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Heritage Auctions Europe
Auction 66
16-21 Nov 2020
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Browsing category Roman Imperial Coinage
Lot 4191
Starting price:
30 EUR
Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD) - AR Quinarius (Rome 29-27 BC, 1.14 g) - CAESAR IMP VII Bare head right / ASIA RECEPTA...
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 4192
Starting price:
100 EUR
Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD) - AR Denarius (Lugdunum 11-10 BC 3,61 g 18 mm) AVGVSTVS – DIVI •F, laur. head r. / IMP...
Price realized:
160 EUR
Lot 4193
Starting price:
75 EUR
Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD) - AR Denarius (Lugdunum c. 7-6 BC, 3.75 g) - CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Laureate...
Price realized:
150 EUR
Lot 4194
Starting price:
150 EUR
Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD) - AR Denarius (Lugdunum 2 BC, 3.84 g) - CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE Laureate head...
Price realized:
220 EUR
Lot 4195
Starting price:
40 EUR
Augustus (27 BC - 14 AD) - Divus Augustus - AE Dupondius (Rome, struck by Claudius, 15.84 g) - DIVVS AVGVSTVS SC...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 4196
Starting price:
750 EUR
Tiberius (14-37) - AV Aureus ('Tribute Penny', Lugdunum AD 18-35, 6.97 g) - TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS Laureate head...
Price realized:
1300 EUR
Lot 4197
Starting price:
40 EUR
Tiberius (14-37) - AR Denarius ('Tribute Penny', Lugdunum, 3.00 g) - TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS Laureate head right...
Price realized:
160 EUR
Lot 4198
Starting price:
50 EUR
Tiberius (14-37) - For Drusus (died AD 23) - AE As (Rome AD 22-23, 9.93 g) - Bare head of Drusus left / PONTIF TRIBVN...
Price realized:
85 EUR
Lot 4199
Starting price:
250 EUR
Nero Claudius Drusus (+ 9 BC) - AR Denarius (Struck under Claudius, Rome 41-45 AD, 2.75 g) - NERO CLAVDIVS DRVSVS...
Price realized:
250 EUR
Lot 4200
Starting price:
125 EUR
Caligula (37-41) - AE As - (Rome AD 37-8, 28 mm, 10,55 g). C CAESAR AVG GERMANICVS PON M TR POT, Bare head l.; Rv....
Price realized:
125 EUR
Lot 4201
Starting price:
50 EUR
Galigula (37-41) - AE As (Rome c. AD 39-40, 10.95 g) - GERMANICVS CAESAR TI AVG F DIVI AVG N Bare head left / C CAESAR...
Price realized:
65 EUR
Lot 4202
Starting price:
100 EUR
Claudius (41-54) - AR Denarius (Lugdunum AD 49-50, 3.51 g) - TI CLAVD CAESAR PM TRP VIIII IMP XVI Laureate head right /...
Price realized:
270 EUR
Lot 4203
Starting price:
60 EUR
Claudius (41-54) - AE As (Rome c. AD 50-54, 9.70 g) - TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TRP IMP PP Bare head left / LIBERTAS...
Price realized:
110 EUR
Lot 4204
Starting price:
75 EUR
Claudius (41-54) - AE As (Rome c. AD 50-54, 8.74 g) - TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG PM TRP IMP PP Bare head left / LIBERTAS...
Price realized:
150 EUR
Lot 4205
Starting price:
30 EUR
Nero (54-68) - AR Denarius (Rome 2,46 g 18 mm,struck circa 64-65 AD). NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS, laureate head right /...
Price realized:
65 EUR
Lot 4206
Starting price:
200 EUR
Nero (54-68) - AR Denarius (Rome c. AD 64-65, 3.00 g) - NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS Laureate head right / IVPPITER CVSTOS...
Price realized:
260 EUR
Lot 4207
Starting price:
50 EUR
Nero (54-68) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 66-67, 3.10 g) - IMP NERO CAESAR AVGVSTVS Laureate head right / IVPPITER CVSTOS...
Price realized:
150 EUR
Lot 4208
Starting price:
20 EUR
Nero (54-68) - Egypt / Alexandria - BI Tetradrachm (AD 64-65, 13.35 g) - Radiate bust of Nero with aegis right /...
Price realized:
40 EUR
Lot 4209
Starting price:
25 EUR
Nero (54-68) - Egypt / Alexandria - BI Tetradrachm (RY 14 = AD 67-68, 12.38 g) - Radiate bust left, wearing aegis, date...
