Banknotes - other countries
A group of over 120 railway and other bonds etc. Russia and Bosnia-Hercegovina. RUSSIA. Moscow-Smolensk Railway 200 Thaler 1869. Moscow-Ryazan 1000 Mark 1885 (4x) + 500 Mark 1885 (2x). Orel-Griasi Railway 600 Mark 1887 (9x). South-East Railway 500 Mark 1898. Ryazan-Uralsk Railway 500 Mark 1898. Moscow-Kiev-Voronez Railway 2000 Mark 1895 (3x), 2000 Mark 1909 (13x), 1000 Mark 1909. Black-Sea-Kuban Railway £100 + £20 1911. Kahetian Railway 100 Pounds 1912, 20 Pounds 1912. V.G. Stoll Mechanical Factory share certificate 100 Rubles 1914 (5x). 2nd Russian Internal Loan 100 Rubles 1866 (3x). St.Petersburg/Petrograd Credit Society 100-5000 Rubles 1908-1917 (20x). Banque Foncière de la Noblesse 100 Rubles 1889 (2x). Government short-term 5½% war loan 100-1000 Rubles 1915-1916 (9x). Freedom Loan 500-1000 Rubles 1917 (3x). Provisional Government 200 Rubles 1917. BOSNIA-HERCEGOVINA. 480 Kronen 5% State railway loan of the year 1914 (39x). In total c. 127 pcs. . 1?-1+ (VG-VF)