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Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd
Auction 126
23-25 Mar 2021
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Browsing category Byzantine Silver & Bronze Coins
Lot 3087
150 AUD
BYZANTINE, Anastasius I (491-518), AE folles, Constantinople mint, M stars each side Officinae **G*, CON in exergue...
Price realized:
150 AUD
Lot 3089
300 AUD
JUSTIN I, (518-527), AE follis, Constantinople mint (15.65, 16.25 g) obv. Justin I bust to right, draped, DN IVSTI NVS...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 3090
100 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Constantinople mint, (21.16 g) issued year 13 = 539-540, officina **G*, obv....
Lot unsold
Lot 3091
100 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Constantinople mint, (21.38 g) issued year 13 = 539-540, officina E, obv. Justinian...
Price realized:
60 AUD
Lot 3092
100 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Constantinople mint, (22.91 g) issued year 14 = 549-541, officina B, obv. Justinian...
Price realized:
90 AUD
Lot 3093
100 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Constantinople mint, (20.05 g) issued year 15 = 541-542, officina A, obv. Justinian...
Price realized:
50 AUD
Lot 3094
100 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Constantinople mint, (22.36 g) issued year 15 = 541-542, officina A, obv. Justinian...
Price realized:
50 AUD
Lot 3095
150 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Constantinople mint, (21.59 g) issued year 15 = 541-542, officina B, obv. Justinian...
Lot unsold
Lot 3096
100 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Constantinople mint, (22.04 g) issued year 15 = 541-542, officina E, obv. Justinian...
Price realized:
40 AUD
Lot 3097
120 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Constantinople mint, (14.09 g) issued year 30 = 556-557, officina E, obv. Justinian...
Price realized:
60 AUD
Lot 3098
120 AUD
JUSTINIAN I (A.D. 527-565), AE folles Antioch mint Officina **G* (16.54 g), Officina **D* (16.33, 17.89 g...
Price realized:
120 AUD
Lot 3099
150 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Nicomedia mint, (22.06 g) issued year 13 = 539-540, officina A, obv. Justinian bust...
Price realized:
90 AUD
Lot 3100
120 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Cyzicus mint, (19.64 g) issued year 16 = 542-543, officina A, obv. Justinian bust...
Price realized:
80 AUD
Lot 3101
150 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE follis, Cyzicus mint, (19.36 g) issued year 20 = 546-547, officina A, obv. Justinian bust...
Price realized:
90 AUD
Lot 3102
200 AUD
JUSTINIAN I, (527-565), AE half follis, Carthage mint, (10.74 g) issued year 13 = 539-540, obv. Justinian bust facing,...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 3103
200 AUD
JUSTINIAN I (A.D. 527-565), assorted fractions including half follis Thessalonica Mint, RY 36, 37, 38, 39.(S.174); 16...
Price realized:
350 AUD
Lot 3104
200 AUD
JUSTIN II, (565-578), AE folles, Constantinople mint, various dates (7) (one year 8B, illustrated), (S.360), half...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 3105
150 AUD
JUSTIN II, (565-578), AE half folles, Thessalonica mint, half folles, year 2, year 3 (2), (S.265); year 4 (**D*)...
Price realized:
220 AUD
Lot 3106
250 AUD
BYZANTINE COINS, AE follis issues, including, Justinian I, (527-565), (21.76 g) issued year 15 = 541-542, officina A,...
Price realized:
200 AUD
Lot 3107
200 AUD
BYZANTINE COINS AND OTHER AE ISSUES, mostly folles, including, Justin I, Justinian I, Maurice Tiberius, Constantine...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 3108
300 AUD
BYZANTINE COINS, a group mostly from finds that include folles of various dates from Justinian I (Constantinople (9),...
Price realized:
400 AUD
Lot 3109
200 AUD
BYZANTINE COINS, a group mostly from finds that include folles of various dates from Justinian I (Cyzicus S.207,...
Price realized:
200 AUD
Lot 3110
100 AUD
BYZANTINE COINS, AE large folles of various rulers and mints, including Anastasius I, Justin I, Justinian I, Justin II,...
Price realized:
60 AUD
Lot 3111
200 AUD
BYZANTINE COINS, billon aspron trachy issues, including, Manuel I Commenus, (1143-1180), (2); Alexius III,...
Price realized:
120 AUD
Lot 3112
50 AUD
ISAAC II ANGELUS, first reign, 1185-1195, billon aspron trachy, 27mm, (3.21 g), Constantinople mint, obv. The Theotokos...
Price realized:
100 AUD
Lot 3113
100 AUD
ISLAMIC GLASS WEIGHTS, glass weights of dirhem size, dark brown and green in colour, impressed into the glass a...
Price realized:
160 AUD
Lot 3114
200 AUD
ISLAMIC GLASS WEIGHTS, glass weight of double dirhem size, dark blue, brown and green in colour, impressed into the...
Price realized:
240 AUD
Lot 3115
150 AUD
ISLAMIC GLASS WEIGHTS, glass weights of half dirhem size, dark blue, brown and green in colour, impressed into the...
Price realized:
240 AUD
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