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XVIIIth Century Tokens (369)
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Stanley Gibbons Baldwin's
Auction 112
11 Oct 2023
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Lot 1062
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - uncertain locality, Peter Anderson, (no info.), Jorden's Halfpenny 1795, Arms of the City of London, rev. PA...
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 1099
Starting price:
150 GBP
London – Hackney, David Rebello, Skidmore's Halfpenny 1795 (made in 1796), Similar to above but on obv. church clock...
Price realized:
170 GBP
Lot 1101
Starting price:
150 GBP
London – Hackney, George Butler, (oil man), Skidmore's collectors' Halfpenny undated, Oil-pot, cask and two brushes,...
Price realized:
170 GBP
Lot 1112
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Hendon, Benjamin Price, Skidmore's mule Halfpenny 1794, Fire grate and Skidmore's advertisement, rev Hendon...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1122
Starting price:
150 GBP
London – Strand, Jasper & Simon Kelly Halfpenny undated, As above but with a tin wash and edge PAYABLE IN ANGLESEY...
Price realized:
350 GBP
Lot 1135
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Bishopsgate, Clement & Samuel Meymott mule Halfpenny 1795, Britannia seated left holding pair of scales, rev....
Price realized:
350 GBP
Lot 1136
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Bishopsgate, Clement & Samuel Meymott mule Halfpenny 1795, Britannia seated left holding pair of scales, rev....
Price realized:
400 GBP
Lot 1137
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Bishopsgate, Clement & Samuel Meymott mule Halfpenny undated, Wheatsheaf, rev. Arms of the City of London,...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1138
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Bishopsgate, Clement & Samuel Meymott mule Halfpenny 1795, Crowned Arms of the City of London, rev. Arms of...
Price realized:
240 GBP
Lot 1143
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Newgate Street, Henry Symonds, William Winterbotham, James Ridgway and Daniel Holt, Kempson' Halfpenny 1795,...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 1153
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Soho, Robert Orchard, Skidmore's mule Halfpenny 1795, Bust of William III right in oaken wreath, rev. Orchard...
Price realized:
360 GBP
Lot 1161
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Strand, Gilbert Pidcock Halfpenny 1796, A rhinoceros standing right, rev. a tiger standing left, edge SPENCE x...
Price realized:
800 GBP
Lot 1162
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Strand, Gilbert Pidcock Halfpenny 1796, a tiger standing left, rev. a two-headed cow, edge SPENCE x DEALER x...
Price realized:
950 GBP
Lot 1165
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Strand, Gilbert Pidcock Halfpenny (1801), Two-headed cow standing right, rev. Kangaroo standing left with baby...
Price realized:
950 GBP
Lot 1167
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Strand, Gilbert Pidcock Farthing undated, African elephant standing left, rev. two-headed cow standing right,...
Price realized:
370 GBP
Lot 1171
Starting price:
150 GBP
London ‑ West Smithfield, Thomas Prattent mule Halfpenny 1796, Cap of Liberty over cable & anchor in shield in oaken...
Price realized:
580 GBP
Lot 1176
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Cornhill, Richardson Goodluck & Co. (stockbrokers and lottery organisers) advertising Halfpenny 1795, Fortune,...
Price realized:
190 GBP
Lot 1178
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Haymarket, Francis Shackleton (tallow chandler) Halfpenny 1794, Royal Arms, rev. candle moulds, edge PAYABLE...
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 1181
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn and Clerkenwell, John Skidmore uniface obverse die trial for his Farthing 1795, Two men working at a...
Price realized:
420 GBP
Lot 1182
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore mule (M Pintosh, Horsham), Halfpenny 1791, Cable & anchor rev. Fire grate, edge...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1183
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore mule (Willam Hallan, Birmingham) Halfpenny 1793, Bust left of Hallan left, rev....
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 1185
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore mule (T Santer, Kidderminster) Halfpenny 1791, Kidderminster arms, rev. Fire-grate,...
Price realized:
170 GBP
Lot 1186
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore mule (J Metcalfe, Bedale) Halfpenny 1792, View of Bedale High Street, rev. Fire-grate,...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1194
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore Political Series Halfpenny 1795, Busts right of king and queen of France, rev....
Price realized:
850 GBP
Lot 1196
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore personal advertising Halfpenny undated, Family Arms in wreath, rev. open bible in palm...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1202
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Covent Garden, Paul Skidmore Social Series mule Halfpenny 1795, St. Paul's church destroyed by fire, rev....
Price realized:
100 GBP
Lot 1226
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, 9-line advertisement, rev. draped bust right of the radical and pro...
Price realized:
300 GBP
Lot 1245
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, A landsman being pressganged into the Navy,1790, rev. Two men boxing,...
Price realized:
520 GBP
Lot 1258
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence bronzed Halfpenny 1796, A Screw Press, rev. Two boxers facing each other, edge SPENCE...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1265
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, Deserted village with derelict houses, rev. Cain slaying Abel, edge...
