Syracuse, c. 415-405 BC. Dionysios I, 405-367 BC. Dekadrachm (Silver, 33mm, 43.17g 6), signed on the reverse by Kimon, c. 405-400. Quadriga racing to left, driven by charioteer holding the reins in his left hand and goad with his right; above, Nike flying right to crown the driver; below ground line, panoply of arms arranged on two steps, the lower inscribed, ΑΘΛΑ. Rev. ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩΝ Head of Arethusa to left, wearing a single pendant earring and a pearl necklace, her hair bound in a net behind and with a hair band inscribed ΚΙ over her forehead; swimming around her head, four dolphins: two opposed before her face, one below her neck and one behind her head. Jongkees 7 (dies B/ζ). Nanteuil 357 (this coin). SNG Lloyd 1410 (same dies). A superb piece, in excellent silver and with a clear engraver's signature. Good very fine/extremely fine.
From the Spina Collection and that of H. de Nanteuil, and from the Noto (Falconera) Hoard of 1908 (IGCH 2103).
The dekadrachms of Kimon are among the most beautiful and powerful of all Greek coins. He first portrayed Arethusa as a young and rather innocent looking girl (as Kraay/Hirmer 117) but he almost immediately altered his vision of Arethusa for one, as here, who has a fully adult, imperious beauty of great power. This change must have been made on the orders of Dionysios I, and it must reflect his own personal taste.