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Nomos AG
Auction 28
22 May 2023
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Browsing category Byzantine
Lot 1334
225 CHF
Maurice Tiberius, 582-602. Half Follis (Bronze, 23 mm, 6.99 g, 6 h), Theoupolis (Antiochia), regnal year 7 = 588/9. M...
Price realized:
500 CHF
Lot 1335
750 CHF
Phocas, 602-610. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.35 g, 7 h), Constantinople, Β = 2nd officina, 603. O N FOCAЄ PЄRP AV'...
Price realized:
950 CHF
Lot 1336
500 CHF
Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine, 610-641. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.41 g, 6 h), Constantinople, Θ = 9th officina,...
Price realized:
600 CHF
Lot 1337
200 CHF
Heraclius, 610-641. 12 Nummi (Bronze, 19 mm, 5.30 g, 6 h), Alexandreia, struck during the Sassanian occupation of...
Price realized:
300 CHF
Lot 1338
1200 CHF
Tiberius III (Apsimar), 698-705. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.44 g, 6 h), Constantinople, Γ = 3rd officina. D TIbERI-ЧS PE...
Price realized:
1600 CHF
Lot 1339
1500 CHF
Justinian II, second reign, 705-711. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.40 g, 6 h), Constantinople, 705. d N IҺS CҺS REN(Sic!)...
Price realized:
3000 CHF
Lot 1340
1400 CHF
Justinian II, with Tiberius, second reign, 705-711. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.41 g), 705-711. [d N IhS ChS REX]...
Price realized:
2600 CHF
Lot 1341
2000 CHF
Justinian II, with Tiberius, second reign, 705-711. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.52 g, 6 h), 705-711. d N IhS ChS REX...
Price realized:
3200 CHF
Lot 1342
1400 CHF
Philippicus (Bardanes), 711-713. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.51 g, 6 h), Constantinople, A = 1st officina. d N FILEPPICЧS...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 1343
1500 CHF
Philippicus (Bardanes), 711-713. Solidus (Gold, 19,5 mm, 4.43 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ϵ = 5th officina. d N...
Price realized:
3200 CHF
Lot 1344
1250 CHF
Philippicus (Bardanes), 711-713. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.41 g, 6 h), Constantinople, S = 6th officina. d N FILEPPICЧS...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 1345
1250 CHF
Philippicus (Bardanes), 711-713. Solidus (Gold, 18 mm, 4.40 g, 6 h), Constantinople, Z = 7th officina. d N FILEPPICЧS...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 1346
1400 CHF
Philippicus (Bardanes), 711-713. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.40 g, 6 h), Constantinople, I = 10th officina. d N FILEPPICЧS...
Price realized:
2800 CHF
Lot 1347
2750 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.47 g, 6 h), Constantinople, A = 1st officina. d N APTEMIUS...
Price realized:
2800 CHF
Lot 1348
2250 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.41 g, 6 h), Constantinople, B = 2nd officina. d N APTEMIUS...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 1349
2750 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.37 g, 6 h), Constantinople, Δ = 4th officina. d N APTEMIUS...
Price realized:
3100 CHF
Lot 1350
2500 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.45 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ϵ = 5th officina. d N APTEMIUS...
Price realized:
2000 CHF
Lot 1351
2250 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.45 g, 6 h), Constantinople, S = 6th officina. d N APTEMIUS...
Price realized:
2200 CHF
Lot 1352
2250 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.42 g, 6 h), Constantinople, Z = 7th officina. d N APTEMIUS...
Price realized:
1900 CHF
Lot 1353
2750 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.39 g, 6 h), Constantinople, H = 8th officina. d N APTEMIUS...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 1354
2750 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.49 g, 6 h), Constantinople, Θ = 9th officina. d N APTEMIUS...
Price realized:
6500 CHF
Lot 1355
2250 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.44 g, 6 h), Constantinople, I = 10th officina. d N APTEMIUS...
Price realized:
1800 CHF
Lot 1356
2000 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.40 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ΓΘ = 3rd officina, section Θ. d...
Price realized:
1600 CHF
Lot 1357
2250 CHF
Anastasius II Artemius, 713-715. Solidus (Gold, 20,5 mm, 4.39 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ΖΘ = 7th officina, section . d...
Price realized:
1900 CHF
Lot 1358
4000 CHF
Theodosius III of Adramytium, 715-717. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.35 g, 6 h), Constantinople, B = 2nd officina. dႷ...
