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Leu Numismatik AG
Web Auction 28
9-14 Dec 2023
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Browsing category Weights
Lot 5148
Starting price:
100 CHF
GREEK. Circa 4th-1st centuries BC. Weight of 2 Minai (Lead, 84x76 mm, 957.00 g). Monogram of 'MB'. Rev. Blank. CPAI -....
Price realized:
100 CHF
Lot 5149
Starting price:
75 CHF
ROMAN. Circa 1st-2nd centuries. Weight (?) (Lead, 50 mm, 101.67 g). Facing head of Jupiter supported by eagle with...
Price realized:
420 CHF
Lot 5150
Starting price:
100 CHF
ROMAN. Valentinian II, with Theodosius I and Arcadius, 375-392. Weight of 12 Scripula or 12 Grammata (Orichalcum, 17x17...
Price realized:
380 CHF
Lot 5151
Starting price:
50 CHF
BYZANTINE. Konstantinos, eparch of Constantinopolis, circa 6th century. Weight of 1 Semissis (Glass, 18 mm, 1.54 g)....
Price realized:
700 CHF
Lot 5152
Starting price:
50 CHF
BYZANTINE. Uncertain eparch of Constantinopolis, circa 6th century. Weight of 1 Semissis (Glass, 18 mm, 2.15 g)....
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 5153
Starting price:
150 CHF
BYZANTINE. Circa 4th-6th centuries. Weight of 3 Ounkia (Orichalcum, 33x33 mm, 80.25 g). Three ornamented arches, one...
Price realized:
550 CHF
Lot 5154
Starting price:
50 CHF
ISLAMIC. Circa 10-13th centuries. Weight of 20 Dirhams (Bronze, 23x18 mm, 58.64 g). A coin weight in the form of a...
Price realized:
180 CHF
Lot 5155
Starting price:
50 CHF
ISLAMIC. Circa 10-13th centuries. Weight of 20 Dirhams (Bronze, 22x19 mm, 59.08 g). A coin weight in the form of a...
Price realized:
60 CHF
Lot 5156
Starting price:
25 CHF
ISLAMIC. Circa 10-13th centuries. Weight of 10 Dirhams (Bronze, 14x14 mm, 28.88 g). A coin weight in the form of a cube...
Price realized:
40 CHF
Lot 5157
Starting price:
25 CHF
ISLAMIC. Circa 10-13th centuries. Weight of 5 Dirhams (Bronze, 11x11 mm, 14.33 g). A coin weight in the form of a cube...
Price realized:
25 CHF
Lot 5158
Starting price:
25 CHF
ISLAMIC. Circa 10-13th centuries. Weight of 5 Dirhams (Bronze, 11x11 mm, 13.66 g). A coin weight in the form of a cube...
Price realized:
30 CHF
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