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Day 1
Batavian Republic (53)
Netherlands Napoleon (12)
Netherlands Kingdom (329)
Misstrikes (6)
Netherlands Colonial / VOC (32)
Dutch Indies (59)
Netherlands Colonial / Plantation tokens (30)
Netherlands Colonial / VOC - Lots (23)
Nederlands West-Indië (2)
Suriname (12)
Curaçao (5)
Nederlandse Antillen (9)
Aruba (2)
Coins Netherlands in albums (78)
Coins Netherlands in albums: Euros (22)
Coins Netherlands and Oversea in albums (15)
Coins Netherlands Oversea in albums (3)
Coins Netherlands in boxes (186)
Coins Netherlands in boxes: Euros (44)
Coins Netherlands and Oversea in boxes (23)
Coins Netherlands Oversea in boxes (4)
Coins Netherlands in large boxes - cannot be shipped (5)
Coins Netherlands and Oversea in large boxes - cannot be shipped (3)
Coins Netherlands and Oversea in large boxes: kilos - cannot be shipped (5)
Day 2
Jetons - Collection Frans Peters part II (240)
Jetons - Miscellaneous (33)
Jetons - Miscellaneous - Lots (4)
Medals Netherlands (174)
Medals Netherlands - Tokens en leads (25)
Divers (1)
Medals Netherlands (books and albums) (40)
Medals world (books and albums) (72)
Medals Netherlands (boxes) (131)
Medals World (boxes) (179)
Medals World (boxes) / cannot be shipped (4)
Orders and decorations - Netherlands (11)
Orders and decorations - World (12)
Orders and decorations in lots (16)
Miscellaneous (93)
Gold coins - mail bid sale on Monday 16 May (148)
Gold medals - mail bid sale on Monday 16 May (73)
Day 3
Spanish Netherlands and Dutch Provincial coinage (714)
Spanish Netherlands and Dutch Provincial coinage - lots (39)
Ancient coinage / Celts (14)
Ancient coinage / Italy (3)
Ancient coinage / Greece (6)
Ancient coinage / The East (4)
Ancient coinage / Hellenistic (13)
Roman Republican Coinage (27)
Roman Imperial Coinage (478)
Ancient coinage / Miscellaneous (4)
Byzantine Coinage (17)
Ancient coins in lots - Greek / Hellenistic coinage (35)
Ancient coins in lots - Roman coinage (150)
Ancient coins in lots - Byzantine coinage (12)
Ancient coins in lots - Miscellaneous (48)
Day 4
Banknotes Netherlands (394)
Banknotes Netherlands - Miscellaneous (28)
Prints (7)
Banknotes Netherlands Oversea (86)
Banknotes world (559)
Banknotes in lots (books and albums) (175)
Banknotes in lots (boxes) (183)
Day 5
World Coins (single lots) (1795)
Day 6
Lots World Coins (books and albums) (349)
Lots World Coins (boxes) (697)
Lots World Coins (large boxes, cannot be shipped) (73)
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Heritage Auctions Europe
Auction 74
16-21 May 2022
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Browsing category Medals Netherlands (books and albums)
Lot 1478
Starting price:
170 EUR
Collection medals 'Rembrandt en zijn leerlingen in zegels en zilver' (not complete)
Price realized:
190 EUR
Lot 1479
Starting price:
120 EUR
Stedenpenningen (Municipal jubilee medals) - Lot of ca. 293 medals
Price realized:
120 EUR
Lot 1480
Starting price:
50 EUR
Album containing ca. 172 advertising, gas/electra a.o. tokens, some 'boord- and inrichtinggeld'
Price realized:
60 EUR
Lot 1481
Starting price:
40 EUR
Two albums with appr. 164 religious medals 19th-20th century
Price realized:
80 EUR
Lot 1482
Starting price:
40 EUR
Album met ca. 110 gas- en electrapenningen
Price realized:
65 EUR
Lot 1483
Starting price:
40 EUR
Album with approx. 110 medals Royal House: inauguration and jubilee medals; also modern, some large format or gilt,...
