X Ducas, 1059-1067. Histamenon (Gold, 28 mm, 4.40 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. +IҺS XIS RЄX RЄςNANTIҺm...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 1966
350 CHF
Constantine X Ducas, 1059-1067. 2/3 Miliaresion (Silver, 22 mm, 1.74 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. + ΘKЄ - ROHΘ The...
Price realized:
1200 CHF
Lot 1967
500 CHF
Romanus IV Diogenes, with Eudocia, Michael VII, Constantius, and Andronicus, 1068-1071. Histamenon (Gold, 27 mm, 4.37...
Price realized:
1200 CHF
Lot 1968
500 CHF
Romanus IV Diogenes, 1068-1071. Tetarteron (Gold, 17 mm, 4.00 g, 6 h), with Eudocia, Constantinopolis. +ΘKЄ ROHΘ...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 1969
500 CHF
Romanus IV Diogenes, 1068-1071. 1/3 Miliaresion (Silver, 17 mm, 0.84 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. Facing nimbate bust of...
Price realized:
1400 CHF
Lot 1970
750 CHF
Michael VIII Palaeologus, 1261-1282. Hyperpyron (Gold, 25 mm, 4.22 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. Bust of Virgin Mary,...
Price realized:
2600 CHF
Lot 1971
250 CHF
Andronicus III Palaeologus, 1328-1341. Basilikon (Silver, 20 mm, 1.14 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. IC - XC Christ,...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 1972
350 CHF
John V Palaeologus, with Anna of Savoy (Regent), 1341-1347. Basilikon (Silver, 20 mm, 0.86 g, 6 h), light series....
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 1973
500 CHF
John V Palaeologus, with John VI, 1341-1391. Basilikon (Silver, 17 mm, 1.16 g, 1 h), Constantinopolis. ΜΗ-ΘV - ΙC-X...
Price realized:
1800 CHF
Lot 1974
750 CHF
John V Palaeologus, with John VI, 1347-1353. Basilikon (Silver, 20 mm, 0.94 g, 7 h), Constantinopolis. O-Α-Γ-ΙⲰ -...
Price realized:
1900 CHF
Lot 1975
500 CHF
John V Palaeologus, with John VI, 1347-1353. Basilikon (Silver, 19 mm, 1.00 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. Ο-Α-ΓΙ-ω -...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 1976
500 CHF
John V Palaeologus, with John VI, 1347-1353. Basilikon (Silver, 18 mm, 0.81 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. [IC] - XC...
Price realized:
750 CHF
Lot 1977
500 CHF
John VI Cantacuzene, second reign, 1353-1354. Basilikon (Silver, 17 mm, 0.74 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. IC - XC Christ,...
Price realized:
2600 CHF
Lot 1978
350 CHF
John VI Cantacuzene, second reign, 1353-1354. Basilikon (Silver, 20 mm, 0.99 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis. IC - XC Christ,...
Price realized:
950 CHF
Lot 1979
350 CHF
John VI Cantacuzene, second reign, 1353-1354. Basilikon (Silver, 16 mm, 0.67 g, 6 h), Adrianople or Didymoteichon. IC -...
Price realized:
800 CHF
Lot 1980
3500 CHF
Constantine XI Palaeologus (Dragases), 1448-1453. 1/8 Stavraton (Silver, 13 mm, 0.55 g, 12 h), Constantinopolis, 1453....
Price realized:
8000 CHF
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