Sicily. Syracuse. Gelon, son of Hieron II, 275-215 BC. 8 Litrai (Silver, 22 mm, 7.00 g, 2 h), c. 240. Diademed head of Gelon to left; behind, race torch. Rev. ΣΥΡAKOΣIΟ / ΓEΛΩNOΣ Nike driving biga galloping to right; holding a kentron in her right hand, and the reins in her left; below horses' legs to right, Ε. SNG ANS 896 var. Very rare. Toned. Minor dig on the reverse, otherwise, very fine.
Ex Nomos 14, 17 May 2017, 74 and from the collection of W. F. Stoecklin, Amriswil, Switzerland, acquired prior to 1975.
Gelon was the eldest son of Hieron II and was about 50 when he died, approximately a year before his father. Gelon seems to have hitherto always supported his father and was, of course, his heir; however, after Hannibal's invasions during the Second Punic War, Gelon seems to have wanted to break Syracuse's alliance with the Romans and switch to the Carthaginians. This attempt failed and, very possibly, led to the crown prince's execution; in any event, Gelon died shortly after he made his proposals. This did not save Syracuse since Hiero died little more than a year later; the city passed on to Gelon's stupid and unpopular son Hieronymos who, following his father's plans, switched the city's allegiance to Carthage. As a result, Hieronymos was assassinated and the city became a democracy once again. In the end Rome besieged the city; despite the invention of powerful defensive military machines designed by Archimedes, the city was overrun by the legions and partially destroyed.