Price realized:
400 GBP
Lot 1266
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, Deserted village with derelict houses, rev. a shepherd reclining under...
Price realized:
580 GBP
Lot 1267
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, Deserted village with derelict houses, rev. American Indian standing...
Price realized:
750 GBP
Lot 1270
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence bronzed Halfpenny undated, Spaniel dog walking left, rev. A 'free born' Englishman...
Price realized:
750 GBP
Lot 1271
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence bronzed Halfpenny undated, Spaniel dog walking left, rev. A Highlander standing in...
Price realized:
480 GBP
Lot 1272
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, Spaniel dog walking left, rev. Cain slaying Abel, edge SPENCE DEALER...
Price realized:
580 GBP
Lot 1273
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, Spaniel dog walking left, rev. Two boys on a turnstile, edge, plain,...
Price realized:
450 GBP
Lot 1312
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Skidmore Farthing undated, A man (Thomas Paine) hanging from a gibbet, rev. Skidmore family arms,...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 1316
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, A boar standing left advertising 'Pig's meat', trampling on emblems...
Price realized:
400 GBP
Lot 1319
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, A man shackled sitting in gaol, gnawing on a bone, rev. A cock crowing...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 1320
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, A man shackled sitting in gaol, gnawing on a bone, rev. A shepherd...
Price realized:
270 GBP
Lot 1321
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, A man shackled sitting in gaol, gnawing on a bone, rev. A guillotine,...
Price realized:
520 GBP
Lot 1322
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, A sailor standing smoking, holding out a begging bowl, rev. A...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 1323
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, A sailor standing smoking, holding out a begging bowl, rev. A...
Price realized:
210 GBP
Lot 1324
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, A stag bounding past a tree, rev. A snail crawling along the...
Price realized:
950 GBP
Lot 1325
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Draped bust right of the radical John Thelwall, rev. Cap of liberty on...
Price realized:
420 GBP
Lot 1327
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn,Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, Draped bust right of the radical John Thelwall,, rev. Minerva...
Price realized:
180 GBP
Lot 1331
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, Draped bust right of the radical John Thelwall, rev. Two boys on a...
Price realized:
180 GBP
Lot 1332
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn,Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, Draped bust right of the radical John Thelwall, rev. Two boys on a...
Price realized:
350 GBP
Lot 1334
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, Draped bust right of the democrat John Horne-Tooke, rev. Heart in...
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 1340
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Four men dancing around a pole with a severed head on top, rev....
Price realized:
350 GBP
Lot 1341
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Four men dancing around a pole with a severed head on top, rev. Heart...
Price realized:
170 GBP
Lot 1342
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Four men dancing around a pole with a severed head on top, rev....
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1343
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Four men dancing around a pole with a severed head on top, rev. Cock...
Price realized:
170 GBP
Lot 1344
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Four men dancing around a pole with a severed head on top, rev....
Price realized:
550 GBP
Lot 1345
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Two boys on a turnstile rev. crowned anchor between two hearts, edge,...
Price realized:
180 GBP
Lot 1346
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Two boys on a turnstile rev. A Turk standing in national costume,...
Price realized:
230 GBP
Lot 1348
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Laureate bust right of George III. rev. Crowned harp between thistles,...
Price realized:
390 GBP
Lot 1349
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Laureate bust right of George III, rev. Highlander in national dress...
Price realized:
250 GBP
Lot 1372
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - St. Martin's Lane, William Williams, Prattent's mule Halfpenny undated, Wheatsheaf, rev. Prince of Wales...
Price realized:
270 GBP
Lot 1373
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - St. Martin's Lane, William Williams, Prattent's mule Halfpenny undated, cap of Liberty over cable & anchor,...
Price realized:
350 GBP
Lot 1374
Starting price:
150 GBP
London - St. Martin's Lane, William Williams, Prattent's mule Halfpenny 1795, Crowned arms of the City of London, rev....
Price realized:
240 GBP
Lot 1148
Starting price:
140 GBP
London - Islington, Robert Orchard Halfpenny 1798, View of the old Church with Orchard arms above, rev. RO cypher,...
Price realized:
200 GBP
Lot 1188
Starting price:
140 GBP
London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore mule (specious token Emsworth) Halfpenny undated, Uniformed bust left of Adm. Earl...
Price realized:
160 GBP
Lot 1191
Starting price:
140 GBP
London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore mule (WGM Salisbury) Halfpenny 1791/5, Two men working at a forge, rev. WGM cypher,...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1192
Starting price:
140 GBP
London - Holborn, Paul Skidmore mule (King & Queen of France, Nat. Ser.) Halfpenny 1793/5, Two men working at a forge,...
Price realized:
150 GBP
Lot 1261
Starting price:
140 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, Deserted village with derelict houses, rev. Britannia seated left...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 1262
Starting price:
140 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, Deserted village with derelict houses, rev. Cock crowing over skulking...
