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Leu Numismatik AG
Web Auction 20
16-18 Jul 2022
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Browsing category Seals
Lot 3101
Starting price:
25 CHF
Uncertain, circa 3rd century. Seal (Lead, 17 mm, 6.61 g). Bearded head (Jupiter?) to left. Rev. Globular reverse. Cf....
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 3102
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anonymous, circa 300-350. Seal (Lead, 13 mm, 3.00 g). The sacrifice of Isaac: Abraham standing right, his head turned...
Price realized:
220 CHF
Lot 3103
Starting price:
50 CHF
Uncertain, 3rd-5th centuries. Pendant (Silver, 5x5x6 mm, 1.65 g), in the form of a cube engraved in intaglio on four...
Price realized:
300 CHF
Lot 3104
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anonymous, circa 4th century. Seal (Bronze, 16 mm, 4.29 g, 12 h). Laureate male head to right. Rev. Bare-headed and...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 3105
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anonymous, 4th century. Seal (Lead, 18 mm, 6.06 g). Daniel in the lion's den: Daniel standing left, his arms raised in...
Price realized:
42 CHF
Lot 3106
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anonymous, circa 4th century. Seal (Lead, 14 mm, 5.22 g). Daniel in the lion's den: Daniel standing facing, head right,...
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 3107
Starting price:
50 CHF
Anonymous, 4th century. Pendant (Glass, 16 mm, 1.00 g). ZO-HN ('Life') Frog. Cf. C. Entwistle and P. Corby Finney: Late...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 3108
Starting price:
50 CHF
Harpokras, son of Herakleios, circa 350-450. Seal (Lead, 18 mm, 6.07 g, 12 h). APΠIKPAC Draped bust of Harpokras to...
Price realized:
130 CHF
Lot 3109
Starting price:
25 CHF
Maurianos, circa 550-650. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 17.14 g, 12 h). +ΘЄ/OTOK/Є BOH/ΘH+ in four lines. Rev. +MA/VPHA/[N]OV+...
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 3110
Starting price:
25 CHF
Alexandros, 550-650. Seal (Lead, 19 mm, 10.00 g, 12 h). Nike advancing left, holding wreath in her right hand and palm...
Price realized:
130 CHF
Lot 3111
Starting price:
25 CHF
Uncertain, circa 550-650. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 8.31 g). Mount Calvary: central cross on steps; to left and right, cross....
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 3112
Starting price:
75 CHF
Doulkitios, 6th-7th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 10.96 g, 1 h). The hospitality of Abraham: three nimbate male figure...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 3113
Starting price:
25 CHF
Johannes, episkopos (?), 7th century. Seal (Lead, 27 mm, 17.51 g, 12 h). Two uncertain cruciform monograms within...
Price realized:
101 CHF
Lot 3114
Starting price:
25 CHF
Andreas, koubikoularios, 659-668. Seal (Lead, 19 mm, 15.19 g, 12 h). Andreas on horseback riding right, head facing,...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 3115
Starting price:
50 CHF
Niketas, bishop, late 7th-early 8th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 15.77 g, 12 h). A/ΓI/O - Π/ΛA/TⲰ/N Nimbate bust of...
Price realized:
420 CHF
Lot 3116
Starting price:
75 CHF
Beser (Arab Bashir), patrikios and strategos, first half 8th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 17.48 g, 12 h). +[ЄΞ]ЄΛ૪...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 3117
Starting price:
25 CHF
Theodosios, anthypatos, 8th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 14.75 g, 12 h). Monogram ΘЄOTOKЄ BOHΘH. Rev. ΘЄOΔ/OCIⲰ...
Price realized:
67 CHF
Lot 3118
Starting price:
25 CHF
Theophanes, imperial spatharios, 8th century. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 14.73 g, 12 h). Large cruciform monogram ΘЄOTOKЄ...
Price realized:
30 CHF
Lot 3119
Starting price:
50 CHF
Stephanos, metropolitan bishop of Kyzikos, 8th century (before 730 or after 787). Seal (Lead, 27 mm, 13.77 g, 11 h)....
Price realized:
320 CHF
Lot 3120
Starting price:
50 CHF
Monastery of Mantineion, 740-800. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 13.81 g). Cruciform monogram MONHC within decorated circular...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 3121
Starting price:
75 CHF
The imperial kommerkia of the strategia of Anatolikon (?), dated indiction 10, 756/757. Seal (Lead, 33 mm, 26.36 g, 12...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 3122
Starting price:
50 CHF
Artavasdos, strategos of Anatolikon, late 8th century-early 9th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 11.56 g, 12 h). Large...
