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Leu Numismatik AG
Web Auction 15
27-28 Feb 2021
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Browsing category Seals
Lot 2636
Starting price:
25 CHF
ROMAN. Asia Minor. Uncertain. Seal (Lead, 13 mm, 2.79 g), circa 1st-3rd centuries. Dog standing right, raising his...
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 2637
Starting price:
75 CHF
ROMAN. Gordian III, 238-244. Seal (Lead, 19 mm, 5.64 g). TR-NS Draped and laureate bust of Gordian III to right, seen...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 2638
Starting price:
50 CHF
ROMAN. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 14.88 g), circa mid 3rd-mid 4th centuries. ROMA AETERNA Draped bust of Roma to right,...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 2639
Starting price:
50 CHF
ROMAN. First Tetrarchy, 293-305. Seal (Lead, 19 mm, 6.05 g). AVGG NN ("Our Emperors") The four tetrarchs standing, two...
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 2640
Starting price:
50 CHF
ROMAN. Seal (Lead, 14 mm, 3.64 g), circa second half 3rd century. Bare-headed and draped bust to right. Rev. Blank....
Price realized:
55 CHF
Lot 2641
Starting price:
50 CHF
ROMAN. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 6.70 g), circa late 3rd-4th centuries. Bare-headed, bearded and draped bust to left. Rev....
Price realized:
70 CHF
Lot 2642
Starting price:
25 CHF
ROMAN. Seal (Lead, 18x27 mm, 11.16 g), circa 3rd-4th centuries. Charioteer in spread quadriga, holding wreath in his...
Price realized:
60 CHF
Lot 2643
Starting price:
50 CHF
ROMAN. Asia Minor. Uncertain. Seal (Lead, 33x35 mm, 42.59 g), circa 3rd-5th centuries. CONI / VMXV / IX...T in three...
Price realized:
61 CHF
Lot 2644
Starting price:
50 CHF
ROMAN. Constantine I (?), 307-337. Seal (Lead, 15 mm, 3.00 g). ...D-N... (?) Draped and bare-headed bust of a Caesar...
Price realized:
90 CHF
Lot 2645
Starting price:
25 CHF
ROMAN. Constantine I (?), 307/310-337. Seal (Lead, 15 mm, 2.46 g). Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantine I...
Price realized:
50 CHF
Lot 2646
Starting price:
75 CHF
ROMAN. Levante or Egypt. Circa 4th-5th centuries. Seal (Lead, 17 mm, 2.45 g). Seven-branched menorah on base, flanked...
Price realized:
440 CHF
Lot 2647
Starting price:
50 CHF
ROMAN. Themisonus (?), 4th century. Disk (Silver, 11 mm, 0.59 g). [TH]EMISO-NE VIVA[S] (retrograde) ('Themisonus, may...
Price realized:
480 CHF
Lot 2648
Starting price:
50 CHF
Justinian I, 527-565. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 7.15 g, 11 h). Draped nimbate facing bust of Justinian I, wearing helmet with...
Price realized:
190 CHF
Lot 2649
Starting price:
25 CHF
BYZANTINE. Sabbas, apo hypaton and sakellarios (?), 6th century. Seal (Lead, 16 mm, 4.83 g, 12 h). Monogram of CABBA...
Price realized:
45 CHF
Lot 2650
Starting price:
50 CHF
Uncertain, 550-650. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 8.73 g, 12 h). Lion advancing left. Rev. Complex block monogram containing A,...
Price realized:
60 CHF
Lot 2651
Starting price:
50 CHF
Alexandros, 550-650. Seal (Lead, 19 mm, 10.00 g, 12 h). Nike advancing left, holding wreath in her right hand and palm...
Price realized:
50 CHF
Lot 2652
Starting price:
25 CHF
Theodoros, strator, 550-650. Seal (Lead, 20 mm, 8.95 g, 12 h). Nimbate facing bust of the Mother of God holding Christ,...
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 2653
Starting price:
50 CHF
Maximus, 550-650. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 12.10 g, 12 h). Greek cruciform monogram of MAΞIMOV. Rev. Latin legend maX/ImЧ...
Price realized:
75 CHF
Lot 2654
Starting price:
50 CHF
Sergios, circa 6th-7th centuries. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 13.77 g, 12 h). Nimbate facing bust of a bearded saint; crosses...
