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 Auction Location, Timetable, and Lot Viewing Details

A. Karamitsos Auction 984
Auction date: 12-13 Jun 2021


A.Karamitsos International Auctions
34, Tsimiski str. - Thessaloniki
tel.: +30 2310 264366
fax: +30 2310 274031


Day 1
Start of Live session: Saturday, June 12, 2021, 10.30 EET
Absentee bids accepted until: Saturday, June 12, 2021, 08.30 EET

Lots 6001-6774 - Starting time 10:30
Lots 6114, 6388 & 6540 will be followed each by a small break (approximately 15 minutes)

Day 2
Start of Live session: Sunday, June 13, 2021, 10.30 EET
Absentee bids accepted until: Sunday, June 13, 2021, 08.30 EET

Lots 6775-7498 - Starting time 10:30
Lots 7066 & 7294 will be followed each by a small break (approximately 15 minutes)

Lot viewing:

A.Karamitsos International Auctions
Monday, 10 May 2021 - Friday, 11 June 2021

 Contact Details

If you have questions about this auction, please contact:

34 Tsimiski str.
54623 Thessaloniki

T: (+30) 2310 264 366
F: (+30) 2310 274 031