Price realized:
1200 CHF
Lot 3123
Starting price:
25 CHF
Theognostos, imperial spatharokandidatos and kleisouriarches of Seleukeia, later 9th century-circa 927-934. Seal (Lead,...
Price realized:
233 CHF
Lot 3124
Starting price:
50 CHF
Leo VI the Wise (886-912), with Alexander. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 11.56 g, 12 h). +IhSЧS X-RIST[OS] Bust of Christ...
Price realized:
750 CHF
Lot 3125
Starting price:
75 CHF
Anonymous, circa 10th century. Amulet (Lead, 38 mm, 18.24 g, 12 h), womb or "hystera" amulet. Δ...O VCTЄP[A]...
Price realized:
210 CHF
Lot 3126
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anonymous, circa 10th century. Amulet (Lead, 30 mm, 22.60 g, 12 h), womb or "hystera" amulet. Circular magical legend...
Price realized:
140 CHF
Lot 3127
Starting price:
25 CHF
Leon, imperial protospatharios and topoteretes of the scholai, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 6.79 g, 12 h). [+KЄ...
Price realized:
105 CHF
Lot 3128
Starting price:
100 CHF
Anonymous, circa 10th century. Medallion (Lead, 57 mm, 33.00 g), "Eulogia" of St. Symeon Stylites the Younger....
Price realized:
300 CHF
Lot 3129
Starting price:
200 CHF
Anonymous, circa 10th century. Medallion (Lead, 44 mm, 23.34 g, 12 h), "Eulogia" of St. Symeon Stylites the Younger....
Price realized:
1900 CHF
Lot 3130
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anonymous, circa 10th century. Medallion (Lead, 43 mm, 16.12 g), "Eulogia" of St. Symeon Stylites the Younger....
Price realized:
130 CHF
Lot 3131
Starting price:
25 CHF
Anonymous, circa 10th century. Amulet (Lead, 48 mm, 20.68 g), womb or "hystera" amulet. CTЄP...MЄΛA...ЄΛOИOMHNH...
Price realized:
130 CHF
Lot 3132
Starting price:
50 CHF
Anonymous, circa 10th century. Medallion (Lead, 55 mm, 31.68 g, 12 h), "Eulogia" of St. Symeon Stylites the Younger....
Price realized:
220 CHF
Lot 3133
Starting price:
50 CHF
Symbatikios Par..., asekritis and judge of the Armenian themes, late 10th-first half 11th century. Seal (Lead, 31 mm,...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 3134
Starting price:
25 CHF
Paulos Nikoulitzes, mid 11th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 15.27 g, 12 h). [Θ] / ΓЄ/Ⲱ/P-[Γ]/IO/C Nimbate bust of...
Price realized:
90 CHF
Lot 3135
Starting price:
50 CHF
Theodoros, metropolitan bishop of Pompeiopolis, mid 11th century. Seal (Lead, 20 mm, 6.38 g, 12 h). O / A/ΓI/O, -...
Price realized:
320 CHF
Lot 3136
Starting price:
100 CHF
The Monastery of Saint Theophylaktos on Mount Kouzenas, mid 11th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 9.46 g, 12 h). MHP ΘV...
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 3137
Starting price:
50 CHF
(Theodoros) Chetames (Thoros, son of Hetoum), anthypatos, circa 1050-1070. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 14.49 g, 12 h). O /...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 3138
Starting price:
25 CHF
Johannes, vestes and judge of the Thrakesion theme, second half 11th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 13.70 g, 12 h)....
Price realized:
160 CHF
Lot 3139
Starting price:
50 CHF
David Senacherim, protovestarches, second third 11th century. Seal (Lead, 31 mm, 21.75 g, 11 h). Θ / Γ/Є-Ⲱ/P/Γ,...
Price realized:
2600 CHF
Lot 3140
Starting price:
75 CHF
Aposachles (Abusahl) Senacherim, magistros, epi tou koitones and strategos, circa 1050-1075. Seal (Lead, 36 mm, 23.44...
Price realized:
2800 CHF
Lot 3141
Starting price:
25 CHF
Konstantinos Promoundenos, vestarches, krites of the velon and of Anatolikon, 1060-1070. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 9.42 g, 11...
Price realized:
240 CHF
Lot 3142
Starting price:
75 CHF
Aposachles (Abusahl) Senacherim, kouropalates, circa 1060-1080. Seal (Lead, 29 mm, 14.40 g, 12 h). IC - XC /...
