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Day 1
Batavian Republic (36)
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Netherlands tokens (49)
Misstrikes Netherlands and Euro's (34)
Netherlands Colonial / VOC (64)
Dutch Indies (284)
Netherlands Colonial / Plantation tokens (26)
Netherlands Colonial / Plantation tokens - The Akio Seki Collection (200)
Netherlands Colonial (24)
Netherlands Colonial / Lots VOC (44)
Dutch West-Indies (3)
Surinam (15)
Curaçao (8)
Dutch Antillles (7)
Aruba (4)
Coins of the Netherlands: lots (books and albums) (263)
Coins of the Netherlands and Oversea: lots (books and albums) (51)
Coins of the Netherlands: lots (boxes) (535)
Coins of the Netherlands and Oversea: lots (boxes) (33)
Coins of the Netherlands and Oversea: lots (boxes) - cannot be shipped (33)
Day 2
Jetons (65)
Medals Netherlands (464)
Medals Dutch Indies (6)
Medals Netherlands (books and albums) (42)
Medals world (books and albums) (27)
Medals Netherlands (boxes) (280)
Medals World (boxes) (154)
Medals World (boxes) / cannot be shipped (3)
Orders and decorations Netherlands (14)
Orders and decorations World (4)
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Ancient coinage / Italy (13)
Ancient coinage / Greece (65)
Ancient coinage / Asia Minor and The East (62)
Ancient coinage / North Africa (3)
Ancient coinage / Hellenistic Monarchies (98)
The Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt (12)
Early-Denarius Coinage (ca. 211-155 BC) (1)
Later-Denarius Coinage (ca. 154-41 BC) (11)
Coinage of Julius Caesar, the Triumvirs and their adherents - Julius Caesar (+44 BC) (6)
Coinage of Julius Caesar, the Triumvirs and their adherents - Marcus Antonius (2)
Roman Imperial Coinage (167)
Collection Jeroen van der Meulen (171)
Byzantine Coinage (73)
Ancient coins in lots - Greek / Hellenistic coinage (26)
Ancient coins in lots - Roman coinage (75)
Ancient coins in lots - Celtic Coinage (2)
Ancient coins in lots - Byzantine coinage (7)
Ancient coins in lots - Eastern coinage (18)
Ancient coins in lots - Miscellaneous (31)
Day 3
Spanish Netherlands and Dutch Provincial coinage (1186)
Spanish Netherlands and Dutch Provincial coinage - lots (106)
Day 4
Assignates (3)
Banknotes Netherlands (575)
Banknotes Netherlands Oversea (191)
Banknotes world (569)
Banknotes in lots (books and albums) (371)
Banknotes in lots (boxes) (282)
Gold coins (mail bid only) (623)
Gold medals (mail bid only) (159)
Day 5
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Day 6
World Coins (books and albums) (553)
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Heritage Auctions Europe
Auction 66
16-21 Nov 2020
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Browsing category Medals Netherlands (books and albums)
Lot 2935
Starting price:
200 EUR
Netherlands - Verzamelalbum 'De Canon van Nederland' in zegels en zilver, compleet met 50 zilveren penningen en 50...
Price realized:
290 EUR
Lot 2936
Starting price:
150 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 175 gas- en electrapenningen w.o. Amsterdam 25 ct in zilver
Price realized:
160 EUR
Lot 2937
Starting price:
150 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 86 jubileumpenningen Nederlandse steden, w.o. veel zilver o.a. Zilveren Hendrik 1935, Mokum...
Price realized:
150 EUR
Lot 2938
Starting price:
100 EUR
Netherlands - Album met interessante collectie betaalpenningen w.o. Maasoord, Ministerie van Oorlog (9x), Vredelust,...
Price realized:
200 EUR
Lot 2939
Starting price:
100 EUR
Netherlands - Collectie 'Rembrandt en zijn leerlingen', 37 zilveren penningen (9,5 gram .800) en 37 blokjes van 4...
Price realized:
160 EUR
Lot 2940
Starting price:
100 EUR
Netherlands - Verhuisdoos met collectie penningen 'Nederland in Oorlog' (verzilverd) en 'Ons Vorstenhuis' in 2...
Price realized:
100 EUR
Lot 2941
Starting price:
90 EUR
Netherlands - Collectie 'Rembrandt en zijn leerlingen', 37 zilveren penningen (9,5 gram .800) en 26 blokjes van 4...