Price realized:
38 EUR
Lot 4210
Starting price:
20 EUR
Nero (54-68) - Seleucis and Pieria / Antioch - AR Tetradrachm (dated RY 10 = AD 64, 12.10 g) - Laureate bust right,...
Price realized:
25 EUR
Lot 4211
Starting price:
20 EUR
Nero (54-68) - Seleucis and Pieria / Antioch - AE16 (c. AD 65-66, 3.74 g) - Diademed bust of Artemis right / Lyre (S....
Price realized:
23 EUR
Lot 4212
Starting price:
175 EUR
Galba (68-69) - AR Denarius (Tarraco (?) c. april to late 68, 3.08 g) - SER GALBA IMP CAESAR AVG PM TR Laureate head...
Price realized:
190 EUR
Lot 4213
Starting price:
200 EUR
Otho (69) - AR Denarius (Rome, . Obv: IMP M OTHO CAESAR AVG TRP Bare head right / PAX ORBIS TERRARVM Pax standing left,...
Price realized:
280 EUR
Lot 4214
Starting price:
150 EUR
Vitellius (69) - AR Denarius (Rome late April-20 December AD 69, 2.7 g) - A VITELLIVS GERM IMP AVG TRP Laureate head...
Price realized:
270 EUR
Lot 4215
Starting price:
25 EUR
Vespasianus (69-79) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 77-78, 3.03 g) - Laureate head right / Mars standing left holding spear and...
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 4216
Starting price:
75 EUR
Titus (69-81) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 79-80, 2.88 g) - IMP TITVS CAES VESPSIAN AVG P M Laureate head right / BONVS...
Price realized:
90 EUR
Lot 4217
Starting price:
40 EUR
Titus (69-81) - AR Denarius (Rome January-June AD 80, 3.23 g) - IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG PM Laureate head right /...
Price realized:
70 EUR
Lot 4218
Starting price:
100 EUR
Titus (69-81) - AE Sestertius (unknown mint in Thrace AD 80-81, 23.00 g) - IMP T CAES DIVI VESP F AVG PM TRP PP COS...
Price realized:
150 EUR
Lot 4219
Starting price:
60 EUR
Titus (69-81) - AE As (Rome ad 76, 11.16 g) - Laureate bust right / AEQVITAS AVGVST Aequitas standing left holding...
Price realized:
90 EUR
Lot 4220
Starting price:
25 EUR
Domitianus (81-96) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 80-81, 3.00 g) - Laureate head right / PRINCEPS IVVENTVTIS Garlanded and...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 4221
Starting price:
25 EUR
Domitianus (81-96) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 81, 3.62 g) - Laureate head right / TR P COS VII DES VIII P P Garlanded and...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 4222
Starting price:
30 EUR
Nerva (96-98) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 97, 3.43 g) - Laureate head right / CONCORDIA EXERCITVVM Clasped hands (RIC 14 /...
Price realized:
70 EUR
Lot 4223
Starting price:
25 EUR
Traianus (98-117) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 98-99, 3.14 g) - Laureate head right, wearing aegis / P M TR P COS II P P...
Price realized:
33 EUR
Lot 4224
Starting price:
25 EUR
Traianus (98-117) - AR Denarius (Rome c. AD 98-99, 3.23 g) - Laureate head right / PONT MAX TR POT COS II Vesta seated...
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 4225
Starting price:
40 EUR
Traianus (98-117) - AR Denarius (Rome, c. 107-111 AD, 3,14). IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P, laureate bust to right /...
Lot unsold
Lot 4226
Starting price:
75 EUR
Traianus (98-117) - AE Sestertius (Rome AD 100, 24.80 g) - Laureate head right, aegis on left shoulder / TR POT COS III...
Price realized:
130 EUR
Lot 4227
Starting price:
75 EUR
Traianus (98-117) - AE Sestertius (Rome AD 114-116, 24.16 g) - Laureate and draped bust right / Trajan seated right on...
Lot unsold
Lot 4228
Starting price:
75 EUR
Hadrianus (117-138) - AR Denarius (Antioch AD 119-122, 3.32 g) - Laureate and cuirassed bust right / PM TR P [OTES} COS...
Price realized:
110 EUR
Lot 4229
Starting price:
30 EUR
Hadrianus (117-138) - AR Denarius (Rome c. AD 134-138, 3.00 g) - 'Travel series' issue - HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP Bare...