Price realized:
1300 CHF
Lot 3143
Starting price:
50 CHF
Leon Iasites, kouropalates and doux of Armeniakon, 1065-1085. Seal (Lead, 30 mm, 21.00 g, 12 h). [Θ Δ]H/[M]/H-T/PI/OC...
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 3144
Starting price:
50 CHF
Romanus IV Diogenes, with Eudocia, Michael VII, Constantius, and Andronicus, 1068-1071. Seal (Lead, 27 mm, 22.71 g, 12...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 3145
Starting price:
50 CHF
Romanus IV Diogenes, with Eudocia, Michael VII, Constantius, and Andronicus, 1068-1071. Seal (Lead, 31 mm, 30.66 g, 12...
Price realized:
170 CHF
Lot 3146
Starting price:
75 CHF
Romanus IV Diogenes, with Eudocia, Michael VII, Constantius, and Andronicus, 1068-1071. Seal (Lead, 29 mm, 24.11 g, 12...
Price realized:
320 CHF
Lot 3147
Starting price:
50 CHF
Michael VII Doukas, 1071-1078. Seal (Lead, 33 mm, 43.72 g, 12 h). IC - XC Christ seated facing on an ornate throne,...
Price realized:
160 CHF
Lot 3148
Starting price:
50 CHF
Theodoros Chetames (Thoros, son of Hetoum), kouropalates and doux of Melitene, circa 1074. Seal (Lead, 27 mm, 14.05 g,...
Price realized:
2600 CHF
Lot 3149
Starting price:
50 CHF
Basileios Apokapes, protoproedros and doux of Edessa, 1078-1081. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 12.79 g, 12 h). Θ / R/A... Nimbate...
Price realized:
420 CHF
Lot 3150
Starting price:
75 CHF
Nicephorus Melissenus, usurper 1080-1081. Seal (Lead, 34 mm, 19.75 g, 12 h). IC - XC Christ seated facing on an ornate...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 3151
Starting price:
50 CHF
Johannes, logariastes of the Tropaiophoros (St. George), last third of 11th century. Seal (Lead, 20 mm, 6.81 g, 12 h)....
Price realized:
280 CHF
Lot 3152
Starting price:
75 CHF
Nikolaos Maurozomes, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 11.34 g, 12 h). O / Α/Γ/Ι/O/C - N/I/K/O/Λ/A/[O/C?] Saint...
Price realized:
140 CHF
Lot 3153
Starting price:
25 CHF
John, metropolitan bishop of Edessa, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 30 mm, 14.90 g, 12 h). MHP ΘV Nimbate bust of the...
Price realized:
400 CHF
Lot 3154
Starting price:
50 CHF
The Monastery of the Most Holy Mother of God Charopoios, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 5.82 g, 11 h). MHP Θ[V] The...
Price realized:
160 CHF
Lot 3155
Starting price:
25 CHF
Georgios Lagos, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 6.06 g, 12 h). Θ / Γ/E/O-P/Γ/I Nimbate bust of Saint George facing,...
Price realized:
65 CHF
Lot 3156
Starting price:
50 CHF
Mousour (Arab Mansur?), 11th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 16.40 g, 12 h). O A / Π/Є-T/P/O/C ("Saint Petros") Nimbate...
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 3157
Starting price:
25 CHF
Basileios (?), 11th century. Seal (Lead, 32 mm, 20.57 g, 12 h). Nimbate bust of St. Michael facing, wearing loros and...
Price realized:
30 CHF
Lot 3158
Starting price:
50 CHF
Exakoustos, protospatharios and strategos, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 14.49 g, 12 h). [MHP] - ΘV Nimbate bust...
Price realized:
110 CHF
Lot 3159
Starting price:
50 CHF
Manuel, spatharokandidatos and ek prosopou of the herds, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 8.99 g, 12 h). Θ N/I-......
Price realized:
80 CHF
Lot 3160
Starting price:
50 CHF
Stylianos, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 22 mm, 17.19 g, 12 h). [Θ / Π]A[N/T]Є-Λ/Є/H/M, Nimbate bust of St. Pantaleon...
Price realized:
90 CHF
Lot 3161
Starting price:
25 CHF
Gidos, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 21 mm, 5.83 g, 12 h). MHP - [ΘV] The Mother of God, nimbate, both hands half-raised...
Price realized:
85 CHF
Lot 3162
Starting price:
25 CHF
Theophanes, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 11.27 g, 12 h). M-X Nimbate bust of St. Michael facing, holding trefoil...
