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Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd
Auction 127
30 Aug - 2 Sep 2021
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Browsing category Autographs
Lot 3547
120 AUD
PHILIP IV OF SPAIN, manuscript writen in Spanish, signed "Yo el Rey" (I the King), one page (approx 30x21cm), a decree...
Price realized:
440 AUD
Lot 3548
300 AUD
CHARLES II, signature on off-white paper, signed "Charles R", the reverse bears what appears to be a contemporary...
Price realized:
400 AUD
Lot 3549
120 AUD
CHARLES CORNWALLIS, segment of a larger document (approx 10x8cm), signed by Cornwallis on the bottom right, accompanied...
Price realized:
130 AUD
Lot 3550
150 AUD
GEORGE III, vellum document (approx 41.5x27cm), for the appointment of Howard Elphinstone to the army at the rank of...
Price realized:
500 AUD
Lot 3551
120 AUD
KING GEORGE III, partial slip clipped from a larger document (approx 20x9cm), bold ink signature in the top left corner...
Price realized:
200 AUD
Lot 3552
450 AUD
NAPOLEON BONAPARTE, in signature, "Napol", on an off-white and irregularly trimmed slip (approx 4x8cm), matted with a...
Price realized:
2000 AUD
Lot 3553
120 AUD
KING GEORGE IV, partial vellum (approx 19.5x8cm), undated, signed at the top left "George R", vellum is affixed to a...
Price realized:
170 AUD
Lot 3554
120 AUD
KING WILLIAM IV, ink signature, "William R", on an off-white slip (approx 12.3.3cm) removed from a larger document,...
Price realized:
140 AUD
Lot 3555
400 AUD
QUEEN VICTORIA, partly printed DS, signed at upper left "Victoria R", one page (approx 38.1x28cm), February 22, 1850,...
Price realized:
2200 AUD
Lot 3556
80 AUD
SAMUEL REMINGTON SIGNATURE, in ink on a cheque filled out in another hand and drawn on The Ilion Bank, February 14,...
Price realized:
90 AUD
Lot 3557
80 AUD
CARDIGAN, Lieutenant General James Thomas Brudnell, 7th Earl of Cardigan, in charge of the British Forces in the...
Price realized:
140 AUD
Lot 3558
250 AUD
ALFRED LORD TENNYSON SIGNATURE, in ink on manuscript bank draft of a folded page (18x11.5cm folded), in his hand to his...
Lot unsold
Lot 3559
100 AUD
PRINCE ALBERT, husband of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, black ink signature...
Price realized:
150 AUD
Lot 3560
200 AUD
HENRY W. Longfellow signature, 1875, in ink on 3x9cm slip, matted and framed with an original album photo of Longfellow...
Lot unsold
Lot 3561
80 AUD
ALBERT HENRY FULLWOOD, hand coloured engraving (circa 1884-1887) of The Peel River at Tamworth (approx,...
Price realized:
70 AUD
Lot 3562
300 AUD
MARK TWAIN, ink signature, "Truly Yours, Mark Twain", on an off-white card (approx 4x8cm), matted and framed with a...
Price realized:
600 AUD
Lot 3563
200 AUD
FRANCOIS RENE DE CHATEAUBRIAND, letter, written in French and signed "Chateaubriand", one page (approx 19x32cm),...
Lot unsold
Lot 3564
80 AUD
PIERRE D.DU Pont, Business cheque (approx 21.5x7.3cm), filled out in another hand and signed by du Pont, payable to...
Price realized:
150 AUD
Lot 3565
120 AUD
KING EDWARD VII, partial guest book page (approx 19.7x25.8cm), signed on the first line "Edward R", dated in another...
Price realized:
200 AUD
Lot 3566
200 AUD
QUEEN ALEXANDRA, a hand written letter (approx 24x16.5cm) on Malborough House headed paper, dated May 1921, thanking...
Price realized:
240 AUD
Lot 3567
200 AUD
THOMAS EDISON, ANS in pencil, signed "Edison", one lightly lined page (approx 12.7x20.3cm), dated in another hand 1923,...
