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Leu Numismatik AG
Auction 7
24-25 Oct 2020
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Browsing category Byzantine Seals
Lot 1989
2500 CHF
The ekdikoi of Hagia Sophia, late 11th-12th century. Seal (Lead, 76 mm, 208.29 g, 12 h). I૪VCTINIAN ΔЄC (on the...
Price realized:
4600 CHF
Lot 1990
2000 CHF
Johannes Gabras, late 12th to first half 13th century. Seal (Lead, 50 mm, 48.06 g, 12 h). [...] - Θ ΔH/MH/TPI/OC...
Price realized:
3000 CHF
Lot 1986
1000 CHF
Uncertain, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 30 mm, 23.99 g, 12 h). 'Hodegetria', the Mother of God, nimbate, wearing chiton...
Price realized:
950 CHF
Lot 1982
750 CHF
Demetrios, metropolitan bishop of Kyzikos, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 7.84 g, 12 h). AΓ, / ΔH/MH-TPI/Є RO/HΘ...
Price realized:
1600 CHF
Lot 1984
750 CHF
Theodoros Chetames (Thoros, son of Hetoum), kouropalates and doux of Melitene, circa 1074. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 18.74 g,...
Price realized:
1900 CHF
Lot 1981
500 CHF
Zacharias, imperial protospatharios and protostrator of Christophoros, the Christ-loving emperor, 921-931. Seal (Lead,...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 1983
500 CHF
Basileios Apokapes, vestarches and katepano of Vaspurakan, circa 1055-1065. Seal (Lead, 36 mm, 27.77 g, 12 h). Θ /...
Price realized:
1300 CHF
Lot 1988
500 CHF
Konstantinos, diakonos, kouboukleisios and first chartoularios of the (patriarchal) sakelle, 11th century. Seal (Lead,...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 1987
350 CHF
Gregorios St...nites, magistros, vestes and domestikos of the regiments, circa 11th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 13.82...
Price realized:
1000 CHF
Lot 1985
250 CHF
Leon Baspates, imperial spatharokandidatos, mid 11th century. Seal (Lead, 20 mm, 7.82 g, 12 h). +AΓIЄ NIKHTA ROHΘ...
Price realized:
440 CHF
Lot 1991
200 CHF
Circa 12th-15th centuries. Amulet (Silvered bronze, 25 mm, 1.49 g). IC - XC Bust of Christ Pantocrator wearing a nimbus...
Price realized:
650 CHF
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