LUCANIA. Poseidonia. Circa 530-500 BC. Nomos (Silver, 28 mm, 7.61 g, 12 h). ΠOM Poseidon, nude but for chlamys draped over both his arms, striding right, brandishing trident held in his right hand and extending his left; cable border. Rev. Same type as the obverse, but incuse and to left; to right, MOΠ (in relief); double rayed border. Antike Kunst (1967), 452 (this coin). Gorini 1. HN Italy 1107. SNG ANS 609. An exceptional piece in outstanding condition, very sharply struck on sound metal and with a spectacular reverse. Two minor edge cracks, otherwise, extremely fine.
From the collections of Regierungsrat Dr. iur. Hans Krähenbühl and of W. Niggeler, Bank Leu/Münzen & Medaillen AG, 3-4 December 1965, 56.
Poseidonia was founded in the late 7th century by Sybaris on the southern shore of the Golfo di Salerno. Named after Poseidon, the city is renowned for its beautiful Archaic coinage, of which this coin is a particularly impressive example, displaying a magnificent and powerful image of the sea god on both the obverse and the reverse. In circa 410/0 BC, Poseidonia was conquered by the Lucani and renamed Paistos. Today, it is best known by its Latin name Paestum and famous for its exceptionally well-preserved Doric temples.