Mark Antony and Octavia, 40-35 BC. 'As' (Bronze, 14 mm, 3.48 g, 1 h), 'Fleet coinage', light series, uncertain mint in Achaea. M. Oppius Capito, propraetor and praefectus classis, summer 37. [M ANT IMP TERT COS] DESIG ITER ET TER III [VIR R P C] Jugate bare heads of Mark Antony and Octavia to right. Rev. [M OPPIVS CAPIT]O PRO PR [PRAEF CLASS F C] Galley right; below, A and head of Medusa (?). Amandry, Bronze II, Series 2C. RPC I 1470. Thick deposits, otherwise, about very fine.
From a European collection, formed before 2005.