Price realized:
600 AUD
Lot 3568
100 AUD
W.C.FIELDS, bank cheque (approx 16x7cm), filled out and signed by Fields, payable to John Kemp for $64.17, dated...
Price realized:
170 AUD
Lot 3569
950 AUD
ORVILLE WRIGHT SIGNATURE, on bank cheque no.778 dated January 19, 1934 at Dayton, Ohio, filled out in another hand and...
Price realized:
960 AUD
Lot 3571
100 AUD
DAVID O. Selznick signature, in ink on his named cheque number 5196 with Bank of America, Culver City, California dated...
Price realized:
280 AUD
Lot 3572
250 AUD
LES PAUL SIGNATURE, in felt tip pen on two ivory coloured plastic pick guards for Les Paul-style guitars, one signature...
Price realized:
260 AUD
Lot 3573
200 AUD
PEARL HARBOR SURVIVORS' SIGNATURES, in ink and felt tip pen on individual white cards (approx 11x6.5cm), with narrative...
Lot unsold
Lot 3574
100 AUD
WORLD WAR II, two cover pages from The Sun newspaper covering events during the end of the war, the first, dated...
Lot unsold
Lot 3575
100 AUD
WALLIS, Duchess of Windsor, ALS signed "Wallis Windsor", one page (approx 15x11.5cm), writing on both sides, letter of...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 3576
250 AUD
KATHARINE HEPBURN, two Bank of America bank cheques (both approx 15x6.5cm), filled out in another hand and signed by...
Price realized:
220 AUD
Lot 3577
120 AUD
SALVADORE DALI, sketch of Dali by another artist on a card of approximately 23x18cm, signed by Dali himself with a felt...
Price realized:
320 AUD
Lot 3578
80 AUD
JOHN LE CARRE SIGNATURE, in blue ink on a souvenir typescript of 'The Honourable Schoolboy' Part 1, one page...
Price realized:
550 AUD
Lot 3579
200 AUD
RAY BOLGER SIGNATURE, in black felt tip pen on a glossy b&w photo (approx 25x20cm) of the characters from the movie,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3580
125 AUD
ARTHUR MILLER SIGNATURE, in ball point pen on a typed one page letter (approx 18.5x26.5cm), with his typed address in...
Price realized:
110 AUD
Lot 3581
300 AUD
JACK RUBY SIGNATURE, in ballpoint pen on cheque number 111 of Mercantile National Bank at Dallas, Texas, dated 8/26...
Price realized:
400 AUD
Lot 3582
100 AUD
JAMES LEAVELLE, photo (approx 25x20cm) of Leavelle escorting Lee Harvey Oswald with Jack Ruby about to shoot him,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3583
100 AUD
JAMES LEAVELLE, satin finish photo (approx 25x20cm) of Leavelle reacting to Lee Harvey Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby,...
Price realized:
130 AUD
Lot 3584
100 AUD
JAMES ROBERT LEAVELLE, black and white photograph of Leavelle reacting to the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald (approx...
Lot unsold
Lot 3585
300 AUD
DAVID SCOTT, letter by Gemini VIII astronaut David Scott to his old college roommate, Professor William Mayo, on NASA...
Price realized:
600 AUD
Lot 3586
150 AUD
BILL HANNA SIGNATURE, on an original felt tip pen sketch of Fred Flintstone on an off-white first day of issue envelope...
Price realized:
130 AUD
Lot 3587
400 AUD
CHARLES SCHULZ, original signed felt tip sketch of Snoopy on a light yellow card (approx 9.5x11.5cm), signed at the...
Price realized:
900 AUD
Lot 3588
200 AUD
JOHNNY HART, original hand-inked three panel B.C. comic strip, dated March 8, 1971, on an off-white sheet of the...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 3589
150 AUD
JOHNNY HART, a collection of items, including an original ink sketch of two cave people performing a musical number, on...
Lot unsold
Lot 3590
950 AUD
GEORGE HARRISON SIGNATURE, in ink on a cheque form of National Westminster Bank Limited, Old Bond Street Branch,...
