KINGS OF THRACE. Lysimachos, 305-281 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27 mm, 17.22 g, 1 h), Lampsakos, circa 297/6-282/1. Diademed head of Alexander the Great to right with horn of Ammon over his ear. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ - ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟY Athena seated left, holding Nike, crowning the king's name, in her right hand and leaning with her left arm on shield decorated with lion's head; behind, transverse spear; in inner left field, monogram of HP; in exergue, crescent to left. Antike Kunst (1967), 469 (this coin). Müller 401. SNG Paris 2540. Thompson 47. Attractively toned, struck in high relief and of particularly fine style. The obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, extremely fine.
From the collection of Regierungsrat Dr. iur. Hans Krähenbühl, privately acquired from Bank Leu on 7 December 1965 (with a photocopy of the original invoice enclosed).