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Myntkompaniet/AB Philea Coin Auction 13
Auction date: 11 Nov 2017
AB Philea/Myntkompaniet
Svartensgatan 6
SE-116 20 Stockholm
Saturday 11 November
11:00 - Sweden (lot numbers 1-386)
14:00 - Other Nordic Countries and the rest of the world (lot numbers 387-656)
Lot viewing:
Viewing takes place at our office:
Thursday 9 November 12:00-19:00
Friday 10 November 10:00-19:00
Saturday 11 November from 9:30 onwards
All times are Central European Summer Time
If you have questions about this auction, please contact:
AB Philea
Svartensgatan 6
SE-116 20 Stockholm
Phone: +46-8-640 09 78
Fax: +46-8-643 22 38
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