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Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd
Auction 127
30 Aug - 2 Sep 2021
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Browsing category World Silver & Bronze Coins - British India Tokens
Lot 3134
50 AUD
INDIA, British, Assam tea gardens and general, A(nglo) A(merican Direct Tea Trading Co.) issued Nellampatty, Malabar,...
Price realized:
380 AUD
Lot 3135
50 AUD
INDIA, British, Assam Tea Centre, Perendatye, No 2, 2 bushells in brass (31.5mm) milled edge with central hole. Fine. ...
Price realized:
220 AUD
Lot 3136
100 AUD
INDIA, British, Calcutta Mint, Bengal Famine Relief token 1874, in brass, edge grained (Pridmore 32). Nearly...
Price realized:
1000 AUD
Lot 3137
70 AUD
INDIA, British, Tea Gardens, K(anan) D(evan) H(ills) P(roduce) Co L(t)d, four annas (c1899) in brass by R.Heaton & Sons...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 3138
50 AUD
INDIA, British, Assam Tea Gardens, Looba Cherra, Sylhet, 1873 in brass with central hole (Pridmore 62). Spotted,...
Price realized:
700 AUD
Lot 3139
100 AUD
INDIA, British, Assam Tea Gardens, Lungla Division/Lungla (Sylhet) Tea Co LD. in brass with central hole (Pridmore 69);...
Price realized:
190 AUD
Lot 3140
50 AUD
INDIA, British, Assam Tea Gardens, Noon Cherra, Sylhet 1873 in brass, triangular central hole (Pridmore 84). Spotted,...
Price realized:
750 AUD
Lot 3141
40 AUD
INDIA, British, Assam Tea Gardens, Parbutpore, Sylhet, in brass with central hole (Pridmore 93). Fine/very good. Ex...
Price realized:
360 AUD
Lot 3142
100 AUD
INDIA, British, Assam Tea Gardens, Sagurnal (Division, Sylhet) Mule 10 and 9 pice (1897) in brass by R.Heaton & Sons...
Price realized:
1500 AUD
Lot 3143
100 AUD
INDIA, British, Southern India Coffee Company, VM/I.B. (one bushell) in brass (Pridmore 147); another but CM/I.B....
Price realized:
380 AUD
Lot 3144
70 AUD
INDIA, British, Assam Tea Estate, Udna T(ea) E(state) Kajalolhara, Sylhet in brass (29mm); another (24mm) (Pridmore...
Price realized:
400 AUD
Lot 3145
100 AUD
INDIA, British, Canteen and Club tokens, Ammunition Factory C5, Kirkee (Poona) in copper with central hole (Pridmore...
Price realized:
60 AUD
Lot 3146
120 AUD
INDIA, British, canteen tokens, Apollo Mills (Bombay) (Pridmore 159), Baroda Mill Society in brass, square with 1/2...
Price realized:
110 AUD
Lot 3147
70 AUD
INDIA, British, canteen tokens, C(entury) S(pinning) & M(anufacturing) Co. Ltd (Bombay), one (Pridmore 164); another...
Price realized:
70 AUD
Lot 3148
100 AUD
INDIA, British, Canteen tokens, C(oimbatore) (Spinning) & W(eaving) Mills Ltd (Madras) in brass (Pridmore 166); Hind...
Price realized:
110 AUD
Lot 3149
100 AUD
INDIA, British, HM I(ndian) Dockyard Co-operative Canteen (Bombay) in copper (21mm) (Pridmore 170), another similar but...
Price realized:
130 AUD
Lot 3151
150 AUD
INDIA, British, canteen tokens, Khatau Mills (Bombay) (Pridmore 182); Kohinoor Mills (Bombay) (Pridmore 183); Laxmi...
Price realized:
250 AUD
Lot 3152
150 AUD
INDIA, British, Port or Dock tokens, Bombay Port Trust Docks, Worker, octagonal in bronze (33mm) stamped 74317*;...
Price realized:
320 AUD
Lot 3153
200 AUD
INDIA, British, canteen tokens; Mysore Gold Mine (Pridmore 190, 191); New City Mill (Bombay) (Pridmore 192), another...
Price realized:
130 AUD
Lot 3154
150 AUD
INDIA, British, Assam, Silchar, canteen tokens, value 4 (Pridmore 200A); value 1 (Pridmore 201); value 8 (Thakar...
Price realized:
320 AUD
Lot 3155
120 AUD
INDIA, British, canteen tokens, Sayaji Mills Society (Baroda) (Pridmore 203); Shree Niwas Mills (Bombay) (Pridmore...
Price realized:
220 AUD
Lot 3156
200 AUD
INDIA, British and later, coffee mills and general tokens, The Apollo Mills Limited (Bombay), 1/2 A(nna) (Thakar...
Price realized:
130 AUD
Lot 3157
200 AUD
INDIA, British and later, coffee mills and general canteen tokens; CAD Pulgaon Tea canteen in brass (20mm); DCC, Sika 1...
Price realized:
220 AUD
Lot 3158
200 AUD
INDIA, British and later, canteen and general tokens; K.V.Pendharber, 1 and 4 annas in cupro-nickel (19 and 22mm); S.M....
Price realized:
240 AUD
Lot 3159
200 AUD
INDIA, British, coffee mills and general canteen tokens, King Carnival eight annas in nickel (21mm); May & Baker, round...
Price realized:
130 AUD
Lot 3160
200 AUD
INDIA, British, canteen tokens and others in Hindi languages only; N.M. Mills, 2 annas, canteen token/ Hindi legend...
Price realized:
120 AUD
Lot 3161
200 AUD
INDIA, British and later, Mint canteen tokens, I.G. Mint Bombay 5 (paise) in brass (20mm) (Thakar 100.2.24), I.G. Mint...
Price realized:
120 AUD
Lot 3162
200 AUD
INDIA, British, Military tokens, E(lectrical) M(echanical) E(ngineers) Army W/S, 506, in copper (24mm), XVIII Hussars...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 3163
200 AUD
INDIA, British, Military tokens, North Lancashire Regt., 3 pice in brass (19mm) (2) (Yarwood IT030); Madras Presidency,...
Price realized:
330 AUD
Lot 3164
100 AUD
INDIA, British, East India Company, recruiting tokens, in bronze (25mm) (Yarwood TT036) rampant lion, No 35 Soho Square...
Price realized:
130 AUD
Lot 3165
200 AUD
INDIA, British, Bank tokens; The Bank of India, Bombay, stamped 105 in centre, reverse Tiffin Carrier Token in three...
Price realized:
140 AUD
Lot 3166
150 AUD
INDIA, British and later, general tokens, Aboo's General Stores Gulu, plated base metal (25mm) holed at top; Accountant...
Price realized:
440 AUD
Lot 3167
200 AUD
INDIA, British and later, advertising checks, machine tokens, Nagri pens, D.M.Trail, Calcutta in brass (26mm); Assam...
Price realized:
120 AUD
Lot 3168
70 AUD
INDIA, British, East India Company, mentioned on 18th century halfpenny token, Somersetshire, Bath 1794 (D&H 50);...
Price realized:
90 AUD
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