Price realized:
1200 AUD
Lot 3591
100 AUD
ROLLING STONES, satin-finish photo (approx, of Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts behind his drums, signed...
Price realized:
320 AUD
Lot 3592
200 AUD
CHARLIE WATTS, satin finish photo of Watts (approx 25x20cm) dressed in a suit and leaning on a table, framed under...
Price realized:
500 AUD
Lot 3593
400 AUD
DR SEUSS, original signed felt tip sketch of a green egg on a 16.5x9.5cm First Day Cover bearing a cachet honouring the...
Lot unsold
Lot 3594
100 AUD
DR.SEUSS, glossy photo (approx 10.5x13cm), of Dr.Seuss, signed in black ink "Dr.Seuss". In fine condition with...
Lot unsold
Lot 3595
250 AUD
AGATHA CHRISTIE, ballpoint signatue, "Agatha Chrisie", on an off-white card (approx 7x9cm), matted with a black and...
Price realized:
380 AUD
Lot 3596
120 AUD
RAY KROC, segment of a Mcdonald's cookie box (approx 12.5x7cm), signed by Kroc "Raymon Kroc, Founder-Chairman", also a...
Price realized:
400 AUD
Lot 3597
150 AUD
ORSON WELLES SIGNATURE, in felt tip on an original pencil sketch on off-white sheet (approx 17.5x28cm), marked, 'The...
Price realized:
320 AUD
Lot 3598
300 AUD
MARCEL MARCEAU SIGNATURE, in black felt tip pen on cardstock b&w photo (approx 23.5x28.5cm) of Marceau in stage...
Lot unsold
Lot 3599
350 AUD
DOUGLAS BADER, signature in blue ink, "Douglas Bader 13/5/77", on commemorative cover with a cachet honouring the 200th...
Price realized:
420 AUD
Lot 3601
100 AUD
ROD STEWART AND BRITT EKLAND, People magazine, dated February 21, 1977, featuring Stewart and Ekland on the cover,...
Price realized:
190 AUD
Lot 3602
100 AUD
ROD STEWART, Colour photo of Stewart leaning against a wall (approx 19.5x24.5cm), signed in blue felt tip. Fine. With...
Lot unsold
Lot 3603
70 AUD
ROD STEWART SIGNATURE, in blue felt tip pen on album cover 'Never a Dull Moment', record not included. With some...
Lot unsold
Lot 3604
100 AUD
ROD STEWART SIGNATURE, in blue felt tip pen on album cover 'Foolish Behaviour', record included; another and no record...
Lot unsold
Lot 3605
100 AUD
ROD STEWART SIGNATURE, in blue felt tip pen on album cover 'Blondes have more fun', record included. With partial...
Lot unsold
Lot 3606
120 AUD
MIKE TYSON SIGNATURE, in ballpoint with small photo in corner of card (12.6x7.6cm) and inscription, 'To Tom from Mike...
Price realized:
150 AUD
Lot 3607
70 AUD
EDDIE MURPHY SIGNATURE, in blue felt tip pen on album cover, 'Eddie Murphy', record included. Some handling marks on...
Price realized:
100 AUD
Lot 3608
100 AUD
PRINCE PHILIP, husband of Queen Elizabeth II, typed letter signed signed "Philip", one page (approx 21x15cm), dated...
Price realized:
950 AUD
Lot 3609
100 AUD
BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, glossy colour photo (approx 30.5x20cm) of Bruce Springsteen from his 'Born in the USA' days, signed...
Price realized:
130 AUD
Lot 3610
150 AUD
JIM DAVIS, a typed letter signed in red felt tip (approx 14.5x22cm) on a Garfield letterhead, featuring the famed cat...
Price realized:
150 AUD
Lot 3611
400 AUD
MARLON BRANDO, ballpoint signature, "Marlon Brando", on tan album page (approx 5.5x7.5cm), matted with a poster of...
Price realized:
600 AUD
Lot 3612
300 AUD
MICHAEL JACKSON, colour satin finish photo (approx 35.5x27cm) of a young Michael Jackson clad in a colourful outfit,...