Price realized:
55 CHF
Lot 2655
Starting price:
25 CHF
Paulos, 6th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 9.57 g, 12 h). Block monogram of ΠAVΛOV. Rev. Rider on horseback to left....
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 2656
Starting price:
50 CHF
Kosmas, eparch of Constantinopolis, 6th-7th centuries. Weight of 1 Tremissis (Glass, 17 mm, 1.35 g). +[ЄΠI] KOCMA...
Price realized:
420 CHF
Lot 2657
Starting price:
25 CHF
Uncertain, circa 6th-7th centuries. Disk (Silver, 16 mm, 2.11 g). Two standing figures holding a long cross, all within...
Price realized:
65 CHF
Lot 2658
Starting price:
50 CHF
Valerios or Aurelios, 6th-7th centuries. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 11.50 g, 1 h). Eagle standing facing, wings spread and head...
Price realized:
55 CHF
Lot 2659
Starting price:
75 CHF
Damianos, 6th-7th centuries. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 9.10 g, 12 h). The Baptism of Christ: Christ, wearing nimbus cruciger,...
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 2660
Starting price:
25 CHF
BYZANTINE. Tessera (?) (Lead, 26x43 mm, 18.66 g), circa 6th-10th centuries. Globe with superimposed cross, flanked by...
Price realized:
90 CHF
Lot 2661
Starting price:
50 CHF
Konstantinos, anthypatos, circa 7th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 14.00 g, 12 h). KⲰN/CTAN/TIN૪ in three lines. Rev....
Price realized:
65 CHF
Lot 2662
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anonymous, circa 7th century. Seal (Lead, 16x18 mm, 7.39 g). Greek cross with lines at the end of the extremities and...
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 2663
Starting price:
50 CHF
Georgios, circa 7th century. Intaglio (Silver, 11 mm, 2.33 g, 12 h). Cruciform monogram of ΘEOTOKE BOHΘH ("Mother of...
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 2664
Starting price:
50 CHF
Kyrillos, circa 7th-8th centuries. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 7.24 g, 12 h). Peacock advancing left, all within wreath. Rev....
Price realized:
70 CHF
Lot 2665
Starting price:
25 CHF
Komitas, metropolitan bishop of Sardes, 7th-8th centuries. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 7.33 g, 12 h). KOM/ITA in two lines. Rev....
Price realized:
180 CHF
Lot 2666
Starting price:
50 CHF
The imperial treasury (basilike sakelle), 7th-8th centuries. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 13.00 g, 12 h). Large B in wreath...
Price realized:
80 CHF
Lot 2667
Starting price:
50 CHF
Sisinnios, hypatos and servant of Christ, late 7th-8th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 16.63 g, 9 h). Large monogram of...
Price realized:
55 CHF
Lot 2668
Starting price:
25 CHF
Theophanes, dioiketes of ..., 7th-1st half of 8th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 10.56 g, 12 h). Large cruciform monogram...
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 2669
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anna, servant of Christ (?), circa 8th-12th centuries. Intaglio (Silvered bronze, 10x10 mm, 0.68 g), engraved container...
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 2670
Starting price:
25 CHF
Basileios, circa 8th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 10.91 g, 12 h). Large cruciform monogram of ΘЄOTOKЄ BOHΘH ("Mother...
Price realized:
45 CHF
Lot 2671
Starting price:
75 CHF
Theodoros, protovestiarios, 8th century. Seal (Lead, 27 mm, 13.30 g, 12 h). Large cruciform monogram of XPICTE BOHΘEI...
Price realized:
85 CHF
Lot 2672
Starting price:
50 CHF
Synetos and Niketas, apo eparchontes and genikoi kommerkiarioi of the warehouses of Hellespontos and Lydia, 710/711....
Price realized:
340 CHF
Lot 2673
Starting price:
50 CHF
Bardanes, imperial spatharokandidatos, 8th-early 9th century. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 16.21 g, 12 h). Large cruciform...
Price realized:
100 CHF
Lot 2674
Starting price:
50 CHF
Aetios, hypatos, 8th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 17.72 g, 12 h). Large cruciform monogram of ΘЄOTOKЄ BOHΘH; in...
Price realized:
60 CHF
Lot 2675
Starting price:
25 CHF
Konstantinos, imperial kandidatos and droungarios, 8th century. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 19.00 g, 12 h). Large cruciform...
