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Day 1
Batavian Republic (36)
Netherlands Napoleon (24)
Netherlands Kingdom (559)
Netherlands tokens (49)
Misstrikes Netherlands and Euro's (34)
Netherlands Colonial / VOC (64)
Dutch Indies (284)
Netherlands Colonial / Plantation tokens (26)
Netherlands Colonial / Plantation tokens - The Akio Seki Collection (200)
Netherlands Colonial (24)
Netherlands Colonial / Lots VOC (44)
Dutch West-Indies (3)
Surinam (15)
Curaçao (8)
Dutch Antillles (7)
Aruba (4)
Coins of the Netherlands: lots (books and albums) (263)
Coins of the Netherlands and Oversea: lots (books and albums) (51)
Coins of the Netherlands: lots (boxes) (535)
Coins of the Netherlands and Oversea: lots (boxes) (33)
Coins of the Netherlands and Oversea: lots (boxes) - cannot be shipped (33)
Day 2
Jetons (65)
Medals Netherlands (464)
Medals Dutch Indies (6)
Medals Netherlands (books and albums) (42)
Medals world (books and albums) (27)
Medals Netherlands (boxes) (280)
Medals World (boxes) (154)
Medals World (boxes) / cannot be shipped (3)
Orders and decorations Netherlands (14)
Orders and decorations World (4)
Orders and decorations in lots (8)
Miscellaneous (282)
Ancient coinage / Celts (18)
Ancient coinage / Italy (13)
Ancient coinage / Greece (65)
Ancient coinage / Asia Minor and The East (62)
Ancient coinage / North Africa (3)
Ancient coinage / Hellenistic Monarchies (98)
The Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt (12)
Early-Denarius Coinage (ca. 211-155 BC) (1)
Later-Denarius Coinage (ca. 154-41 BC) (11)
Coinage of Julius Caesar, the Triumvirs and their adherents - Julius Caesar (+44 BC) (6)
Coinage of Julius Caesar, the Triumvirs and their adherents - Marcus Antonius (2)
Roman Imperial Coinage (167)
Collection Jeroen van der Meulen (171)
Byzantine Coinage (73)
Ancient coins in lots - Greek / Hellenistic coinage (26)
Ancient coins in lots - Roman coinage (75)
Ancient coins in lots - Celtic Coinage (2)
Ancient coins in lots - Byzantine coinage (7)
Ancient coins in lots - Eastern coinage (18)
Ancient coins in lots - Miscellaneous (31)
Day 3
Spanish Netherlands and Dutch Provincial coinage (1186)
Spanish Netherlands and Dutch Provincial coinage - lots (106)
Day 4
Assignates (3)
Banknotes Netherlands (575)
Banknotes Netherlands Oversea (191)
Banknotes world (569)
Banknotes in lots (books and albums) (371)
Banknotes in lots (boxes) (282)
Gold coins (mail bid only) (623)
Gold medals (mail bid only) (159)
Day 5
World Coins (single lots) (1354)
Day 6
World Coins (books and albums) (553)
World Coins (boxes) (835)
World Coins (large boxes, cannot be shipped) (114)
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Heritage Auctions Europe
Auction 66
16-21 Nov 2020
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Page 1 of 1
Browsing category Coins of the Netherlands and Oversea: lots (boxes) - cannot be shipped
Lot 2282
Starting price:
120 EUR
Verhuisdoos met diverse albums en doosjes munten Nederland en wereld wb. zilver en koers, tevens iets papiergeld
Price realized:
160 EUR
Lot 2283
Starting price:
100 EUR
Verhuisdoos met ca. 11 albums Koninkrijk en wereld incl. Austria, Portugal en England with some silver coins
Price realized:
150 EUR
Lot 2284
Starting price:
75 EUR
Verhuisdoos met munten Nederland (wb. BU-sets) in albums, tevens 2 albums munten wereld en 3 albums met ANSICHTKAARTEN
Price realized:
110 EUR
Lot 2285
Starting price:
40 EUR
Verhuisdoos met ca. 13 albums Koninkrijk en wereld
Price realized:
180 EUR
Lot 2286
Starting price:
30 EUR
Doos met ca. 10 kilo naoorlogs nikkel en koper
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 2287
Starting price:
25 EUR
Verhuisdoos met ca. 13 albums Koninkrijk en wereld
Price realized:
110 EUR
Lot 2288
Starting price:
25 EUR
Doos met ca. 11 kilo Juliana centen
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 2289
Starting price:
25 EUR
Bananendoos met 2 albums FDC-sets (1982-2001), 2 Juliana- en 1 Beatrixcollectie zonder zilver, album met moderne...
