SICILY. Syracuse. Deinomenid Tyranny, 485-466 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 25 mm, 17.03 g, 7 h), circa 475-470. Charioteer driving quadriga walking to right, holding goad in his right hand and the reins in his left; above, Nike flying right to crown the horses. Rev. ΣYRΑ-ΚΟΣ-ΙΟ-Ν Diademed head of Arethusa to right, her hair drawn up at the back and wearing pendant earring and pearl necklace; around, four dolphins swimming right. Boehringer 195 (V87/R134). Beautifully toned and of splendid style. Minor die breaks on the obverse and with some minor edge filing from mounting, otherwise, good very fine.
From an old Swiss collection, formed in the mid 20th century, ex Münzen & Medaillen XXVIII, 19-20 June 1964, 57.