Price realized:
4400 CHF
Lot 1359
4750 CHF
Theodosius III of Adramytium, 715-717. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.41 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ϵ = 5th officina. d Ⴗ...
Price realized:
5250 CHF
Lot 1360
5000 CHF
Theodosius III of Adramytium, 715-717. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.40 g), Constantinople, Z = 7th officina. d N ThEOdO-SIUS...
Price realized:
5000 CHF
Lot 1361
5000 CHF
Theodosius III of Adramytium, 715-717. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.42 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ZC = 7th officina, section...
Price realized:
4200 CHF
Lot 1362
4500 CHF
Theodosius III of Adramytium, 715-717. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.46 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ΘC = 9th officina, section...
Price realized:
4400 CHF
Lot 1363
4500 CHF
Theodosius III of Adramytium, 715-717. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.45 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ΔΘ = 4th officina,...
Price realized:
4800 CHF
Lot 1364
750 CHF
Leo III the "Isaurian", 717-741. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.48 g, 6 h), Constantinople, Δ = 4th officina, 717-720. d N D...
Price realized:
800 CHF
Lot 1365
1750 CHF
Leo III the "Isaurian", 717-741. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.47 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ϵ = 5th officina, 717-720. d N D...
Price realized:
6500 CHF
Lot 1366
1000 CHF
Leo III the "Isaurian", 717-741. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.47 g, 6 h), Constantinople, Z = 7th officina, 717-720. d N D...
Price realized:
1100 CHF
Lot 1367
1000 CHF
Leo III the "Isaurian", 717-741. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.42 g, 6 h), Constantinople ΖC = 7th officina, section C,...
Price realized:
5500 CHF
Lot 1368
1250 CHF
Leo III the "Isaurian", 717-741. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.48 g, 6 h), Constantinople, ϵΙ = 5th officina, section Ι,...
Price realized:
3200 CHF
Lot 1369
1000 CHF
Leo III the "Isaurian", with Constantine V, 717-741. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.41 g, 6 h), Constantinople, officina not...
Price realized:
1700 CHF
Lot 1370
1250 CHF
Leo III the "Isaurian", with Constantine V, 717-741. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.41 g, 7 h), Constantinople, Η = 8th...
Price realized:
3000 CHF
Lot 1371
1250 CHF
Leo III the "Isaurian", with Constantine V, 717-741. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.43 g, 6 h), Constantinople, officina,...
Price realized:
2400 CHF
Lot 1372
750 CHF
Constantine V Copronymus, with Leo III, 741-775. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.46 g, 6 h), Constantinople, 745-750. C LE-ON P...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 1373
750 CHF
Constantine V Copronymus, with Leo IV and Leo III, 741-775. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.45 g, 7 h), Constantinople,...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 1374
850 CHF
Constantine VI & Irene, 780-797. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.44 g, 6 h), Constantinople, November 787-10 November 790....
Price realized:
1800 CHF
Lot 1375
4500 CHF
Constantine VI & Irene, 780-797. Solidus (Gold, 19 mm, 4.35 g, 7 h), 793-797. IRINH AΓOVSTI Bust of Irene facing,...
Price realized:
4600 CHF
Lot 1376
7500 CHF
Irene, 797-802. Solidus (Gold, 21 mm, 4.45 g, 6 h), Constantinople. ϵIRIҺH bASILISSH Bust of Irene facing, wearing...
Price realized:
6000 CHF
Lot 1377
500 CHF
Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, 913-959. Miliaresion (Silver, 23 mm, 2.23 g, 12 h), Constantinople, 914-921. +...
Price realized:
1500 CHF
Lot 1378
750 CHF
Alexius III Angelus-Comnenus, 1195-1203. Aspron Trachy (Electrum, 30 mm, 4.78 g, 6 h), Constantinople, 1195-1197. IC -...
Price realized:
850 CHF
Lot 1379
750 CHF
Theodore Comnenus-Ducas, as emperor of Thessalonica, 1225/7-1230. Aspron Trachy (Silver, 29 mm, 3.85 g, 6 h),...
Price realized:
3000 CHF
Lot 1380
2500 CHF
Michael II Comnenus-Ducas, despot of Epiros, 1237-1271. Aspron Trachy (Silver, 29 mm, 3.57 g, 6 h), Arta. IC-XC Christ...
Price realized:
8500 CHF
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