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 2290
Starting price:
25 EUR
Verhuisdoos met diversen wb. produkten KNM, munten wereld op bladen en albums etc.
Price realized:
100 EUR
Lot 2291
Starting price:
25 EUR
Verhuisdoos met 10 albums, Juliana collecties zonder zilver
Price realized:
33 EUR
Lot 2292
Starting price:
20 EUR
Doos met 11 albums vnl. gevuld met Juliana munten, geen zilver
Price realized:
33 EUR
Lot 2293
Starting price:
20 EUR
Doos met ca. 6 kilo naoorlogs nikkel
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 2294
Starting price:
15 EUR
Doos met ca. 7 kilo Juliana centen
Price realized:
23 EUR
Lot 2295
Starting price:
50 EUR
Verhuisdoos met groot aantal FDC- en proofsets Nederland + Overzee
Price realized:
95 EUR
Lot 2296
Starting price:
30 EUR
Verhuisdoos met cassette FDC-sets 1996 tm 2001, album met FDC-sets Nederland en Overzee plus diverse grootformaat...
Price realized:
35 EUR
Lot 2297
Starting price:
45 EUR
Doosje met ca. 10,5 kilo Euro 2 Cent Munten
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 2298
Starting price:
45 EUR
Doos met ruim 15 kilo centen en stuivers brons
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 2299
Starting price:
40 EUR
Doosje met ca. 10 kilo na-oorlogs muntgeld
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 2300
Starting price:
40 EUR
Doos met 4,16 kilo nikkel en 10,48 kilo brons
Price realized:
70 EUR
Lot 2301
Starting price:
35 EUR
Doosje met ca. 6,5 kilo na-oorlogs muntgeld, tevens ca. 2,7 kilo Frans en Belgische nikkel
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 2302
Starting price:
30 EUR
Doosje met ca. 10 kilo Juliana Centen en Stuivers
Price realized:
38 EUR
Lot 2303
Starting price:
25 EUR
Doosje met Gulden Munten onedel: 5,7 kilo brons en 3,7 kilo nikkel
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 2304
Starting price:
25 EUR
Lot ruim 9 kilo bronzen Munten periode Juliana
Price realized:
28 EUR
Lot 2305
Starting price:
20 EUR
Doosje met ruim 7,7 kilo Euro 1 Cent Munten
Price realized:
20 EUR
Lot 2306
Starting price:
20 EUR
Doos met ca. 8 kilo ingekaart na-oorlogs kleingeld
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 2307
Starting price:
20 EUR
Doosje met ca. 7 kilo na-oorlogs muntgeld
Price realized:
23 EUR
Lot 2308
Starting price:
20 EUR
Doos met ca. 6,5 kilo centen en stuivers Juliana
Price realized:
28 EUR
Lot 2309
Starting price:
15 EUR
Doos met ruim 5 kilo stuivers en centen
Price realized:
22 EUR
Lot 2310
Starting price:
15 EUR
Doosje met ca. 5 kilo Juliana centen
Price realized:
18 EUR
Lot 2311
Starting price:
15 EUR
Doos met ca. 4,5 kilo bronzen en nikkelen Munten, aangevuld met iets Bankpapier
Price realized:
33 EUR
Lot 2312
Starting price:
15 EUR
Doosje met ca. 4.8 kilo 5 Guldenmunten
Price realized:
75 EUR
Lot 2313
Starting price:
10 EUR
Ca. 3 kilo onedel Koninkrijk, aangevuld met Penningen en lot Buitenland
Price realized:
15 EUR
Lot 2314
Starting price:
10 EUR
Doos met ca. 4,5 kilo bronzen en nikkelen Munten
Lot unsold
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