Price realized:
85 EUR
Lot 4230
Starting price:
30 EUR
Hadrianus (117-138) - AR Denarius (Rome c. AD 134-138, 3.33 g) - 'Travel series' issue - HADRIANVS AVG COS III PP Bare...
Price realized:
170 EUR
Lot 4231
Starting price:
25 EUR
Hadrianus (117-138) - AE Dupondius (Rome AD 126, 12.39 g) - Radiate bust right / Aequitas seated left, holding scales...
Price realized:
100 EUR
Lot 4232
Starting price:
50 EUR
Hadrianus (117-138) - AE Dupondius (Rome AD 128, 16.27 g) - Radiate head right / Hilaritas standing left, holding long...
Price realized:
180 EUR
Lot 4233
Starting price:
75 EUR
Hadrianus (117-138) - AE Dupondius (Rome AD 136, 15.18 g) - Laureate and draped bust right / CAPPADOCIA Cappadocia...
Price realized:
210 EUR
Lot 4234
Starting price:
60 EUR
Hadrianus (117-138) - AE As (Rome AD 119, 10.00 g) - IMP CAESAR TRAIANVS HADRIANVS AVG Laureate bust right / PONT MAX T...
Price realized:
200 EUR
Lot 4235
Starting price:
30 EUR
Hadrianus (117-138) - AE As (Rome AD 138, 13.80 g) - Laureate head right / Large SC within laurel-wreath (RIC 831 /...
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 4236
Starting price:
50 EUR
Hadrianus (117-138) - Egypt / Alexandria - BI Tetradrachm (RY 20 = AD 135/136, 12.73 g) - Laureate bust left, slight...
Price realized:
120 EUR
Lot 4237
Starting price:
50 EUR
Sabina - AE Dupondius (Roma AD 129, 10.77 g) - Diademed and draped bust right / Concordia enthroned left holding patera...
Price realized:
120 EUR
Lot 4238
Starting price:
50 EUR
Antoninus Pius (138-161) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 140-143, 3.13 g) - ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP Laureate head right / TR POT...
Price realized:
160 EUR
Lot 4239
Starting price:
40 EUR
Antoninus Pius (138-161) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 148-149, 2.56 g) - Laureate head right / COS IIII Antoninus Pius...
Price realized:
75 EUR
Lot 4240
Starting price:
20 EUR
Antoninus Pius (138-161) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 160-161, 2.99 g) - Laureate bust right / PIETATI AVG COS IIII Pietas...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 4241
Starting price:
40 EUR
Antoninus Pius (138-161) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 161, struck under Marcus Aurelius, divus Ant. Pius, 3.36 g) - DIVVS...
Price realized:
70 EUR
Lot 4242
Starting price:
40 EUR
Antoninus Pius (138-161) - With Marcus Aurelius as Caesar - AR Denarius (Rome AD 141-143, 2.76 g) - ANTONINVS AVG PIVS...
Price realized:
90 EUR
Lot 4243
Starting price:
350 EUR
Antoninus Pius (138-161) - AE Sestertius (Rome c. AD 141-143, 28.23 g) - ANTONINVS AVG PI-VS P P TR P COS III aureate...
Price realized:
350 EUR
Lot 4244
Starting price:
40 EUR
Antoninus Pius (138-161) - AE As (Rome AD 140-144, 11.15 g) - Laureate head right / ANNONA AVG Annona standing right,...
Price realized:
80 EUR
Lot 4245
Starting price:
15 EUR
Antoninus Pius (138-161) - Lycaonia / Iconium - AE20 - ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right /...
Price realized:
18 EUR
Lot 4246
Starting price:
75 EUR
Antoninus Pius (138-161) - Lycaonia / Savatra - AE26 (11.07 g) - Laureate head right / Nude lake-god standing, holding...
Price realized:
80 EUR
Lot 4247
Starting price:
30 EUR
Faustina Mater - AR Denarius (Rome after AD 141, 3.04 g) - DIVA FAVSTINA Draped bust to right / AED DIV FAVSTINAE Front...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 4248
Starting price:
25 EUR
Faustina Mater - AR Denarius (Rome AD 141-146, 3.41 g) - Draped bust right / AVGVSTA Ceres, veiled, standing right,...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 4249
Starting price:
20 EUR
Marcus Aurelius (161-180) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 171, 3.02 g) - Laureate head right / PRIMI DECEN NALES COS III in four...
