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Macho & Chlapovič
Auction 30 eLive
24-27 Apr 2023
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Browsing category Arpad Dynasty | Arpaden
Lot 1324
Starting price:
20 EUR
Coloman, Arpad Dynasty Denar (2 pcs) Koloman, Arpaden Denar (2 Stk) Koloman, Arpadovci Denár (2 ks) Ag,...
Price realized:
36 EUR
Lot 1325
Starting price:
20 EUR
Coloman, Arpad Dynasty Denar (2 pcs) Koloman, Arpaden Denar (2 Stk) Koloman, Arpadovci Denár (2 ks) Huszár...
Price realized:
44 EUR
Lot 1326
Starting price:
10 EUR
Stephen II, Arpad Dynasty Denar (2 pcs) Stephan II., Arpaden Denar (2 Stk) Štefan II., Arpadovci Denár (2 ks) ...
Price realized:
28 EUR
Lot 1327
Starting price:
20 EUR
Béla II, Arpad Dynasty Denar (3 pcs) Béla II., Arpaden Denar (3 Stk) Belo II., Arpadovci Denár (3 ks) good...
Price realized:
48 EUR
Lot 1328
Starting price:
20 EUR
Géza II, Arpad Dynasty Denar (2 pcs) Géza II., Arpaden Denar (2 Stk) Gejza II., Arpadovci Denár (2 ks) ...
Price realized:
50 EUR
Lot 1329
Starting price:
10 EUR
Béla III, Arpad Dynasty Ae coin Béla III., Arpaden Ae Münze Belo III., Arpadovci Ae mince VF / VF
Price realized:
42 EUR
Lot 1330
Starting price:
10 EUR
Béla IV, Arpad Dynasty Denar (4 pcs) Béla IV., Arpaden Denar (4 Stk) Belo IV., Arpadovci Denár (4 ks) Ag, ...
Price realized:
60 EUR
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