Price realized:
650 AUD
Lot 3613
125 AUD
WALTER LANTZ, signed sketch of Woody Woodpecker on paper (approx 13.5x20.5cm), inscribed underneath "To Ronald Tisch,...
Lot unsold
Lot 3614
100 AUD
LUCIANO PAVAROTTI SIGNATURE, in silver ink on his album, 'Pavarotti Hits From Lincoln Center, Selections He Sang on His...
Price realized:
90 AUD
Lot 3615
100 AUD
THREE TENORS, two glossy photos (approx 25x20cm each), one signed in felt tip by Placido Domingo and Jose Carreras, the...
Price realized:
100 AUD
Lot 3616
300 AUD
JIM HENSON, colour satin-finish photo of Henson surrounded by his Muppets including Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy...
Price realized:
600 AUD
Lot 3617
125 AUD
HANK KETCHAM, sketch of Dennis the Menace with signature below, signed "Hank Ketcham 9-6-91", approx 11x16cm, framed...
Price realized:
80 AUD
Lot 3618
120 AUD
HANK KETCHAM, glossy photo of kethcam equipped with a brush and a painting of Dennis the Menace (approx 20x25.5cm),...
Lot unsold
Lot 3619
70 AUD
GATES, Bill, 'The Road Ahead', New York, 1995, 286 pp, hardcover book with dust jacket and promotional label, signed by...
Price realized:
200 AUD
Lot 3620
80 AUD
MEL BLANC, Southern California B'nai B'rith Council membership card (approx 10x6cm), filled out in another hand and...
Price realized:
120 AUD
Lot 3621
100 AUD
ALICE COOPER SIGNATURE, in blue felt tip pen on 'From the Inside' album, includes album inside cover. Creasing along...
Lot unsold
Lot 3622
60 AUD
BEE GEES - BARRY GIBB SIGNATURE, in blue felt tip pen on glossy colour photo (approx 18x24.5cm) of the Bee Gees. Very...
Price realized:
90 AUD
Lot 3623
100 AUD
FLEETWOOD MACK, print of the single "As Long As You Follow Me", signed by members of the band, a total of six...
Lot unsold
Lot 3624
80 AUD
JAMES TAYLOR SIGNATURE, in blue felt tip pen on two album covers, Gorilla and One Man Dog, records not included....
Lot unsold
Lot 3625
60 AUD
THE EAGLES BAND MEMBERS' SIGNATURES, in blue and black felt tip pen, includes signatures of three members, Don Henley,...
Price realized:
200 AUD
Lot 3626
200 AUD
RANDY MEISNER SIGNATURE, in blue felt tip pen on stock matt finish b&w photo (approx 24x19.5cm) of Meisner in sports...
Lot unsold
Lot 3627
250 AUD
THE EAGLES' RANDY MEISNER SIGNATURE, in silver ink, dated 12/3/02, on a printed potograph of Randy Meisner with his...
Lot unsold
Lot 3628
350 AUD
RUBIN 'HURRICANE' CARTER SIGNATURE, in silver ink on a b&w photo (approx 50x40mm) of him pounding his opponent through...
Lot unsold
Lot 3629
450 AUD
RUBIN 'HURRICANE' CARTER SIGNATURE, in silver ink on a b&w photo (approx 50x40mm) of him being visited by Bob Dylan in...
Price realized:
420 AUD
Lot 3631
100 AUD
O.J. SIMPSON AND JOHNNIE COCHRAN SIGNATURES, in black felt tip pen on colour photo (25.3x20.3cm) of Simpson and Cochran...
Price realized:
100 AUD
Lot 3632
60 AUD
TAYLOR SWIFT MEMORABILIA, framed lithograph of autographed colour photo of 'Speak Now', featuring a rowdy wedding...
Price realized:
380 AUD
Lot 3633
150 AUD
ADELE, vinyl album "19", signed by Adele in silver ink on the A side, framed under glass with the album cover (approx...
Price realized:
380 AUD
Lot 3634
100 AUD
CRICKET BAT, Kookaburra, with signatures of fifteen famous Australian cricketer's, c2000, notables includes, Dean...
Price realized:
300 AUD
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