Price realized:
65 EUR
Lot 4250
Starting price:
40 EUR
Marcus Aurelius (161-180) - Macedon / Amphipolis - AE Assarion (as Caesar AD 139-161, struck c. AD 147-161, 5.26 g...
Price realized:
40 EUR
Lot 4251
Starting price:
75 EUR
Lucius Verus (161-169) - Pontus / Amasea - AE33 (AD 165, 19.71 g) - AVT KAICA AVP OVHPOC CEB Laureate, draped and...
Price realized:
75 EUR
Lot 4252
Starting price:
4000 EUR
Commodus (177-192) - AV Aureus (Rome, as Caesar AD 166-177, struck under Marcus Aurelius AD 175, 7.25 g) - COMMODO CAES...
Price realized:
4400 EUR
Lot 4253
Starting price:
50 EUR
Commodus (177-192) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 192, 2.54 g) - L AEL AVREL COMM AVG P FEL Bust right, clad in lion's skin /...
Price realized:
130 EUR
Lot 4254
Starting price:
30 EUR
Commodus (177-192) - Pisidia / Antiochia - AE Assarion (4.96 g) - ANTONINVS COMMODVS Laureate, draped and cuirassed...
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 4255
Starting price:
500 EUR
Pertinax (193) - AR Denarius (Rome, 3.13 g) - IMP CAES P HELV PERTIN AVG Laureate, bearded head right / VOT DECEN TR P...
Price realized:
650 EUR
Lot 4256
Starting price:
500 EUR
Didius Julianus (193) - AR Denarius (Rome, 2.62 g) - IMP CAES M DID IVLIAN AVG Laureate head right / PM TRP COS Fortuna...
Price realized:
750 EUR
Lot 4257
Starting price:
40 EUR
Clodius Albinus (193-197) - AR Denarius (Rome, under Septimius Severus AD 194-195, 2.99 g) - Bare head right / Minerva...
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 4258
Starting price:
175 EUR
Clodius Albinus (193-197) - AR Denarius (Lugdunum, 2.14 g) - IMP CAES D CLO ALBIN AVG Laureate head right / SPES AVG...
Price realized:
175 EUR
Lot 4259
Starting price:
20 EUR
Septimius Severus (193-211) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 198, 2.98 g) - Laureate head right / ANNONAE AVGG Annona standing...
Price realized:
28 EUR
Lot 4260
Starting price:
20 EUR
Septimius Severus (193-211) - AR Denarius (Rome, 3.39 g) - Laureate head right / LIB AVG III PM TRP X COS III PP...
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 4261
Starting price:
25 EUR
Septimius Severus (193-211) - AR Denarius (Rome Ad 205, 3.19 g) - Laureate head right / PM TRP XIII COS III PP Jupiter...
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 4262
Starting price:
30 EUR
Septimius Severus (193-211) - AR Denarius (Laodicea AD 198-202, 2.49 g) - L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX Laureate head...
Price realized:
38 EUR
Lot 4263
Starting price:
30 EUR
Septimius Severus (193-211) - AE Sestertius (Rome AD 194, 16.26 g) - L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP IIII Laureate head right /...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 4264
Starting price:
150 EUR
Septimius Severus (193-211) - Seleucis and Pieria / Laodicea ad Mare - AR Tetradrachm (AD 208-209, 10.77 g) - Laureate...
Price realized:
200 EUR
Lot 4265
Starting price:
75 EUR
Caracalla (196-217) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 201-202, 3.12 g) - ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Laureate and draped bust right /...
Price realized:
190 EUR
Lot 4266
Starting price:
20 EUR
Caracalla (196-217) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 205, 3.67 g) - Laureate and draped bust right / FELICITAS AVGG Felicitas...
Price realized:
60 EUR
Lot 4267
Starting price:
25 EUR
Caracalla (196-217) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 201-206, 3.65 g) - Laureate and draped bust right / INDVLGENTIA AVGG The Dea...
Price realized:
70 EUR
Lot 4268
Starting price:
25 EUR
Caracalla (196-217) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 213, 3.10 g) - Laureate head right / PM TRP XVI COS IIII PP Hercules naked...
Price realized:
33 EUR
Lot 4269
Starting price:
25 EUR
Caracalla (196-217) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 215, 2.94 g) - Laureate head right / PM TRP XVIII COS IIII PP Fides standing...