Price realized:
70 CHF
Lot 2676
Starting price:
75 CHF
Constantine VI & Irene, 780-797. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 20.35 g, 12 h). Єn OnOm... ("In the name of the Father, the Son...
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 2677
Starting price:
75 CHF
Sisinnios, patrikios and strategos, first half of 8th century (before 744). Seal (Lead, 30 mm, 25.10 g, 12 h). Circular...
Price realized:
220 CHF
Lot 2678
Starting price:
50 CHF
Plato, son of Demetrios, epo eparchon and domestikos tes trapezes and kourator, circa 8th-9th centuries. Seal (Lead, 27...
Price realized:
120 CHF
Lot 2679
Starting price:
75 CHF
Artavasdos, strategos of Anatolikon, late 8th century-early 9th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 10.00 g, 12 h). Large...
Price realized:
101 CHF
Lot 2680
Starting price:
50 CHF
Nikephoros, imperial spatharios, circa 8th century. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 13.22 g, 12 h). Large cruciform monogram of...
Price realized:
55 CHF
Lot 2681
Starting price:
50 CHF
Constantine VI & Irene, 780-797. The imperial Kommerkia. Seal (Lead, 31 mm, 22.00 g, 12 h). [...] Facing busts of...
Price realized:
240 CHF
Lot 2682
Starting price:
50 CHF
Uncertain, circa 8th-10th century. Amulet (Bronze, 29 mm, 6.32 g), womb amulet. Facing head, twelve serpents around....
Price realized:
800 CHF
Lot 2683
Starting price:
25 CHF
Uncertain, 8th-10th century. Amulet (Lead, 22 mm, 3.58 g). Holy Rider on horseback galloping to right, spearing female...
Price realized:
160 CHF
Lot 2684
Starting price:
50 CHF
Prokopios, imperial spatharios and strategos of Anatolikon, late 9th-10th centuries. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 10.00 g, 12 h)....
Price realized:
140 CHF
Lot 2685
Starting price:
25 CHF
N..., strategos, 2nd half 9th-1st half 10th century. Seal (Lead, 20 mm, 6.66 g, 12 h). KЄ ROHΘH T[Ⲱ] CⲰ ΔOVΛ,...
Price realized:
30 CHF
Lot 2686
Starting price:
50 CHF
Theoktistos, imperial kandidatos and protonotarios of Thrakesion, 9th century. Seal (Lead, 29 mm, 14.74 g, 12 h). Large...
Price realized:
140 CHF
Lot 2687
Starting price:
25 CHF
Theodoros, imperial strator, 2nd half 9th-1st half 10th century. Seal (Lead, 16 mm, 4.35 g, 12 h). KЄ ROHΘ TⲰ CⲰ...
Price realized:
50 CHF
Lot 2688
Starting price:
75 CHF
Timotheos, monk, circa 9th-10th century. Stamp Seal (Bronze, 15 mm, 18.18 g). +KЄ R, \ TⲰ CⲰ Δ \ TIMⲰΘЄⲰ \...
Price realized:
1550 CHF
Lot 2689
Starting price:
50 CHF
Petros, imperial protospatharios and protostrator, late 9th-1st half of 10th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 7.10 g, 12 h)....
Price realized:
50 CHF
Lot 2690
Starting price:
50 CHF
Uncertain, circa 10th century. Amulet (Lead, 45 mm, 21.18 g, 12 h), womb amulet. Facing head, six serpents around,...
Price realized:
190 CHF
Lot 2691
Starting price:
50 CHF
Uncertain, circa 10th century. Amulet (Lead, 45 mm, 30.54 g, 12 h), Womb amulet. Facing head, five serpent heads...
Price realized:
170 CHF
Lot 2692
Starting price:
50 CHF
Uncertain, circa 10th century. Amulet (Lead, 40 mm, 18.78 g, 12 h), womb amulet. ΠANAΓIA ΘЄO[TOK]Є AΓIOΛAMANA...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 2693
Starting price:
25 CHF
Christophoros, 2nd half of 10th-1st half 11th century. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 13.65 g, 12 h). MHP ΘV The Mother of God,...
Price realized:
45 CHF
Lot 2694
Starting price:
25 CHF
Petros, monk and kouboukleisios, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 19 mm, 7.80 g, 11 h). +KЄ R' - TⲰ C Δ ("Lord, help your...
