London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore's 'London Churches Series' Halfpenny, St. James's Clerkenwell, rev. Skidmore Arms, 27mm/12.37gm. (DH 566). St. Giles's, Cripplegate, rev. PMCo cypher, 28.75mm/9.5gm. (DH 576). All Hallows, By the Tower, rev. PMCO cypher, 29mm/13.98gm. (DH 577). St. Nicholas, Cole Abbey, rev. PMCo cypher, 29mm/12.18gm. (DH 582). St. Bride's, Fleet Street, rev. PMCo cypher, 28.75mm/13.63gm. (DH 583a). All good Extremely Fine, second and fourth toned, fifth with full blazing lustre, third with full lustre but lacquered - this with massive edge die crack which soon broke making it very rare 'RR'. [5]
First Ex Baldwin's Basement Feb 2018; Fourth ex 'an old Surrey Col.' via Mark Rasmussen Sep. 2016; Fifth Ex F S Cokayne Col., his ticket - bought 3 Oct 1902, for 7/6. Acquired AHB c 1946.