Price realized:
40 EUR
Lot 4270
Starting price:
50 EUR
Caracalla (196-217) - Phoenicia / Tyre - AR Tetradrachm (AD 215-217, 12.42 g) - Laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 4271
Starting price:
50 EUR
Caracalla (196-217) - Seleucis and Pieria / Emesa - AR Tetradrachm (ca. AD 215-217, 11.31 g) - Laureate head right /...
Price realized:
60 EUR
Lot 4272
Starting price:
40 EUR
Caracalla (196-217) - Seleucis and Pieria / Laodicea ad Mare - AR Tetradrachm (c. AD 215-217, 13.46 g) - Laureate head...
Price realized:
65 EUR
Lot 4273
Starting price:
50 EUR
Caracalla (196-217) - Seleucis and Pieria / Seleucia Pieria - AR Tetradrachm (AD 215-217, 13.50 g) - Laureate head...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 4274
Starting price:
125 EUR
Macrinus (217-218) - AR Denarius (Rome, 2,84 g) - IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG Laureate and cuirassed bust right/ VOTA...
Lot unsold
Lot 4275
Starting price:
125 EUR
Macrinus (217-218) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 218, 2.57 g) - Laureate and draped bust right, wearing long beard / Annona...
Price realized:
150 EUR
Lot 4276
Starting price:
50 EUR
Macrinus (217-218) - Cyrrhestica / Beroea - AR Tetradrachm (12.42 g) - Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right /...
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 4277
Starting price:
75 EUR
Elagabalus (218-222) - AE Dupondius (Rome, 9.98 g) - IMP CAES M AVR ANTONINVS PIVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed...
Price realized:
220 EUR
Lot 4278
Starting price:
50 EUR
Elagabalus (218-222) - Seleucis and Pieria. Antioch. Billon Tetradrachm (25,5 mm, 14,11 g). Laureate, draped and...
Lot unsold
Lot 4279
Starting price:
25 EUR
Julia Maesa - AR Denarius (Rome AD 220-222, 3.26 g) - Draped bust right / SAECVLI FELICITAS Felicitas sacrificing out...
Price realized:
60 EUR
Lot 4280
Starting price:
100 EUR
Orbiana (wife of Sev. Alexander) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 225, 2.05 g) - Draped bust right, wearing stephane / Concordia...
Price realized:
150 EUR
Lot 4281
Starting price:
40 EUR
Julia Mamaea (+235) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 226, 2.62 g) - Draped bust right / VESTA Vesta standing left, holding...
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 4282
Starting price:
20 EUR
Julia Mamaea (+235) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 227, 3.16 g) - Diademed and draped bust right / VESTA Vesta standing left,...
Price realized:
42 EUR
Lot 4283
Starting price:
40 EUR
Julia Mamaea (+235) - AE Sestertius (Rome AD 224, 18.03 g) - Draped bust right, wearing stephane / VENERI FELICI Venus...
Price realized:
85 EUR
Lot 4284
Starting price:
60 EUR
Julia Mamaea (+235) - Thrace / Byzantium - AE26 (11.09 g) - Draped bust right / Dolphin swimming right, above, tunny...
Price realized:
60 EUR
Lot 4285
Starting price:
40 EUR
Maximinus I Thrax (235-238) - AR Denarius (Rome AD 235-6, 3.03 g) - Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right /...
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 4286
Starting price:
200 EUR
Maximus (235-238) - AR Denarius (Caesar, Rome AD 235-236, 3.34 g) - IVL VERVS MAXIMVS CAES Bare headed, draped bust...
Price realized:
260 EUR
Lot 4287
Starting price:
200 EUR
Balbinus (238) - AR Antoninianus (Rome, 3.98 g) - IMP CAES D CAEL BALBINVS AVG Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right...
Price realized:
230 EUR
Lot 4288
Starting price:
40 EUR
Balbinus (238) - AR Denarius (Rome, 3.01 g) - Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Balbinus to right / CONCORDIA AVGG...
Price realized:
110 EUR
Lot 4289
Starting price:
200 EUR
Pupienus (238) - AR Antoninianus (Rom May-June 238, 5.48 g) - IMP CAES M CLOD PVPIENVS AVG Radiate, draped and...
Price realized:
340 EUR
Lot 4290
Starting price:
20 EUR
Gordianus III (238-244) - AR Antoninianus (Rome, 4.12 g) - Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / PM TRP II COS PP...
Price realized:
20 EUR
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