Price realized:
60 CHF
Lot 2695
Starting price:
25 CHF
Michael, imperial ostiarios and episkeptites, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 20 mm, 4.43 g, 5 h). Large cruciform monogram...
Price realized:
45 CHF
Lot 2696
Starting price:
25 CHF
Leon, imperial spatharokandidatos and tourmarches of Pamphylia, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 5.10 g, 12 h). +KЄ...
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 2697
Starting price:
50 CHF
Demetrios, metropolitan bishop of Kyzikos, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 7.14 g, 12 h). AΓ, / ΔH/M'-TPI/Є RO/HΘ,...
Price realized:
240 CHF
Lot 2698
Starting price:
50 CHF
Antonios, monachos and hegoumenos of the Monastery of the Taxiarches, 2nd half of 10th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 7.73...
Price realized:
420 CHF
Lot 2699
Starting price:
50 CHF
Staurakios Kourtikios, imperial (?) protospatharios and strategos of Hellas, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 10.24 g,...
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 2700
Starting price:
50 CHF
Johannes, ...spatharios, thesmophylax and judge of Thrakesion, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 7.22 g, 12 h). +KЄ...
Price realized:
200 CHF
Lot 2701
Starting price:
50 CHF
Basileios, imperial protospatharios, epi tou oikeiakon and chartoularios of the dromos of Anatolikon, 2nd half of 10th...
Price realized:
180 CHF
Lot 2702
Starting price:
50 CHF
Petros, imperial spatharios and protonotarios of Thrakesion or Thrace, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 12.39 g, 12 h)....
Price realized:
86 CHF
Lot 2703
Starting price:
50 CHF
Theodosios, bishop of Metellopolis (?), 2nd half of 10th-1st half of 11th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 5.45 g, 12 h)....
Price realized:
280 CHF
Lot 2704
Starting price:
50 CHF
Bardas, diakonos and oikonomos, 2nd half of 10th-1st half of 11th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 5.45 g, 12 h). Θ /...
Price realized:
200 CHF
Lot 2705
Starting price:
50 CHF
Uncertain, 2nd half 10th-1st half 11th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 15.57 g, 12 h). Θ / Π/P/O-'Π/H/O/C Bust of Saint...
Price realized:
170 CHF
Lot 2706
Starting price:
75 CHF
Johannes, 2nd half 10th-1st half 11th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 4.30 g, 11 h). Θ / Π/O/Λ/V-K/P/A/ΠO, Bust of...
Price realized:
130 CHF
Lot 2707
Starting price:
25 CHF
Theodoretos, protospatharios epi tou Chrysotriklinou and grand kourator ton Eleutheriou, circa 10th-11th centuries....
Price realized:
100 CHF
Lot 2708
Starting price:
50 CHF
Pothos, ostiarios and hebdomarios, 2nd half of 10th-1st half of 11th century. Seal (Lead, 27 mm, 7.80 g, 12 h). KЄ ......
Price realized:
240 CHF
Lot 2709
Starting price:
75 CHF
Euphemios, imperial protospatharios and courtier of the imperial bedchamber guarded by God, 2nd half of 10th-1st half...
Price realized:
120 CHF
Lot 2710
Starting price:
50 CHF
Christophoros, cleric and kouboukleisios, 2nd half 10th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 8.57 g, 12 h). KЄ ROHΘЄI TⲰ...
Price realized:
100 CHF
Lot 2711
Starting price:
25 CHF
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, 913-959. Seal (Lead, 14 mm, 4.25 g). Head of Christ wearing a nimbus cruciger. Rev....
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 2712
Starting price:
25 CHF
Uncertain, circa 10th-13th centuries. Amulet (Bronze, 17 mm, 2.71 g). Facing, nimbate bust of St. Michael, holding a...
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 2713
Starting price:
50 CHF
Elias, circa 10th-13th centuryies. Stamp Seal (?) (Bronze, 17 mm, 4.00 g). +KЄ R/OHΘH / HΛIH ("Lord, help Elias") in...
Price realized:
70 CHF
Lot 2714
Starting price:
50 CHF
Theophanes, proedros and orphanotrophos, 2nd half 11th century-early 12th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 8.85 g, 12 h)....
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 2715
Starting price:
25 CHF
Petros, hypatos, second half 11th-1st half 12th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 13.53 g, 12 h). Θ / ΓH/Ⲱ/[P]-Γ/I/O,...
