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Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd
Auction 127
30 Aug - 2 Sep 2021
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Browsing category Aust. Banknotes Private Bank Issues
Lot 2500
5000 AUD
TREASURY BILL BY THE DEPUTY COMMISSARY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Sydney New South Wales, 24th December 1817 for pounds sterling...
Price realized:
11 500 AUD
Lot 2501
2000 AUD
CURRENCY NOTE, John Hutchinson; Sydney (April 6) 181(3) No (37) (unlisted in MVR pp28, 30). Very good, stuck to paper...
Price realized:
2600 AUD
Lot 2502
500 AUD
THE BANK OF AUSTRALASIA, printer's proof, black and white one hundred pounds, Victoria 18-, imprint Perkins Bacon & Co...
Price realized:
2400 AUD
Lot 2503
1200 AUD
BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES, uniface printer's proof, red on white, fifty pounds, no domicile, 19 - imprint Charles Skipper...
Price realized:
1800 AUD
Lot 2504
1500 AUD
BANK OF NEW SOUTH WALES, specimen twenty pounds, Sydney, 18-, perforated "specimen C. Skipper & East" at manager's...
Price realized:
1400 AUD
Lot 2505
1000 AUD
COMMERCIAL BANK OF SYDNEY, printer's proof black and blue one pound Sydney 18-, no imprint (sec MNR type 3)....
Price realized:
1200 AUD
Lot 2506
500 AUD
COMMERCIAL BANK OF SYDNEY, printer's black and white proof of five pounds, Sydney 18-, imprint W & A.K.Johnston Edn for...
Price realized:
1100 AUD
Lot 2507
500 AUD
COMMERCIAL BANK OF AUSTRALIA LIMITED, archival photo print essays by Bradbury Wilkinson & Co Engravers London, front...
Lot unsold
Lot 2508
500 AUD
EXCELSIOR BANK, Sydney, one pound, not dated (18 printed), No. 8039 on paper, unissued, no signatures, imprint of...
Price realized:
900 AUD
Lot 2509
500 AUD
EXCELSIOR BANK, Sydney, one pound, not dated (18 printed), No. 8051 on paper, unissued, no signatures, imprint of...
Price realized:
850 AUD
Lot 2510
500 AUD
UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA LIMITED, printer's proof one pound, Launceston, 1st Jany 18-, imprint of Perkins Bacon & Co...
Price realized:
650 AUD
Lot 2511
800 AUD
UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA, specimen ten pounds, on card, Portland, undated 18-, not numbered, imprint Perkins, Bacon &...
Price realized:
1000 AUD
Lot 2512
750 AUD
UNION BANK OF AUSTRALIA, black and white, printer's proof fifty pounds, Sydney 1st May 186-, imprint of Perkins Bacon &...
Price realized:
1300 AUD
Lot 2513
500 AUD
TEN SHILLINGS, calabash of G.A.Reed, Urandangie, Queensland, No B 458, 192-, unissued note (MVR 2nd eds p.83). Paper...
Lot unsold
Lot 2514
600 AUD
ONE POUND, calabash, Wm.Fielding, Boulia, Queensland, No X6335, 1st October 1914 (MVR p.46). Good very fine and rare.
Lot unsold
Lot 2515
500 AUD
FIVE SHILLINGS, calabash, Fieldings, Boulia, Queensland, 1 Jun 1936, No 3933 for 5/- (MVR 2ND edn p.42). Fair and rare....
Lot unsold
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