Price realized:
160 EUR
Lot 1484
Starting price:
40 EUR
Album with approx. 360 medals mainly vending machine tokens, dog taks tokens; some Germany, Belgium
Price realized:
40 EUR
Lot 1485
Starting price:
30 EUR
Map 'Beatrix Collectie' containing 16 bronze medals - edition KNM
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 1486
Starting price:
30 EUR
Collection 'Pracht Parelsnoeren', 12 silvered medals in Coincards in spec. album, issued by KNM
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 1487
Starting price:
30 EUR
Collection 'Kroon collectie', 12 brass medals in Coincards in spec. album, issued by KNM
Price realized:
60 EUR
Lot 1488
Starting price:
30 EUR
Album containing about 205 payment- and advertising tokens (o.a. gaspenningen, boordgeld, Min v Oorlog, Inrichtingen)
Price realized:
35 EUR
Lot 1489
Starting price:
30 EUR
Collection various Dutch medals in coincards incl. Geluksdubbeltje, Dubbelkop Gulden & 2½ GuldenSail, Nijntje etc.,...
Price realized:
260 EUR
Lot 1490
Starting price:
30 EUR
Album containing ca. 232 advertising, coffee a.o. tokens and medals
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 1491
Starting price:
30 EUR
Album containing ca. 264 advertising, coffee a.o. machine tokens
Price realized:
30 EUR
Lot 1492
Starting price:
25 EUR
Collectie medals 'Beatrix Collectie' in luxury collection folder - issued by KNM
Price realized:
55 EUR
Lot 1493
Starting price:
25 EUR
Album containing ca. 320 modern commemorative medals, vending tokens etc.
Price realized:
28 EUR
Lot 1494
Starting price:
25 EUR
Album memorial-, advertising- a.o. medals incl. Demka and coin weight guineas
Price realized:
70 EUR
Lot 1495
Starting price:
20 EUR
Two albums with appr. 147 religious medals, pendants, etc.
Price realized:
40 EUR
Lot 1496
Starting price:
20 EUR
Album met ca. 250 gedenk- reclame- en automaatpenningen w.o. Oranje-2000 set en Bleijensteinse duit
Price realized:
65 EUR
Lot 1497
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album medals incl. Waiters token 50 Buitensocieteit Arnhem (Kooij CC009-5)
Price realized:
45 EUR
Lot 1498
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album with appr. 97 prize medals walking clubs Noord-Holland
Price realized:
20 EUR
Lot 1499
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album with appr. 98 prize medals walking clubs Zuid-Holland
Price realized:
25 EUR
Lot 1500
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album with appr. 114 prize medals walking clubs Friesland
Price realized:
15 EUR
Lot 1501
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album with appr. 129 prize medals mainly walking clubs Friesland
Price realized:
18 EUR
Lot 1502
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album with appr. 145 prize medals walking clubs Overijssel
Price realized:
25 EUR
Lot 1503
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album with appr. 76 prize medals walking clubs mainly Gelderland
Price realized:
15 EUR
Lot 1504
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album with appr. 127 prize medals walking clubs Drenthe
Price realized:
15 EUR
Lot 1505
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album with appr. 125 prize medals walking clubs Drenthe
Price realized:
15 EUR
Lot 1506
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album with participant- and memorial pennants incl. 14e Elfstedentocht 1986, match Hoogeveen - Nrd.Ned. Militair Elftal...
Lot unsold
Lot 1507
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album met ca. 110 vnl. steden- en wat ecu-penningen
Price realized:
38 EUR
Lot 1508
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album containing 300 payment- and advertising tokens (Shell, BP, Mintset medallets)
Price realized:
15 EUR
Lot 1509
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album containing ca. 210 payment- and advertising tokens (Oud Antwerpen, Expo 1935, casino tokens)
Price realized:
28 EUR
Lot 1510
Starting price:
15 EUR
Album containing ca. 220 payment- and advertising tokens
Price realized:
25 EUR
Lot 1511
Starting price:
10 EUR
Album with appr. 65 prize medals mainly walking clubs
Price realized:
10 EUR
Lot 1512
Starting price:
10 EUR
Album with participant pennants cycling, walking
Lot unsold
Lot 1513
Starting price:
10 EUR
Album containing ca. 122 prize medals for skating tours
Price realized:
18 EUR
Lot 1514
Starting price:
10 EUR
two albums: ca. 70 prize medals for walking tours and ca. 74 Mintset/ Mintmuseum visitors medals
Lot unsold
Lot 1515
Starting price:
Album with appr. 52 prize medals walking clubs Groningen, Utrecht
Price realized:
13 EUR
Lot 1516
Starting price:
Album with appr. 88 prize medals swimming
Price realized:
Lot 1517
Starting price:
Album containing approx. 54 medals incl. royal house and municipal jubilee tokens
Price realized:
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