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Noble Numismatics Pty Ltd
Auction 127
30 Aug - 2 Sep 2021
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Browsing category Roman Silver & Bronze Coins - Republic
Lot 4389
300 AUD
ANONYMOUS, AE half litra (234-231 B.C.), 11 mm, (1.81 g), Rome, obv. helmeted head of Roma to right, dotted border,...
Price realized:
150 AUD
Lot 4390
600 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous Series, (225-212 B.C.), silver didrachm (quadrigatus), (6.60 g), uncertain mint (possibly Rome),...
Price realized:
700 AUD
Lot 4391
500 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous Series, (225-212 B.C.), silver didrachm (quadrigatus), (6.31 g), uncertain mint (possibly Rome),...
Price realized:
700 AUD
Lot 4392
120 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous (semilibral) Series, (c.217-215 B.C.), Rome mint, AE uncia, (15.07 g), obv. helmeted head of Roma...
Price realized:
150 AUD
Lot 4393
200 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous, (shortly after 211 B.C.), silver victoriatus, (3.28 g), uncertain mint, obv. laureate head of...
Price realized:
280 AUD
Lot 4394
250 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous, (211-208 B.C.), silver sestertius, (1.09 g), Rome mint, obv. helmeted head of Roma to right,...
Price realized:
160 AUD
Lot 4395
100 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous Series, (c.211-207 B.C.), Rome mint, AE semis, (13.95 g), obv. head of Saturn to right, S behind,...
Price realized:
120 AUD
Lot 4396
100 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous, (shortly after 211 B.C.), silver victoriatus, (2.55 g), Rome Mint, obv. laureate head of Jupiter...
Price realized:
90 AUD
Lot 4397
150 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous, (211-208 B.C.), silver victoriatus, (2.98 g), Luceria Mint, obv. laureate head of Jupiter to...
Price realized:
160 AUD
Lot 4398
100 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous, (206-195 B.C.), silver victoriatus, (2.42 g), Rome Mint, obv. laureate head of Jupiter to right,...
Price realized:
100 AUD
Lot 4399
150 AUD
REPUBLIC, Anonymous, (c.157-156 B.C.), AE as, (26.86 g), obv. laureate head of Janus, I above, rev. prow to right with...
Price realized:
110 AUD
Lot 4400
150 AUD
SEX. ATILIUS SARANUS, (154 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.88 g), rev. Victory in biga to right, (S.78,...
Price realized:
100 AUD
Lot 4401
120 AUD
REPUBLIC, Safra, (c.150 B.C.), AE as, (22.53 g), obv. laureate head of Janus, I above, rev. prow to right, above SAFRA,...
Price realized:
60 AUD
Lot 4402
100 AUD
C. PLUTIUS, (c.121 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.84 grams), obv. Roma helmeted head right, X behind, rev....
Price realized:
160 AUD
Lot 4403
150 AUD
L. PHILIPPUS, (c.113-112 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.64 g), obv. head of Philip V of Macedon to right,...
Price realized:
190 AUD
Lot 4404
100 AUD
L. MEMMIUS, (109-108 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.71 g), obv. male head to right, with oak wreath, * below...
Price realized:
100 AUD
Lot 4405
100 AUD
C. VIBIUS C.F. Pansa, (90 B.C.), fouree silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.27 g), obv. mask of Pan to right, PANSA below,...
Price realized:
160 AUD
Lot 4406
100 AUD
C. VIBIUS C.F. Pansa, (90 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.75 g), obv. laureate head of Apollo to right, PANS[A]...
Price realized:
140 AUD
Lot 4407
250 AUD
L. TITURIUS L.F. Sabinus, (89 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.45 g), obv. bare head of King Tatius to right,...
Price realized:
320 AUD
Lot 4408
120 AUD
C. MARCIUS CENSORINUS, (88 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.76 g), obv. Apollo head to right, dotted border, harp...
Price realized:
120 AUD
Lot 4409
120 AUD
PUB. CREPUSIUS, (82 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.91 g), obv. Apollo laureate head to right, sceptre over...
Price realized:
160 AUD
Lot 4411
120 AUD
L. PROCILIUS, (c.80 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (3.61 g), obv. Juno Sospita head to right wearing goat's skin,...
Price realized:
200 AUD
Lot 4412
100 AUD
TI, CLAUDIUS, silver denarius, Rome Mint (3.86g), obv. Diana bust right, rev. Victory in biga to right, A.I below,...
Price realized:
140 AUD
Lot 4413
100 AUD
M. VOLTEIUS M.F., (c.78 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, (4.01 g), obv. head of Liber or Bacchus to right, wearing...
Price realized:
180 AUD
Lot 4414
300 AUD
Q. CAEPIO BRUTUS BETTER KNOWN AS M. Junius Brutus (c.54 B.C.), silver denarius, (3.88 g), obv. head of Liberty to...
Price realized:
720 AUD
Lot 4415
700 AUD
JULIUS CAESAR, silver denarius, issued 49-48 B.C., Moving Mint with Caesar, (4.06 g), obv. Elephant to right trampling...
Price realized:
900 AUD
Lot 4416
600 AUD
JULIUS CAESAR, silver denarius, issued 49-48 B.C., Moving Mint with Caesar, (3.79 g), obv. Elephant to right trampling...
Price realized:
2200 AUD
Lot 4417
300 AUD
JULIUS CAESAR, (c.47-46 B.C.), silver denarius, (3.34 g), military mint travelling with Caesar in Africa, obv. diademed...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 4418
700 AUD
JULIUS CAESAR, (c.46 B.C.), silver denarius, uncertain Spanish mint probably Utica, (3.84 g), obv. Ceres head to right,...
Price realized:
1200 AUD
Lot 4419
500 AUD
REPUBLIC, Julius Caesar, (assassinated 44 B.C.), silver denarius, Rome mint, issued January-February 44 B.C., (3.17 g),...
Price realized:
1200 AUD
Lot 4420
100 AUD
SEXTUS POMPEY, (c.43-36 B.C.), AE as, Sicilian mint, (19.38 g), obv. laureate head of Janus, MAGN above, rev. prow to...
Price realized:
300 AUD
Lot 4421
500 AUD
MARK ANTONY, triumvir, committed suicide (30 B.C.), silver denarius, mint moving with Antony (Ephesus?), issued 41...
Price realized:
750 AUD
Lot 4422
600 AUD
AUGUSTUS AS OCTAVIAN, (27 B.C. - A.D. 14), silver denarius, mint moving with Octavian in Italy, issued early 40 B.C. by...
Price realized:
320 AUD
Lot 4423
500 AUD
OCTAVIAN, (36 B.C.), silver denarius, mint moving with Octavian, (3.97 g), obv. bare head of Octavian bearded to right,...
Price realized:
800 AUD
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