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Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd
Auction 127
30 Aug - 2 Sep 2021
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Browsing category Aust. Banknotes - Star Notes
Lot 2667
2500 AUD
TEN SHILLINGS, Armitage/McFarlane (1942), G/52 02706* (R.13s). Very good and rare.
Lot unsold
Lot 2668
350 AUD
TEN SHILLINGS, Coombs/Watt (1949), G/98 95987* (R.14s). Very good.
Price realized:
620 AUD
Lot 2669
600 AUD
TEN SHILLINGS, Coombs/Wilson (1952), A/4 15412* (R.15s). Trimmed, top centre of note with 10mm, 3mm and some smaller...
Price realized:
500 AUD
Lot 2671
2000 AUD
TEN SHILLINGS, Coombs/Wilson (1961), AG/50 03321* (R.17s). Extremely fine.
Price realized:
1300 AUD
Lot 2672
450 AUD
ONE POUND, Coombs/Watt (1949), 1/1 20034* (R.31s). Nearly fine.
Price realized:
760 AUD
Lot 2673
500 AUD
ONE POUND, Coombs Wilson (1952), W/4 08811* (R.32s). Fine.
Price realized:
700 AUD
Lot 2674
750 AUD
ONE POUND, Coombs/Wilson (1952), W/2 49813* (R.32sF) first prefix star note. Trimmed, top edge also with a 4mm repaired...
Price realized:
600 AUD
Lot 2675
400 AUD
ONE POUND, Coombs/Wilson (1953), HE/90 15138* (R.33). Nearly very fine.
Price realized:
550 AUD
Lot 2676
900 AUD
ONE POUND, Coombs/Wilson (1961), HE/97 71186* (R.34as). Good very fine.
Price realized:
800 AUD
Lot 2677
200 AUD
ONE POUND, Coombs/Wilson (1961), HE/87 03260* (R.34bs). Very good.
Price realized:
460 AUD
Lot 2678
5000 AUD
FIVE POUNDS, Coombs/Wilson (1960), TC/11 03918* (R.50S). Flattened of centre fold otherwise, good extremely fine.
Price realized:
4100 AUD
Lot 2679
1250 AUD
FIVE POUNDS, Coombs/Wilson (1960) TC/12 12466* (R.50s). Trimmed, flattened of folds and creases, otherwise nearly very...
Price realized:
1200 AUD
Lot 2680
1200 AUD
FIVE POUNDS, Coombs/Wilson (1960), TC/12 14435* (R.50s). Good fine.
Price realized:
1100 AUD
Lot 2681
750 AUD
ONE DOLLAR, Coombs/Wilson (1966), ZAD 95655* (R.71s). Nearly uncirculated.
Price realized:
800 AUD
Lot 2682
700 AUD
ONE DOLLAR, Coombs/Wilson (1966), ZAD 54636* (R.71s). Crisp good extremely fine.
Price realized:
700 AUD
Lot 2683
3000 AUD
ONE DOLLAR, Coombs/Randall (1967), ZAG 72028* (R.72s). Uncirculated.
Price realized:
3000 AUD
Lot 2684
3000 AUD
ONE DOLLAR, Coombs/Randall (1968), ZAF 46922* (R.72s). Virtually uncirculated.
Price realized:
2200 AUD
Lot 2685
2000 AUD
ONE DOLLAR, Phillips/Randall (1969), ZAN 36398* (R.73s). Nearly uncirculated.
Price realized:
1400 AUD
Lot 2686
200 AUD
ONE DOLLAR, Phillips/Randall (1969), ZAL 94897* (R.73s). Nearly fine.
Price realized:
550 AUD
Lot 2687
2000 AUD
TWO DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966), ZFF 74104* (R.81s). Uncirculated.
Price realized:
1500 AUD
Lot 2688
200 AUD
TWO DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966), ZDC 44859* (R.81s). Fine.
Price realized:
500 AUD
Lot 2689
120 AUD
TWO DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966), ZFG 70538* (R.81s). Repaired tear on left edge, otherwise fine.
Price realized:
440 AUD
Lot 2690
300 AUD
TWO DOLLARS, Coombs/Randall (1967), ZFJ 25138*. Fine.
Price realized:
600 AUD
Lot 2691
1500 AUD
TWO DOLLARS, Phillips/Randall (1968), ZFL 05548* (R.82s). Uncirculated.
Price realized:
2000 AUD
Lot 2692
1200 AUD
TWO DOLLARS, Phillips/Randall (1968), ZFL 39868* (R.83s). Nearly uncirculated.
Price realized:
1500 AUD
Lot 2693
3000 AUD
FIVE DOLLARS, Coombs/Randall (1967), ZNA 05483* (R.202sF) first serial prefix star note. Uncirculated.
Price realized:
3400 AUD
Lot 2694
800 AUD
FIVE DOLLARS, Coombs/Randall (1967), ZNB 20045* (R.202s). Nearly very fine.
Price realized:
1250 AUD
Lot 2695
5000 AUD
FIVE DOLLARS, Phillips/Randall (1969), ZNC 89355* (R.203sF) first serial prefix star note. Uncirculated and rare in...
Price realized:
7000 AUD
Lot 2696
400 AUD
FIVE DOLLARS, Phillips/Randall (1969), ZNC 47483* (R.203s). Very good.
Price realized:
900 AUD
Lot 2697
2000 AUD
TEN DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966), ZSC 52772* (R.301s). Uncirculated.
Price realized:
1500 AUD
Lot 2698
1250 AUD
TEN DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966), ZSC 94294* (R.301s). Uncirculated.
Price realized:
1500 AUD
Lot 2699
1500 AUD
TEN DOLLARS, Coombs/Wilson (1966), ZSA 80270* (R.301sF). Virtually uncirculated.
Price realized:
1100 AUD
Lot 2701
200 AUD
TEN DOLLARS, Phillips/Randall (1968), ZSH 82810* (R.303s). Nearly fine.
Price realized:
650 AUD
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