Price realized:
60 CHF
Lot 2716
Starting price:
50 CHF
Konstantinos, metropolitan bishop of Tiberioupolis, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 18 mm, 8.08 g, 12 h). M-[X] Nimbate...
Price realized:
160 CHF
Lot 2717
Starting price:
25 CHF
Romanos ...makes, vestes, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 7.30 g, 1 h). O / A/OC/Γ/I... Saint Theodore, nimbate,...
Price realized:
75 CHF
Lot 2718
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anonymous, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 12.16 g, 11 h). [MHP] - ΘV The Mother of God, nimbate, both hands...
Price realized:
35 CHF
Lot 2719
Starting price:
50 CHF
Aetios, metropolitan bishop of Antioch (in Pisidia) and synkellos, 2nd half 11th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 10.86 g,...
Price realized:
170 CHF
Lot 2720
Starting price:
50 CHF
Johannes, hypatos and pronoetes, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 8.21 g, 12 h). O / Γ/Є/O-P/OΓC/I Saint George,...
Price realized:
65 CHF
Lot 2721
Starting price:
50 CHF
Basileios, protospatharios and strategos of ..., 11th century. Seal (Lead, 34 mm, 32.58 g, 12 h). Θ /...
Price realized:
70 CHF
Lot 2722
Starting price:
50 CHF
Bardas, imperial protospatharios and epi tou manglabiou, middle 11th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 6.18 g, 12 h). MHP -...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 2723
Starting price:
50 CHF
Constantine X Ducas, 1059-1067. Seal (Lead, 31 mm, 24.63 g, 12 h), 1059-1065. +ЄMMA-[NOVHΛ] / IC - [XC] Bust of...
Price realized:
170 CHF
Lot 2724
Starting price:
50 CHF
Constantine X Ducas, 1059-1067. Seal (Lead, 31 mm, 15.92 g, 12 h), 1065-1067. [Є]MMA-NOVHΛ - IC - XC Christ, wearing...
Price realized:
111 CHF
Lot 2725
Starting price:
100 CHF
Romanus IV Diogenes, with Eudocia, Michael VII, Constantius, and Andronicus, 1068-1071. Seal (Lead, 34 mm, 34.77 g, 1...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 2726
Starting price:
50 CHF
Romanus IV Diogenes, with Eudocia, Michael VII, Constantius, and Andronicus, 1068-1071. Seal (Lead, 29 mm, 24.66 g, 12...
Price realized:
95 CHF
Lot 2727
Starting price:
75 CHF
Philaretos Brachamios, protokouropalates and domestikos of the scholai of the east, circa 1070-1080. Seal (Lead, 25 mm,...
Price realized:
280 CHF
Lot 2728
Starting price:
50 CHF
Konstantinos Senacherim, kouropalates and doux, circa 1070-1090. Seal (Lead, 18 mm, 7.26 g, 12 h). M/I-X/A Nimbate...
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 2729
Starting price:
50 CHF
David Bourtzes, patrikios anthypatos and strategos, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 11.79 g, 12 h). M/I-X/A Nimbate...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 2730
Starting price:
50 CHF
Johannes, bishop, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 11.00 g, 12 h). KЄ R,Θ, TⲰ CⲰ Δ૪ΛⲰ - Θ /...
Price realized:
200 CHF
Lot 2731
Starting price:
50 CHF
Symeon Ouranos, vestarches, kensor and judge of Cappadocia, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 9.68 g, 12 h). O /...
Price realized:
700 CHF
Lot 2732
Starting price:
25 CHF
Nik..., 11th century. Seal (Lead, 18 mm, 7.15 g, 12 h). [ΘЄO]TOKЄ R, Θ, Nimbate Mother of God "Episkepsis",...
Price realized:
30 CHF
Lot 2733
Starting price:
50 CHF
Zacharias, magistros and strategos, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 10.12 g, 12 h). MHP - [ΘV] The Mother of God...
Price realized:
80 CHF
Lot 2734
Starting price:
50 CHF
Stephanos, imperial notarios, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 18 mm, 5.44 g, 12 h). O / A/Γ/I/O - [Δ]/M/T Nimbate facing...
Price realized:
80 CHF
Lot 2735
Starting price:
50 CHF
Anonymous, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 20 mm, 5.40 g, 12 h). Θ / ΦI/Λ,-Π/OC Nimbate facing bust of Saint Philippos,...
Price realized:
160 CHF
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