Price realized:
70 CHF
Lot 3163
Starting price:
50 CHF
The Gerotropheion (old age home), 11th century. Seal (Lead, 28 mm, 17.59 g, 12 h). +ΓPA/ΦAC CΦPA/ΓIZⲰ KAI /...
Price realized:
320 CHF
Lot 3164
Starting price:
75 CHF
Romanos, bishop of Telmoupharan (Tell-el Fara'in?), circa 11th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 7.68 g, 12 h). O /...
Price realized:
900 CHF
Lot 3165
Starting price:
50 CHF
Basileios, protospatharios (?), 11th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 7.36 g, 12 h). +ЄMANOHΛ IЄ[...] - Kufic or Armenian...
Price realized:
1200 CHF
Lot 3166
Starting price:
50 CHF
Uncertain, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 7.46 g, 9 h). MHP - ΘV Nimbate bust of the Mother of God "Nikopoios"...
Price realized:
1500 CHF
Lot 3167
Starting price:
25 CHF
Uncertain, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 32 mm, 26.00 g, 12 h). Uncertain circular legend. The Mother of God...
Price realized:
160 CHF
Lot 3168
Starting price:
25 CHF
Gabriel, spatharokandidatos and chartoularios, 11th century. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 12.75 g, 12 h). Nimbate bust of St....
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 3169
Starting price:
100 CHF
Nikephoros, patriarch of Theoupolis, the Great Antioch and the whole East, 11th century (1079-1091?). Seal (Lead, 27...
Price realized:
1200 CHF
Lot 3170
Starting price:
100 CHF
Anonymous, 11th-12th century. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 13.57 g, 12 h). M / ΘV - IC / XC - O / ЄV/[ЄP]/ΓЄ/T ('Mother of...
Price realized:
750 CHF
Lot 3171
Starting price:
75 CHF
Isaakios Kourtikes, protoproedros and doux of Cyprus, 1050-1150. Seal (Lead, 24 mm, 9.58 g, 11 h). MHP ΘV Nimbate bust...
Price realized:
500 CHF
Lot 3172
Starting price:
75 CHF
Konstantinos Krateros, anthypatos patrikios, second half 11th century. Seal (Lead, 29 mm, 12.74 g, 12 h). Θ /...
Price realized:
260 CHF
Lot 3173
Starting price:
50 CHF
Gregorios, doux, late 11th-early 12th century. Seal (Lead, 33 mm, 15.87 g, 12 h). [Θ ΘЄO]-Δ/Ⲱ/PO Nimbate bust of...
Price realized:
80 CHF
Lot 3174
Starting price:
25 CHF
Johannes ...erites, 1050-1150. Seal (Lead, 17 mm, 4.13 g, 11 h). Θ / Θ/Є-[O]Δ/O Nimbate bust of Saint Theodore...
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 3175
Starting price:
50 CHF
Johannes Doukas, sebastos, 1150-1250. Seal (Lead, 27 mm, 12.22 g, 12 h). O ЄK...ON / IC - XC Nimbate bust of Christ...
Price realized:
220 CHF
Lot 3176
Starting price:
75 CHF
Anonymous, circa 12th-14th centuries. Medallion (Silver, 20 mm, 1.08 g, 12 h). HC - XC Bust of Christ Pantokrator...
Price realized:
500 CHF
Lot 3177
Starting price:
50 CHF
Andronicus II Palaeologus, 1282-1295. Seal (Lead, 25x40 mm, 17.30 g, 12 h). APX - [MX] ('The Archangel Michael') St....
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 3178
Starting price:
25 CHF
Thathoul, protonobelissimos and archon of the archontes, c. 1100. Seal (Lead, 26 mm, 17.09 g, 12 h). O / A...
Price realized:
5000 CHF
Lot 3179
Starting price:
50 CHF
CRUSADERS. Anonymous, circa 12th-13th centuries. Seal (Lead, 19 mm, 19.24 g). Jerusalem cross. Rev. Blank. Very fine.
Price realized:
150 CHF
Lot 3180
Starting price:
50 CHF
ISLAMIC. Abbasid Caliphate, circa 9-10th centuries. Tessera (Lead, 17 mm, 3.14 g, 12 h). Hare to right. Rev. Legend in...
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 3181
Starting price:
50 CHF
ISLAMIC, Seljuks. Rum. Ghiyath al-Din Kay Khusraw II (?), first reign, AH 634-644 / AD 1237-1246. Seal (Lead, 24 mm,...
Price realized:
1400 CHF
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Contact Leu Numismatik AG
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