Price realized:
150 EUR
Lot 2942
Starting price:
80 EUR
Netherlands - Verzameling van ca. 140 hondenbelastingpenningen w.o. oudere vanaf 1901
Price realized:
80 EUR
Lot 2943
Starting price:
50 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 210 betaal-, automaat-, e.d. penningen w.o. Maasoord en Portugaal
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 2944
Starting price:
45 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 105 inhuldigings- en jubileumpenningen vorstenhuis
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 2945
Starting price:
45 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 245 betaal-, automaat- e.d. penningen
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 2946
Starting price:
45 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 275 automaatpenningen
Lot unsold
Lot 2947
Starting price:
45 EUR
Netherlands - Collectie 'Rembrandt en zijn leerlingen', 17 zilveren penningen (9,5 gram .800) en 18 blokjes van 4...
Price realized:
80 EUR
Lot 2948
Starting price:
40 EUR
Netherlands - Album gedenk-, gas- e.a. penninkjes w.o. Vrede van Rijswijk, 19e-eeuws Engels, Nieuwjaarspenning 1761 in...
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 2949
Starting price:
40 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 225 gedenk-, reclame-, automaat- e.a. penningen waaronder leuke
Lot unsold
Lot 2950
Starting price:
40 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 260 gedenk-, steden-, ecu- e.a. penningen w.o. 3x MvOorlog, 3x StBavo, stortbad, 2x...
Lot unsold
Lot 2951
Starting price:
40 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 270 gedenk-, steden-, school-, ecu-, reclame- en gaspenningen
Lot unsold
Lot 2952
Starting price:
40 EUR
Netherlands - Collectie ECU brieven (nrs 1 tm 42) in 2 albums
Price realized:
40 EUR
Lot 2953
Starting price:
35 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 310 gedenk-, betaal- en winkelwagenpenningen
Lot unsold
Lot 2954
Starting price:
35 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 367 automaat- en reclamepenningen w.o. gas en wasserette
Price realized:
110 EUR
Lot 2955
Starting price:
35 EUR
Netherlands - Collectie 'Rembrandt en zijn leerlingen', 15 zilveren penningen (9,5 gram .800) en 16 blokjes van 4...
Price realized:
70 EUR
Lot 2956
Starting price:
35 EUR
Netherlands - Collectie van 16 bronzen penningen 'Beatrix Collectie' in luxe verzamelmap
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 2957
Starting price:
35 EUR
Netherlands - Collectie van 16 bronzen penningen 'Beatrix Collectie' in luxe verzamelmap - uitgifte KNM
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 2958
Starting price:
30 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 140 betaal-, steden- e.d. penningen
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 2959
Starting price:
30 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 180 betaal- en automaatpenningen
Lot unsold
Lot 2960
Starting price:
30 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 200 moderne gedenk-, steden-, automaat- en reclamepenningen
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 2961
Starting price:
30 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 280 betaal-, reclame- e.d. penningen
Price realized:
60 EUR
Lot 2962
Starting price:
30 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 290 automaatpenningen vnl. koffie, alle verschillend
Lot unsold
Lot 2963
Starting price:
30 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 320 automaatpenningen, alle met Kooij/nummer
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 2964
Starting price:
30 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 335 automaat e.a. betaalpenningen, alle met Kooij-nummer
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 2965
Starting price:
30 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 88 Muntpenningen en ca. 77 vnl. telefoonpenningen
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 2966
Starting price:
25 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 140 moderne penningen w.o. Oranje, ECU's en stedenpenningen
Price realized:
35 EUR
Lot 2967
Starting price:
20 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 150 prijspenningen vnl diertentoonstellingen
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 2968
Starting price:
20 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 220 winkelwagenpenningen
Price realized:
20 EUR
Lot 2969
Starting price:
20 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 240 reclame-, betaal-, automaat- e.d. penningen
Price realized:
20 EUR
Lot 2970
Starting price:
20 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ruim 100 moderne gedenk- en betaalpenningen, iets gas en muntminiaturen
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 2971
Starting price:
20 EUR
Netherlands - Map 'Zilveren Wilhelmina Zegels' en map Ecubrieven - uitgifte KNM
Price realized:
33 EUR
Lot 2972
Starting price:
20 EUR
Netherlands - Verzameling ECU-brieven, tevens iets divers
Price realized:
28 EUR
Lot 2973
Starting price:
15 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 324 gaspenningen Oisterwijk 2½ cent
Price realized:
15 EUR
Lot 2974
Starting price:
15 EUR
Netherlands - Collectie ECU brieven (nrs 1 tm 42) in 2 albums
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 2975
Starting price:
10 EUR
Netherlands - Album met ca. 100 betaal-, reclame- e.d. penningen
Price realized:
20 EUR
Lot 2976
Starting price:
Netherlands - Collectie 16 ECU brieven in album
Price realized:
13 EUR
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