Price realized:
270 GBP
Lot 1263
Starting price:
140 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, Deserted village with derelict houses, rev. A Highlander standing in...
Price realized:
450 GBP
Lot 1264
Starting price:
140 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, the same as above but bronzed, 30mm/12.59gm. (DH 745). Very well struck...
Price realized:
350 GBP
Lot 1306
Starting price:
140 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1790, Two men standing and cheering a pile of land titles and deeds going up...
Price realized:
250 GBP
Lot 1377
Starting price:
140 GBP
London & Middlesex, Unknown Issuer Halfpenny 1792.Bust left of Shakespeare, rev. Commerce seated left, ship to left,...
Price realized:
420 GBP
Lot 1113
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Hendon, Benjamin Price, Skidmore's Farthing (struck from halfpenny dies) 1794, Bust left of David Garrick of...
Price realized:
800 GBP
Lot 1250
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, A landsman being pressganged into the Navy, rev. A 'free born'...
Price realized:
550 GBP
Lot 1251
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, A landsman being pressganged into the Navy, rev. Heart in hand in olive...
Price realized:
300 GBP
Lot 1252
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, A landsman being pressganged into the Navy rev. American Indian...
Price realized:
500 GBP
Lot 1253
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, A landsman being press-ganged into the Navy, rev. Cock crowing over a...
Price realized:
350 GBP
Lot 1254
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, A landsman being press-ganged into the Navy, rev. the Head of Geo. III...
Price realized:
300 GBP
Lot 1268
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, Caduceus within 6-line legend, rev. Spaniel dog walking left, edge...
Price realized:
480 GBP
Lot 1283
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1798, Draped bust right of the radical and pro-republican MP Charles Fox,...
Price realized:
290 GBP
Lot 1293
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, Head of George III conjoined with that of an ass, rev. Draped bust...
Price realized:
300 GBP
Lot 1295
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, Heads of Pitt frowning and Fox laughing, conjoined rev. Cain slaying...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1301
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1790, Another the same but edge. totally engrailed, 29.25mm/8.89gm. (DH...
Price realized:
260 GBP
Lot 1305
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1795, Two men standing and cheering a pile of land titles and deeds going up...
Price realized:
250 GBP
Lot 1333
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, Draped bust right of the radical John Thelwall, rev. Three fusiliers...
Price realized:
200 GBP
Lot 1339
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Four men dancing around a pole with a severed head on top, rev. Thos....
Price realized:
850 GBP
Lot 1347
Starting price:
130 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1796, Two boys on a turnstile rev. A Westminster Scholar standing in gown...
Price realized:
180 GBP
Lot 1116
Starting price:
120 GBP
London Holborn, Christopher Ibberson (Coaching Inns owner) bronzed proof Halfpenny undated, St. George & dragon with...
Price realized:
120 GBP
Lot 1117
Starting price:
120 GBP
London Holborn, Christopher Ibberson, Taylor's bronzed proof Halfpenny (early 19th. c. restrike) undated, St. George &...
Price realized:
130 GBP
Lot 1118
Starting price:
120 GBP
London Holborn, Christopher Ibberson, Taylor's white-metal proof Halfpenny (early 19th. c. restrike) undated, The same...
Price realized:
280 GBP
Lot 1128
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Strand, Philip Asley at the Lyceum (circus owner) advertising Halfpenny (1795), Man dressed as Mercury...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 1129
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - James Fittler (no info.) Halfpenny undated, Mail Coach, four-in-hand rev. Inscription to J Palmer in palm...
Price realized:
550 GBP
Lot 1133
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Bishopsgate, Clement & Samuel Meymott Halfpenny 1795, Similar to above but no crosses in obv. leg.,...
Price realized:
230 GBP
Lot 1164
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Strand, Gilbert Pidcock Halfpenny 1801, Zebra standing right, rev. Orange Crested Cockatoo, edge plain,...
Price realized:
700 GBP
Lot 1224
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny 1794, His bare bust left, rev. Officer shaking hands with two civilians, edge...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1227
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, 9-line advertisement, rev. Minerva standing half right holding Cap...
Price realized:
260 GBP
Lot 1228
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, 9-line advertisement rev. a Spaniard standing right in national...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1231
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, 9-line advertisement, rev. A Turk standing facing right in national...
Price realized:
380 GBP
Lot 1232
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, 9-line advertisement, rev. A Westminster Scholar standing in gown...
Price realized:
320 GBP
Lot 1233
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, 9-line advertisement, rev. the same, edge plain, 28.5mm/10.1gm. (DH...
Price realized:
350 GBP
Lot 1234
Starting price:
120 GBP
London - Holborn, Thomas Spence Halfpenny undated, 9-line advertisement, rev. A Brideswell Boy standing with cane...
Price realized:
170 GBP
Question about this auction?
Contact Stanley Gibbons Baldwin's
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