BRITISH COINS, Anglo-Saxon, Kings of Mercia, Coenwulf (796-821), Silver Penny, Portrait type, East Anglia, moneyer Wodel, diademed and draped bust right of crude style, breaking beaded inner circle, legend surrounding COENΛVLF/REX M~, lozenge shaped 0 in legend, unbarred A for V in COENVVLF, rev long beaded cross with large annulet and small pellet within at centre, moneyer's name 'Wodel' surrounding in angles PO/d/E/L, lozenge shaped 0 in legend, 1.27g (Naismith E13.2b, this coin; N 368; S 920). Old cabinet tone, a little porosity, otherwise pleasing very fine on a good round flan, rare.
ex Spink Numismatic Circular, October 1993, no.7115, found in East Anglia
Estimate: £1500-2000